Author Topic: Consotium sequel  (Read 6680 times)

Offline mattig89ch

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Consotium sequel
« on: January 21, 2016, 02:46:30 PM »
Hidy ho all,

I came here a while back to start discussing the dresden files.  And I've had some really interesting conversations over on the dresden files spoiler board.

But my hobby is playing video games.  I know, your shocked.  A forum go-er, and a fan of a fantasy series likes to play video games.  I'm breaking all kinds of molds and archetypes. /sarcasm

I came across a little gem of a game called consortium a while back, and enjoyed it far more then I probably should have.  Branching narrative, multiple endings based off what you (the player) do.  Mysteries, interesting settings, characters that were funny and interesting at the same time.  It has it all.  There were more then a few times I was laughing based off reactions to dialog choices.

Now the same company that made it is trying to make a sequel, and has started up a kickstarter ( to fund it.  Its gotten some great press from rock paper shotgun, the escapist, pc gamer, kotaku, and a few others.  But, They still need more backers.

So I'm asking, anyone and/or everyone.  Please go to the kickstarter page, take a look through the posts, videos, and (if you can) give them a few bucks.

Its not paranoia, its common sense.

Offline mattig89ch

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Re: Consotium sequel
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2016, 04:59:25 PM »
Kickstarter is going strong.

They even had a thunderclap (event?) happen.  750 folks signed up for it.

Wish I had a social media account so I could have helped with that event.

Its not paranoia, its common sense.