Author Topic: Fanfic characters  (Read 15414 times)

Offline Griffyn612

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Re: Fanfic characters
« Reply #15 on: October 29, 2015, 10:50:16 PM »
Hopefully you can get a good idea of appearances from the pictures I put in the character sheets.

Penny is young.  Around 16-18.  Just learning to use magic.  Her full name (as mentioned at the top of her sheet) is Penelope Lumi Satakieli.  Her last name is Finnish for Nightingale.  Penny certainly did have a master teaching her magic at one point.  But since she made a deal for Summer power, she has been on the outs with him.  At least that was what we were going with for that short-lived game.  I suppose you could change her story around if her master was Reon or someone who would have encouraged her to take up her Summer heritage.  Or to go the other way, I think there would be a much better story if her Master was desperately trying to influence her to keep her from falling into the sway of Summer.  Her game took place in Las Vegas, but I don't see much reason she couldn't be nearly anywhere.

Livia is in her late twenties.  She is fully trained in magic.  She is originally from England, but was living in Los Angeles in her story.  She probably moves around a lot as a professional Cat-Burglar.

Katya was born in 1903.  But her story was set at the start of World War 2, so she is in her mid-forties.  Still, actual historic events are pretty important in her story, so if you use her, you should probably just make her 112 years old.
Call me slow, I didn't realize their names were links.   :P  I'll take a look at them.  I'm definitely thinking of having Reonserve as her master, with Summer encouraging them both.  That may change once I've reviewed the character sheet, so we'll see.

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Re: Fanfic characters
« Reply #16 on: October 30, 2015, 12:02:30 PM »
Well, I think Penny would be very … tuitable for Reon. Yes, tuitable is the right expression ;)
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Re: Fanfic characters
« Reply #17 on: October 30, 2015, 03:25:44 PM »
Any use/need for a Rune Mage/Warden type?
« Last Edit: October 30, 2015, 05:14:43 PM by blackstaff67 »
My Purity score: 37.2.  Sad.

Offline Griffyn612

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Re: Fanfic characters
« Reply #18 on: October 30, 2015, 04:15:32 PM »
Any use/need for a Ryne Mage/Warden type?
I need two more Wardens and one more lower tier Wizard.  One Warden needs to be epic level, a second or third to Donald Morgan.

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Re: Fanfic characters
« Reply #19 on: October 30, 2015, 08:19:06 PM »
What is lower tier?  I have a few wizards that are 10 refresh 'movers and shakers' in their own cities.

Offline Griffyn612

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Re: Fanfic characters
« Reply #20 on: October 30, 2015, 08:56:15 PM »
What is lower tier?  I have a few wizards that are 10 refresh 'movers and shakers' in their own cities.
Unfortunately I'm not a gamer, so I don't know what that means.

I needed four DEAD BEAT Donald Morgans and four DEAD BEAT Carlos Ramirez.  I've got two Donalds and three Carlos's.  The Carlos's can vary between apprentice, fledgling wizard, and self established wizard.  The Donalds need to be hardened, experienced Wardens of varying age.  One needs to be a True Badass.

And like I said before, these characters may or may not make it out of the story alive.  Some probably won't.  If you have qualms knowing your character may die in some fanfic story out there, I won't use them.  I can respect folks not wanting to see their characters die.

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Re: Fanfic characters
« Reply #21 on: October 30, 2015, 09:26:44 PM »
I'll write up my Post-Dead Beat-generation Warden in a bit. Very short description: Air/Lightning evocator, early 20s, trained similarly to Camp Kaboom but in northern Europe. Sucks at Thaumaturgy other than crafting, and is also an apprentice goldsmith on the side.

Offline dragoonbuster

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Re: Fanfic characters
« Reply #22 on: October 30, 2015, 09:51:36 PM »
....The Donalds need to be hardened, experienced Wardens of varying age.  One needs to be a True Badass....

And like I said before, these characters may or may not make it out of the story alive.  Some probably won't.  If you have qualms knowing your character may die in some fanfic story out there, I won't use them.  I can respect folks not wanting to see their characters die.

As long as he dies well.

