Author Topic: Fanfic characters  (Read 15431 times)

Offline Cadd

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Re: Fanfic characters
« Reply #30 on: November 05, 2015, 02:51:21 AM »
Warden Martin Fors (Swede)
20 years old, his magic manifested at ~15 when he fell while climbing near their summer home - creating a violent updraft strong enough to cusion the otherwise lethal fall. This happened to be observed by a local wizard (the kindly neighbor was a bit older than Martin thought).
Covering up the magical training by going to a goldsmithing vocational school near the summer home rather than the family home (in a different part of the country), he honed his evocation to the point that he managed to divert a lightning strike during a thunderstorm. Despite never developing the maintained focus needed for any advanced Thaumaturgy he was soon drafted (somewhat against his Masters wish) into training to be a Warden.

Part of this training took place at a winter camp in the north of Sweden, were he at last managed acceptable fire evocations (though it did cost a couple more trees than Luccio would have been happy with... And that shack was really not usable anyway!) but even the older wardens were impressed by the power and focus of his blasts of lightning.

Now he's been given responsibility for the southern Baltic region, and apart from a pair of Ghouls (deceased) and some vindictive Nixies it's a relatively peaceful assignment. He's on very good terms with the local Paranet (even dating one member), and forming a working relation with a band of pixies. Of course they are Summer rather than Wyldfae, and the local Summer Noble has been on the lookout for a talented and impressionable young wizard for upcoming plans...

His magical style in a fight is usually relatively aggressive, aiming to incapacitate the opposition before they get a chance to close with him. His foci tend to be jewellery such as rings, a silver necklace and though his staff is made out of solid steel, it's inlaid with precious metals forming various sigils.

Do what you want with him :)
« Last Edit: November 05, 2015, 02:55:35 AM by Cadd »

Offline Taran

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Re: Fanfic characters
« Reply #31 on: November 05, 2015, 02:41:24 PM »
Over at  I've got four up so far, and this will be the fifth story. 

I've got another role for Basillo.  It's actually a ninth wizard position I hadn't realized I needed until now.

see, now I'm curious.

I have other details regarding his mansion and tactics and associations with other factions (like Winter) if you want them.  Let me know and I'll just PM all that stuff.

Offline Ulfgeir

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Re: Fanfic characters
« Reply #32 on: November 07, 2015, 10:19:02 PM »
Well, feel free to include Amy Louise Clarke if you like. I don't care if she dies or not, heck she could easily be seduced to the dark side or get involved with a White court vampire in her desire to do good... She will most likely be an apprentice of someone.

A young girl in her early twenties. She is from Boston. The stereotypical goth girl (the vampire goth variety*), clad all in black and wearing lots of fine silver jewellry. She has lots of piercings and tattoos. She is a practioner of Wicca, very idealistic and is very romantic. The latter part is what might get her in trouble, as she will do anything for love.  She loves theatre and is a competent actress, and singing.

Her magic is divination, which she is extremely good at, she is also very skilled in lore and knows much more than her young age indicates. Combatwise, she makes Molly look like a heavy hitter. She is however very fierce about protecting those she cares about and will often put herelf in harms way to do so. She is very much ruled by emotions and really wears her heart on her sleeves. HWat she lacks in power, she more than makes up for in discipline and knowledge.

She is most of the time very polite, and soft-spoken. She is however mentally scarred by the visions she sometimes has, yes she suffers from Cassandra's tears. She prefers to take her time working her magic. She always carry with her a tarot deck and a small crystal ball.

* Think long velvet skirts, a leather corset, long lace gloves, very fair skin and so on. Long lush black hair reaching to her hip. And lots of heavy make-up.

(click to show/hide)

If you want I can send the whole character sheet.

edit: Her most offensive spell is a sleep-spell. otherwise she will try to lock opponents in plase so they cant move or fall to the ground with a heavy windblast.
SHe has more than once woken up screaming in fear of the visions she has gotten as nightmares or fallen unconscious or fallen to the ground shaking and bleeding from her eyes by merely touching something that has a too strong magical residue.

