Ok so I'm a longtime Play by Post RPer, but have never used or been apart of Dice or Fate systems, or tabletop RP at all. It always seemed like too much to chance, plus too much maths to me, but I love the Dresden Files, I love RPing and I got all of the DFRPG PDF's and loved them as well so am thinking of giving it a shot. I'm here to ask a few questions, share some ideas and generally ask if anyone has any advice. For the record I like to call the ideas like I have below my FSI's, Five Second Ideas.
What I think I’m going to do is slowly build up this characters power bit by bit starting at the beginning is a Wizrad born on 9 February 1986, during Halley’s Comet to a mother who used to use the Ways to smuggle cocaine for the Columbian Cartels. Left him a tidy inheritance, which he likes to gamble with in backroom poker or blow on Casino’s in Atlanta, the Southern Rivers, Reserves and of course the infamous Vegas (Yes, I’ve read Paranet Papers). If I go with this character, I’m thinking a focus on Air and Spirit magic with a bit of knowledge of Glamour/Illusion and knowledge of Ways. This character is based of Gambit in particular Taylor Kitsch’s portrayal (Yes the one in Wolverine, it was the best part of the movie, don’t judge me), a bit of Yancy Lazarus (Though I swear I had the idea first) that sort of thing.
A Wizard who has knowledge of the Svartalves craftsmanship with the condition that he never teaches, sells nor gives anything he makes from their crafting abilities without their blessing. In practical everyday terms it means they get a cut off of everything he sells or it has to come out of his own pocket, except for major Items of Power in which the recipients have to be of enough quality for the Svartalves approval.
Then I thought maybe a Wizard who picked up a Denarian Coin, with it being Thorned Namshiel. I imagine Thorned Namshiel shadow is less of a seductress like Lash and Lasciel and more of a bully/trader who tries to bargain every scrap of information he gives. I haven't figured out how or if I'd write in the Monoc Securities angle/theory, but other than Lash and Lasciel, Thorned Namshiel is the Denarian that intrigues me the most. The magical attack on Harry on multiple wavelengths was awesome in my opinion, as well as the fact that he's Lartessa's mentor and is probably infected with Nemesis or apart of the Black Council in his own right. Again I thought this might be a shade too advance as of yet. Plus eventually I’ll want my Wizard to pick up the coin, slowly do some bad and/or questionable things before giving the coin up just before he kills someone he loves, giving him a guilt ridden complex and maybe soulfire which would be particularly useful if this characters built off of the one above. It’d be interesting with Soulfire a force of creation being made to create something in tandem with Svartalf craftsmenship.
My first PC idea has sort of more or less been answered, which is an Scion/Emissary/Dragon character, I still haven't decided entirely what I want with this character, though I'm thinking something to do with the Welsh Dragon, Y Draig Goch (literally the Red Dragon according to wikipedia) which has a connection to King Arthur and Merlin which fits with Dresden theme. My idea is that the Welsh Dragon is a lesser dragon that has been on the cusp of Greater Dragon status for awhile, but something is holding him back, haven't decided what yet. Anyway he's enlisted a Scion/Emissary to help him achieve it. I'd stick with traditional Welsh Dragon Lore, in that it would be a mostly benevolent dragon... well maybe; I'm not sure. I could make a Dragon Knight for Ferrovax just like the Courts of Fae do.
Regardless upon realising how powerful this sort of character would be I decided I'm not going to pursue him right away, but become more familiar with the new type of RPing first. Seeing as I'm still a newbie, I'll have my character work up to being this the same way Jim did with Dresden.
If You've got any advice an how to slowly build up towards these I'm Happy to hear them as well as any High Concepts, Traits, Stunts e.t.c. that you think might go with it. Or Just advice in general that you think will be helpful, I appreciate it.