I find it interesting that the Outer Gates are gates, and not just a wall. Whoever built them must have intended that they be opened at some point. So maybe the Outside isn't as universally bad as it seems. Or maybe the gate-builders didn't have the universe's best interests at heart.
It might just be that a wall wouldn't work, because it would eventually collapse under the pressure of the outsiders pushing in. By building a gate, you've not only got a pressure valve, but you have a dedicated place where the outsiders will come in, so you know where to put your armies to counter them. It might not be a perfect solution, but it might be the only one that works.
It could also be that, in addition, it might be possible to open smaller gates to let outsiders in. If you cut yourself off completely, this might still be possible, and when you have a gate, you can send these things back, if you can't kill them.
Likewise, it might be that there is a way to stop the outsiders, but only from outside. As such, someone needs to get out there and do it. Better build a gate to do that. Or maybe someone is outside and they are keeping the door open for them.
Tons of possibilities.
PS: It seems you accidentally posted two topics, so I merged them. Never done that before...actually, I think that was the first actual moderation I've done in months. This is a pretty quiet place.
Who'd want to anger a warden? Not me, sir, that's for sure. Nothing violating the laws of magic. I would never.
(He said after speculating at length on the nature of the outer gates.