« Last Edit: November 08, 2015, 10:01:49 AM by Ulfgeir »
I have not lost my mind, it is backed up somewhere on disc...

Offline moireth

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Re: Fanfic characters
« Reply #33 on: November 08, 2015, 10:58:29 AM »
I had a huge wall of text I was going to post, but decided to go with the short version. If you want extended version, I can post it as well.

Lane Stenguard is newly inducted Warden who specializes in Plasma Evocation. He uses the 4 states of matter (Plasma, Solid, Liquid, Gas) and Spirit as his paradigm.

His Thaumaturgy specializations include a bit of Crafting and Worldwalking. The most obvious magical gear he wears is an enchanted cuirass that becomes a full suit of armor made from spirit energy when he gets attacked.

He carries a broadsword and is quite skilled in its use. He has access to Soulfire and uses it to "light his sword on fire" and attack with that. His swordsmanship actually matches his skill with magic, and he's a force to be reckoned with when combining the two. He has experience thanks to being a mercenary for a few years, and is the type to shoot first and ask questions later.

His father is an evil prick that sacrificed his family in the name of a demon to gain power. This is why he was granted Soulfire, to counter his Father's Hellfire.

In our world the KotC are busy with only Sanya being active, so Lane has been pushed a few times to help deal with the Fallen.

He's hot headed, slow to trust but fiercely loyal and loves to fight. He's a damn good tactician when it comes to fighting, but his "street smarts" is severely lacking.

Edit: his preferred actual "elements" for standard point and shoot spells are fire and lightning

Edit2: Physical appearance: Lane stands around 6 feet 2 inches. He has shoulder length black hair that's pulled straight back at almost all times. He wears black cargo pants, a black leather jacket, and anything comfortable under his plated cuirass. He wears his sword belt so his sword can be drawn with his left hand, and inside his leather jacket is a holster for a S&W that he carries sometimes. He has dark brown eyes.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2015, 02:56:49 AM by moireth »
"The sparkmage shrieked, calling on the rage of the storms of his youth. To his surprise, the sky responded with a fierce energy he'd never thought to see again."

Offline Griffyn612

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Re: Fanfic characters
« Reply #34 on: November 30, 2015, 10:58:23 PM »
Hello all.  Just wanted to thank everyone for their contributions.  After a brief hiatus from writing, I'm finally going to get rolling on this. I won't be able to incorporate everyone into this story, but I may use some others in the future. 

As I go, I may PM individuals for additional info on their characters.  I'm trying to keep them as close to original as possible.

Thanks again, and I'll provide an update when possible!

Offline Griffyn612

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Re: Fanfic characters
« Reply #35 on: February 29, 2016, 01:34:09 AM »
Hello all!  Time to drudge up the old thread to announce that the story is finally complete, and up over at  The link is below for anyone that would like to take a gander.  I got a lot of the characters into the story.  I took a few liberties, but I tried to stay true to the description provided for each.

A lot of the story might not make sense if you haven't read the first four, but hopefully it's not too confusing. 

As always, if anyone has constructive criticism, it's welcome. 

Thanks again to everyone for lending me their characters.  It was a big help, and I was surprised at some of the directions the story went because of the personalities of the guest stars.

As I warned, not everyone makes it out in one piece.  If anyone cares to know the fate of their character bright the story, please let me know.  I actually plan on having several re-appear later on in the series, assuming I get that far, and your permission stands.

Offline Taran

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Re: Fanfic characters
« Reply #36 on: February 29, 2016, 03:25:18 AM »
nice!  I was going to ask what had happened.  Looking forward to reading it!

Offline Griffyn612

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Re: Fanfic characters
« Reply #37 on: February 29, 2016, 04:37:58 AM »
nice!  I was going to ask what had happened.  Looking forward to reading it!
Yeah, at over 100k words, it's the longest story I've published.

