Author Topic: Sponsored nature magic  (Read 2483 times)

Offline potestas

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Sponsored nature magic
« on: June 05, 2016, 01:20:12 AM »
has anyone given thought to what this might entail. I saw plant magic listed in the home brewed sponsored list that's close i think but what would Gaia sponsored magic look like. Not self sponsored, but sentiate earth sponsored maybe.

Offline Theogony_IX

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Re: Sponsored nature magic
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2016, 06:20:03 AM »
Consider power sponsored by both Mother Winter and Mother Summer. The fundament of life cycling into death in order to create more life, always in balance, nothing wasted.  The agenda would probably be to preserve this balance, to turn death into renewed life, and to promote the survival only of those who are most fit for their environment (meaning to cull those who are not).

Offline potestas

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Re: Sponsored nature magic
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2016, 01:25:56 PM »
i was thinking this too, but id really like to get away from the fey and have something less then balance orientation. The cycle of life death and rebirth is kind of covered with the fey. What does earth want. it supports all life things die but that could be seen as a corruption of life. I was thinking something that was anti death anti outsider anti undeath. Something that supports the normal(including human magic but not inhuman things and we should include normal animals in this as well they can be seen as victims to the unnatural things outside of this world as well). Humans that over developed or predators that over consume would also need to be restored. So a balance aspect that is geared toward sustaining life but not encouraging life's corruption. And i would think we would need to make it sentient and on par with the mothers on its own. So Gaia naturally springs to mind or any other earth based deity I suppose. I might me describing God as well but he works through other beings in this fiction.So who does God worth through to preseve the earth from the the outsiders and the nevernever.

Offline RonLugge

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Re: Sponsored nature magic
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2016, 02:29:59 PM »
So who does God worth through to preseve the earth from the the outsiders and the nevernever.

Bit of a spoiler, but...

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Offline Haru

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Re: Sponsored nature magic
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2016, 03:20:55 PM »
For "protecting the nevernever", I had a concept for a whole other world once that might work here.

The idea was this: There are "wanderers", ordinary humans who constantly feel the need to travel. What they and most others don't know is that they are linked to the magic of the world, the way they are drawn is such that it shifts the magic around on the planet, so that it is distributed best.

There could be similar people for the nevernever. They are linked to the walls but not consciously, they are simply drawn to where the walls are weak or leaking and they stay there until their presence fixes things.
But sometimes a wanderer might become aware, because the problem is so dire that it needs conscious actions to repair it.

When it comes to Gaia, you're eventually going to run into the Sidhe, because that's pretty much the niche they fill. Then again, Gaia might still be around, she's just lost a lot of her power and is now a genius loci that the character stumbled upon. She can't leave her land, but she can bestow some of her power onto an emissary.

I would say that such magic would encompass a mixture of seelie and unseelie magic, since I would say that's where it comes from in the first place. However, you wouldn't just have both, you'd need to go with the flow of nature. Not only the seasons, but also the problem at hand. You can't solve a problem of overgrowth with Summer and you can't solve a problem of stagnation with winter. So solving a problem of stagnation would be a lot easier in summer, for example.
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