Author Topic: What's the biggest ritual you've been able to bs your way into pulling off?  (Read 2908 times)

Offline Xelah

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Just curious, death curses were a popular subject a while back, but what about mundane rituals that don't involve anyone dying?  How did you power it?  What did you do with the power?

My best is about 2,200 shifts of power.  I bartered with a summer fae to allow me to stay awake for 11 days without I'll effect to complete the ritual and had a bunch of gator-thropes guarding me.  Anyway, I ran for mayor of a city with a fear monger campaign and got 23% of the votes, then inflicted everyone that voted for me with a mild social consequence (implied consent from that group of voters).  ... The white council is less than thrilled with my antics.

I talked the GM into a new artifact that grants intelectus over the island the city is on (costs mental stress to use), and cloak of shadows.

How about you guys?

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Can't believe your GM let you get away with that...

Biggest ritual in one of my games was 88 shifts to trap a demon army in an abandoned concentration camp. Shifts were gathered here and there while doing other things, I don't remember the exact breakdown.

Offline Xelah

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Can't believe your GM let you get away with that...

It was among the more sane things I was pitching. My group has a somewhat antagonistic relationship with the white council.  They'd told me not to meddle with mortal politics.  I told them to go jump.  Not getting anything from it would've killed a perfectly good plot point. 

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Farming voters for power sounds good to me. It's the 2200 shifts that I find amazing.

Offline Xelah

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I did neglect to mention why I was running an election campaign, making strange bargains, and skipping scenes until I had the numbers.  City of 50,000 people, 10% turnout, 23% of those people giving 2 shifts each.

It was a couple campaigns worth of build up.  A vote for Veronica is a vote for a safer Galveston.  :)

Offline blackstaff67

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We pulled about two dozen or so for a Ritual Ward to keep Cenobite-like entities trapped.  Personally pulled a twelve-shift Ritual landmine powered off overhead power lines to zap some Fomorians.  Was absent for other sessions with other Rituals, but they were equivalent.
My Purity score: 37.2.  Sad.