Author Topic: Builders vs Crystals  (Read 4783 times)

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Builders vs Crystals
« on: May 14, 2016, 06:10:42 PM »
I love TAW! Great opening book from an author at the top of his game. Accessible but dense. With an eye to unpacking, what does everyone think about the history of crystal tech? Obviously its been around for at least a thousand years given the age of certain power crystals and the Lancaster knowledge of the distant past. But the Sprearch's authority only goes back 200 years to Gregor the Strong uniting the Habbles. Other Spires are going to have different Spire histories which would allow the tech to keep going despite occasional disruption in an individual Spire. But I wanna know if the Builders had Crystal tech or simply used the Spirestone itself to manipulate the ether. I like to think it came after the Builders left.

Imagine the first human to join a power and lift crystal, climb on, muttering prayers to the Merciful Builders that 3 was enough trim crystals.
I'm not a Fanboy, I just Squee a lot.

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