Here is a brief rundown of my old Dresdenverse Character, feel free to use him as you wish. I guess just dont make him too evil. Not without cause, I mean. Oh, whatever, just have fun with him.

Simon Phane
Phane is a Council Wizard and master Alchemist. He operates a shop that publicly deals in New Age junk, homeopathic remedies, etc, but that is largely a front for an alchemy supply business run out of a hidden room from the building's Prohibition days. He is the guy you go to when you are in need of depleted uranium, cheetah hair, Mouse scampers, and the other rare oddities needed for potion-craft, especially when you cant use the internet without blowing things up. He also has a thriving contract business for custom potions and other magical oddities. He is something of a magic nerd, his business is really just there to support his experiments. He's something of a prodigy when it comes to alchemy and potion recipes, he can anticipate the behavior of ingredients almost as well as a SoI, for example. Long use and constant experimentation has built him a resistance to the hazards of mixing potions (though some potions just should never mix, regardless) so he can handle up to three in his system at any given time; however 98% o the time one of those three will be a basic vitality and perception boosting potion, one he's relied on for so long that he has something of an addiction going.
His mentor was a college professor/wizard, another master alchemist with a talent for redirecting energy, whereas Simon's talent relates more toward transmuting one energy to another. He is not very brawny, as far ass wizards go, so he relies on preparation and efficiency more than most to accomplish his goals.
His primary focus is a pair of finger-less gloves. Each has a pentacle inscribed on the back, with multi-material energy traces leading from each point to each finger, where it interfaces with a ring that has 13 stones set around it's circumference. The materials are broad and balanced, the gloves a blend of plant and animal, the traces are twisted strands of multiple metals, etc. The two gloves are distinct, with different materials and stones. Rather than magic words or gestures, each spell he casts requires it's own combination of stones to be aligned to the active traces; his gloves offer 13 options for each finger on each hand, which is quite a few combinations. Depending on the nature of the spell, it may require the left hand, the right, or both. When he was a teenager, his prototype attempted to automate teh rings so that they moved aligned naturally to optimize whatever spell he was trying; for reasons unknown, this was a disaster then led to the death of somebody with a pink cellphone. He still has those prototype rings, and while they are far more powerful than his curent ones, he refuses to use them out of fear. I never elaborated on the details of those things but I had it in my head that he might have bargained with some spirit to inhabit and operate them, and it went badly. It taught him patience, and the value of doing things the slow and hard way rather than seeking out shortcuts. He'd previously thought that finding the shortcuts was the whole point and the whole fun of magic.
Beyond the gloves he has a magic black jacket. It typically looks like a Vietnam era field jacket, but can be manipulated to resemble most coat styles, including extending its length or growing a hood. It's made from a special material harvested from the Realm of Shadows region of the NN, specifically a nearby area that looks like a negative color equivalent to the mortal world (but with dangerous denizens). In that place starlight is pure black but more substantial (much like how light is more substantial than shadow), and can be harvested into a thread much like how Sunlight can be folded into a hanky. That material allows solid objects to be folded into it, and the end result is a tardis-like coat that can store vast amounts of miscellaneous junk. (I did it before Rothfuss, so there)
His next most popular tools is an ectoplasm reserve. He doesnt have the muscle to summon boatloads of the stuff any time he needs it (like most summoners), so instead he has figured out a way to stabilize raw ectoplasm so that it can stay in the RW without evaporating. He then carries a supply around (in camel-hump water bags, with the tubes down his sleeves); if he needs something, say a hammer, he can "summon" it by trickling out some ectoplasm from his reservoir and then exerting just enough force to give it shape and form. He has a distillery vat in his basement that is slowly trickling out ectoplasm from the NN, so he has a finite supply at any one time, and even less actively carried. An extra exertion will let the object hold it's for for a second or three after he lets go, enough to throw it at somebody, but not for long periods without stabilizing agents.
From there he had a bunch of more martial gizmos. At the time I got really involved in designing the mechanical details of his battle gear, but by concept the guy tend to more carry ingredients and improvise stuff in the moment. He carries a supply of gadget potions that he sells in his shop, things like Instant Circle for example. One of my favorites was an entirely mundane ink stamp that he'd use to mark Bic Lighters, which would release all the contained chemical energy in one swift conflagration, making it a grenade.
He uses a focus similar to Harry's Bear belt-buckle to provide energy for on-the-fly potion making in an emergency, but it cant support many of them and takes a prohibitively long time to recharge, during which Simon has little to spare for experimentation, so he doesnt tap the reserve if he can avoid it.
A random character introduction scene: He was trying to make a potion to grow temporary wings from ectoplasm, but added too much gorilla hair (for extra strength) and ended up sprouting large gorilla arms from his back, which promptly began battering him about the head and shoulders, but they were sprouted from the part of his own back he could not reach, so he could not touch the root of them to dispel the link. The new character met him when he suddenly burst from the back room screaming for somebody to Get Them Off.
Last I left the character he was interested in learning more about Ways and NN exploration. He'd done significant NN travel to harvest his various ingredients, but always Stayed On The Path and followed his directions/Maps, rather than exploring in any real way. He'd made a deal with another Player character, a Summer Fae, to teach him the ropes, but it never went anywhere.