Author Topic: Publishing Schedule News! Edit: APRIL FOOL!  (Read 12281 times)

Offline Priscellie

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Publishing Schedule News! Edit: APRIL FOOL!
« on: April 01, 2015, 05:03:20 AM »

New York, NY

Due to readers' frustration with the wait between books, Jim Butcher and his editor at Penguin Random House are taking inspiration from one of their favorite film trilogies and declaring a temporary hiatus on publication of the Dresden Files novels.

"I think Peter Jackson had the right idea with the Lord of the Rings movies," Butcher explained. "The trilogy took eight years to make. You can't expect an audience to wait that long between installments. It made more sense to film all three movies simultaneously, then release them back to back. That's what I'd like to do."

He continued, "I mean, these books take a long time to craft.  Each novel is its own challenge with new complexities, and 'Skin Game' was almost double the length of 'Storm Front'.  Brandon Sanderson was kind enough to hook me up with the xenobiologists who grew his hybrid army of alien writer clones, but until these pupae mature, I'm just one man."

Jim will be writing case books 16 through 20ish all at once, then releasing them six months apart.  Then, taking inspiration from Jackson's treatment of The Hobbit, Butcher will split the final Apocalyptic Trilogy into fifteen books, also written simultaneously and released on the same schedule.

Look for "Peace Talks" on April 1st, 2027.

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« Last Edit: April 03, 2015, 05:13:04 PM by Priscellie »