Author Topic: Workshops  (Read 2010 times)

Offline Hogeyhead

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« on: March 29, 2016, 11:04:04 PM »
So, I was re-reading this section/sections in the book again, and I think I understand now how they work, but just to make sure I'm asking: So if I have say a crafting workshop quality 3 and I spend time x (gm decision) I end up with a craft 3 effect with no roll. Is this right? If so that's really cool.

Offline Taran

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Re: Workshops
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2016, 01:26:45 AM »
huh...I never read it like that, but that might be a better way of doing it because the current rules, as I read them, are crap.

From how I read it, if you have a crafting workshop of 3, it means that you CANNOT create anything higher than quality 3.

The same goes with Libraries.  Assuming you failed your preliminary attempt to "already know this information" and you are now required to research it, if your Library is quality 3 but the answer requires you to get a result of 5, you cannot actually research that information because your Library does not contain the information.  You'd have to find a Library Quality: 5 before you can even attempt to succeed.

Your way seems way more useful.  Please give me the page number where you read this.

Offline wyvern

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Re: Workshops
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2016, 08:45:20 PM »
I'm pretty sure that's a houserule.  That said, I think it's a good (+3!) houserule, and one I'd be happy to use in games I ran.

Offline Hogeyhead

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Re: Workshops
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2016, 02:14:28 AM »
It's just there is a line in there that says that well given the right tools and enough time, you -will- succeed not you will get a reroll, you succeed. It's under resources in skills, with some parts in scholarship.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Workshops
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2016, 02:32:11 AM »
I think that refers to the rules for taking extra time. One step down the time chart for every shift you failed by.

I've never actually seen anyone use the workspace/library rules. A PC can often answer Superb questions off the top of their head, but the workspace rules claim that only the greatest libraries will let you answer such a difficult question through research. I find that silly, and it seems that everyone else does too.

Offline Taran

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Re: Workshops
« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2016, 01:51:35 PM »
I could see using the rules if there's a specific bit of information you want the party to hunt for....but that could just be done with a compel

Offline Theogony_IX

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Re: Workshops
« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2016, 04:58:25 PM »
Yeah, I think workshops, libraries, labs are only useful if the GM restricts knowledge.  IMO, your character needs to have a reason to know something before they should be allowed to roll to know that thing.

For example, my character is a world class mechanic, can put an internal combustion engine together with a rubber band, two paper clips, a penny, and a roll of duct tape.  Somehow he finds himself in need of knowing how a laser works, creating a trap or whatever.  My character's Scholarship and Craftsmanship are both pretty high, but a GM that restricts knowledge wouldn't simply let me roll to know exactly how to create a laser.  My character's Scholarship and Craftsmanship are somewhat restricted to my area of expertise . . . mechanics, not physics.  So in this case, I need to find a library.  The University library fits the bill perfectly, so I go and do research (exposing my character to possible complications).  But here again, we run into another problem.  My character is poor so he doesn't have access to the proper tools and materials to create a laser.  No doing it with rubber bands this time.  Well darn, better find another plan.

Or . . . say my character also has a high resources skill and has upgraded his workshop a time or two, so he has a +5 workshop.  The GM says, your workshop will have the tools and materials to create a laser.  Sweet, now I can make a laser for my trap rather than running a length of fishing wire which would likely have gotten me caught setting up the trap . . . or whatever.

So yeah, I think the RAW could be implemented to good effect, it just depends if the players are on board for restrictions like that.