Author Topic: Killing the Summer Lady  (Read 2673 times)

Offline dragoonbuster

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Killing the Summer Lady
« on: January 19, 2016, 08:04:36 PM »
In Summer Knight, Harry uses Toot and a horde of pixies to kill the Summer Lady. I got to thinking, how would one accomplish this in the RPG?

I'd model this as:
- Harry invokes an Aspect (his High Concept, if there isn't a more appropriate one here) for effect to call in Toot and The Gang and creates the aspect [Valise Full of Pixies].
- Billy goes to Wal-Mart and uses Resources to maneuver [Armed with Box Knives] on the pixies.
- stuff happens, then Harry reaches Aurora at the Stone Table.
- Harry maneuvers with Rapport or Intimidation to place [Distracted with Monologuing] onto Aurora
- Harry releases the pixies to attack Aurora, using Contacts as an Attack, tagging [Distracted with Monologuing], [Valise Full of Pixies], and [Armed With Box Knives] for a +6 on it (alternatively, Distracted might be tagged for effect for Aurora to defend at Mediocre). The Box Knives count as Weapon: 1 and automatically act as a Catch vs Aurora's Toughness/Recovery powers, and Harry maybe invokes a few more aspects
- Presumably, Aurora has already taken some Mental and/or Social consequences in the lead-up to this fight, between arranging her plan properly and being driven insane via Nemesis, and therefore the attack is enough to take her out.

How would you model this instead, if you disagree with the above?

Secondly, if you were playing Billy-the-Werewolf or Elaine-the-Traitor, how would you feel about watching the Scenario end this way?
« Last Edit: January 19, 2016, 08:08:02 PM by dragoonbuster »
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Re: Killing the Summer Lady
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2016, 11:12:58 PM »
I'd probably require an Aspect invocation to justify the use of Contacts as an attack skill. Apart from that, sounds fine to me.

Dunno how I'd feel if I was one of the other players. Depends on the build-up, I guess. The novels in general don't look like much fun for people playing the secondary characters; too much sitting around while Harry's player and the GM do stuff.

Then again, if it was PbP, it might be fun. Giving solo adventure time to the player who posts the fastest can help the game run smoothly.

Offline Smaug with OCD

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Re: Killing the Summer Lady
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2016, 02:10:54 AM »
I'd probably add in some kind of reference to the fact that it only works because of where they are. I mean, the battle taking place where it did had a lot to do with Harry managing to bring down Aurora, since she's immortal and all. Whether that would be another invocation of an aspect about the floating battlefield, or something else... I don't really know. I like what you've done though.
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Offline RonLugge

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Re: Killing the Summer Lady
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2016, 07:46:00 PM »
Personally, I'd consider that just a scene aspect that has it's effects regardless.  Much like I don't need to spend a FP to make my steel sword effect fae, I don't need to spend a FP to kill an immortal in one of the locations where they *can* be killed.  Take outs always match the narrative of the target, and Aurora's narrative is that she cannot be killed -- except when she can.  Too bad for her this was a 'when she can' moment.