I wasn't 100% on Vaccaro's powers, so he doesn't have much screen time, but I tried to make him have the feel I got from your description. Hopefully it came across correctly.  Oh, and he has an apprentice.  Surprise! ;)

Offline Jabberwocky

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Re: Fanfic characters
« Reply #38 on: February 29, 2016, 08:19:30 PM »
Ah, the lecherous old man is playing his part well, I see. Thanks, Griffyn :-)
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Offline Cadd

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Re: Fanfic characters
« Reply #39 on: February 29, 2016, 10:30:10 PM »
Almost done reading through Torch Light atm (figured I might as well read them to avoid confusion) and I'm really liking it! I'm getting real stoked to find out what you used Martin for!

Offline Ulfgeir

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Re: Fanfic characters
« Reply #40 on: February 29, 2016, 11:48:59 PM »
Very cool.  ;)

I have not lost my mind, it is backed up somewhere on disc...

Offline Griffyn612

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Re: Fanfic characters
« Reply #41 on: March 01, 2016, 12:45:44 AM »
Ah, the lecherous old man is playing his part well, I see. Thanks, Griffyn :-)
I think I had the most fun with Argondian.  And I tried to make sure he had depth. 

Almost done reading through Torch Light atm (figured I might as well read them to avoid confusion) and I'm really liking it! I'm getting real stoked to find out what you used Martin for!
Martin is another that didn't get much screen time because he was added late in the process.  And he and Lane Stenguard were the two that caused me a headache.  I got the two confused, and flip flopped them in the first draft.  I mostly got it straight, but ended up making Lane Swedish.  Oops!  But the rest is correct, for the most part.

Very cool.  ;)

Amy was another late edition, and helpful for the roll she ends up playing.  I thought she was a good contrast with her master.

Offline Cadd

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Re: Fanfic characters
« Reply #42 on: March 01, 2016, 01:34:03 AM »
Martin is another that didn't get much screen time because he was added late in the process.  And he and Lane Stenguard were the two that caused me a headache.  I got the two confused, and flip flopped them in the first draft.  I mostly got it straight, but ended up making Lane Swedish.  Oops!  But the rest is correct, for the most part.
Haha, I hope you didn't feel obliged to shoe-horn in characters just because we offered them :p

Offline Griffyn612

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Re: Fanfic characters
« Reply #43 on: March 01, 2016, 02:59:43 AM »
Haha, I hope you didn't feel obliged to shoe-horn in characters just because we offered them :p
Actually, it worked out quite well.  I only intended to use six, but when I decided to add some additional material, the other four seemed necessary.  They all take a beating, and as it unfolded, it seemed like too much to have all of them fighting over and over again.  Everyone sits out at least one fight each, and that's only possible because of the depth of the bench.

I really enjoyed everyone's characters.  It made writing the story so much more entertaining.  Hopefully it's not too muddled for the reader.  I was worried that there were too many, but I thought most of them were unique enough to be memorable.

Offline Ulfgeir

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Re: Fanfic characters
« Reply #44 on: March 01, 2016, 06:54:26 PM »
Martin is another that didn't get much screen time because he was added late in the process.  And he and Lane Stenguard were the two that caused me a headache.  I got the two confused, and flip flopped them in the first draft.  I mostly got it straight, but ended up making Lane Swedish.  Oops!  But the rest is correct, for the most part.

There was some of the first Swedish lines that were weird. I could tell that it was a direct translation, as the word-flow was off.

The line: "inte innebär mig i dina sexlekar med vampyren" should probably be "inkludera inte mig i dina sexlekar med vampyren"  (Don't include me in your sexgames with the vampire)

And "Jag kommer tala väl om eder efter att hon förbrukat er ande" does sound rather old-fashioned and stilted. It works though.   (I will speak well of you after she has consumed your soul).

The other Swedish phrases was much better.

Amy was another late edition, and helpful for the roll she ends up playing.  I thought she was a good contrast with her master.

Cool. Why do I get a feeling that she and Anya will be friendly if she returns... The protagonist's view of what would happen if she and Anya met was interesting.
The changes you did to her works much better than what her powers were in the campaign I play in. Of course the stone could be seens as a kind of divination. ;)

« Last Edit: March 01, 2016, 08:56:21 PM by Ulfgeir »
I have not lost my mind, it is backed up somewhere on disc...