There was some of the first Swedish lines that were weird. I could tell that it was a direct translation, as the word-flow was off.
The line: "inte innebär mig i dina sexlekar med vampyren" should probably be "inkludera inte mig i dina sexlekar med vampyren" (Don't include me in your sexgames with the vampire)
And "Jag kommer tala väl om eder efter att hon förbrukat er ande" does sound rather old-fashioned and stilted. It works though. (I will speak well of you after she has consumed your soul).
The other Swedish phrases was much better.
Thanks! I'll probably go ahead and update that one, and I'll remember to come to you for Swedish translations in the future. Google only does so well.
Cool. Why do I get a feeling that she and Anya will be friendly if she returns... The protagonist's view of what would happen if she and Anya met was interesting.
The changes you did to her works much better than what her powers were in the campaign I play in. Of course the stone could be seens as a kind of divination. 
Anya's tastes don't typically run towards men, and Amy seemed like just her type. In this version of Amy, she's from Boston, but currently in New York with her master. Since Anya is from there, and visits, it seems likely that Amy will be seen again at some point.
Reading your description, she didn't come off as a warrior, so I didn't want to force her into that roll. She's more of an enchantress and item user. Her divination is mentioned, but is low key in this story, as she's still getting training from her master, who conveniently has a strong divination background.