Author Topic: Aspect suggestions  (Read 2041 times)

Offline colclough89

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Aspect suggestions
« on: December 04, 2016, 04:35:15 PM »
Hey all, I was looking for some advice on interesting aspects for a PC I'm making.  Going to be a wizard/former warden, starting 10 refresh.  Has some history behind him (140 years or so).  Here are the major points...
    born 1868
    Talent emerged around 12 (family threw him out upon discovery).
    Taken in and trained by an asshat Russian warden.
    Joined wardens in 1896 (around 30)
    Married a mortal woman in 1953.
    Had a son a year later.
    At the event known as kemmlers last stand (like pretty much everyone in the wc but a notable event all the same I think)
    1966 his son starts showing signs of talent (around 12-13) and he starts to train him.

    This is the big part
    1968 or so, his son finds and starts hanging with some "friends".  All relatively minor talents.  My PC is generally away doing warden things, and since his son isn't really open about it, he dosent notice.
    Thing is , these "friends" are part of a kind of cult, a "magi supremacy" thing (essentially like a neo nazi group but with magic)
    The son gets deeper and deeper into it without really realizing, and eventually does something with his friends and breaks the first law.
    Wardens find out, and after scouting it out a bit realize whose son is involved (no special treatment mind you, but my PC wasn't really close to the chest about it.)
    So luccio dosent tell my PC about the gathering strike force (see large cult for why a strike force would be warranted) and they barge in, kill the ones who resist some managed to escape, and bag the rest for trial.
    PC finds out, gets to the trial, and finds himself watching his son being sentenced to death.
    At this time PC guy is a major hardcase where the laws and council are concerned (kinda like Morgan.). Having failed his son, but not really being able to get him out, and acknowledging the necessity, he takes his sons head himself.  Afterwards, he uses his sight to look at the corpse, cleans his blade, throws his cloak in luccios face and walks out on the wardens and council (he keeps the blade).
    His wife hangs herself about a week after he tells her what happened.
    Fast forward to present and he's basically an old bitter asshole who has been trying to find and hunt down all the remaining cult members.  It's pretty much his thing at this point.  He has had no contact with the wc/ and has done his damnedest to stay out of the current conflict.  (The assumption is that since he really hasn't used his magic much in the past 40-50 years it's atrophied some and that's why he's that old and at that level of skill.)

    Sorry for the extended post, but I really suck at good/interesting aspects.  The only ones I have so far are
    HC: Walkout Warden (he may not be a wc member anymore, but I figured 100+ years of respecting and enforcement of the laws dosent just go away)
    Trouble: Not Right, but Necessary (he killed his own son to do what was necessary for the laws, but he doesn't have to like it.  As we've seen in the books morality dosent really enter into it)
    Other: Ive SEEN worse than that.

    So opinions, thoughts, suggestions would be welcome.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Aspect suggestions
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2016, 05:54:08 AM »
Being 140 years old is a pretty defining character trait. Should definitely be an Aspect referencing that. How does he feel about new technology, new philosophies, new takes on old religions...? Does he have random old-fashioned skills?

You'll also want an Aspect referencing the cult specifically, so the GM has something to Compel when they want to draw you into a fight with them.

Something referencing a long history and a lot of regrets might be good too. If you've been a lot of places, done a lot of things, and made a lot of mistakes, it opens up a lot of space for Invokes and Compels. Might overlap too much with I'VE SEEN WORSE THAN THAT, though.

If you want phrasings, I suggest LIVING FOSSIL, VENGEANCE FOR <son's name>, and A CENTURY OF REGRETS.