Sergio Moretti was born to a very old family with a strong wizarding pedigree. The original Moretti, Sergio's great-great-grandfather, had been a powerful wizard in Italy in the 1600s. Most of the Morettis born since have been minor talents to one degree or another, with some notable exceptions, namely Sergio's uncle, who took over to head the family around the time Sergio was coming into his power.

Born in Seattle to a family who by now had acquired so much mortal wealth, contacts, and power (that's what the non-Gifted members of the Moretti family tended to spend their lives doing) they had become a twisted version of the Kennedy's, Sergio was different. He had kindness in him, a gentility not seen in the family...but he was ignored by his CEO-mother and Congressman father to be mainly raised by 'the help' until his talent started showing around 12 years old.

He was sent to a farm to learn from an old wizard (who's name I forgot!) who'd somehow entered into an arrangement with the Morettis...they protected him, or didn't extract revenge on him, or some such thing, and thus the old wizard stayed on his farm and trained the boys and girls the Morettis brought him as best they could, and it worked for him. Seeing Sergio was different, the old man encouraged the boy to follow his own path. Comic books and novels and his exposure to his downright nasty family made him yearn to be something better, and that desire eventually grew into a specific one: become a Warden and redeem the family name.

Of course, that was easier said than done. Once Sergio finally passed his test to enter the White Council, his uncle came around to see him for the first time in years. After Sergio refused invitation to the Dark Side, more or less, his uncle strangled the old wizard who'd trained Sergio to death in front of the young man's eyes, as an object lesson. Then he cut Sergio off from the family and exiled him, which left him untrusted and cast out of his family on top of being untrusted and looked down upon in the magical/White Council community as "another bad-apple Moretti."

Sergio spent seven years or so roaming the country, finding his place in things while helping those he could and constantly studying to improve his magic while working odd jobs to support himself. He taught old people how to dance the tango. He washed a lot of dishes. And he boxed professionally, for a time.

Fast forward and Sergio settled down on the opposite side of the country he started on, in New York. After a couple years there, Sergio has a successful-enough practice as a bounty hunter, has gained some contacts in the supernatural and police communities, and then he meets the Captain. (Captain Alexander, instead of Luccio, in our game, but that's immaterial.) While in attendance at a White Council meeting in New York, Sergio was instrumental in defending the meeting from a zombie/warlock attack. His display of powerful--let alone competent--evocations and tactical command inspired Captain Alexander to give Sergio the Gray Cloak he wanted so much. From then on, he set out with a cold sense of duty to wipe out the evil that was Lawbreaking. He'd seen and heard plenty as a kid and knew what evil looked like. So he set about wiping it out.

Rather young for a wizard, Sergio displays both an incredible capacity for raw magic power and the ability to control it. He is a tricky bastard when it comes to thaumaturgy and crafting. He is [The Craftiest Warden in New York] and happens to be [New York's Secret Spymaster] thanks to his network of contacts and several special thaumaturgic spying tools/techniques. He's gruff, thinks [First Impressions Are Everything], and a strong protector's spirit in him means he [Always Protects His Own]. He uses Soulgazes practically as a weapon at this point, using them as his way of measuring someone up quickly and efficiently (I swear...he's never come out poorly in a single Soulgaze exchange...).

A lot of the specific things that happened to Sergio during the course of gameplay probably don't make sense or just don't matter specifically to make it into your story. What is of note: Though he does have a lot of power and control at his disposal for evocation, he is very clever and way too good with Crafting. He lost an arm due to some ridiculous supernatural creature's acid, and fitted himself with a custom-made prosthetic arm that looks and moves exactly like his original, except the replacement appears to be living metal. Infusing the arm with his soul makes it a permanent part of him now. He made a deal with Asclepius' wife to help him attach it without leaving him in chronic pain. The time and learning that went into making and figuring out how to use the arm lead him to develop Magneto-level powers over metal; he can fly, throw around metal telekinetically all day, temporarily cover himself in a layer of skintight steel armor, etc. He's had all kinds of enchanted items I can elaborate on if you're interested. He can use all the classic five elements except Earth, plus "Metal" evocation. He generally sticks to lightning and metal evocations, liking to use entropy to create environmental hazards/changes and fire when necessary/appropriate. I always had him enchanting his own Warden swords--he prefers to use a family heirloom, the basket-handled broadsword Sirocco, so you could make him come about as a Warden after Luccio's body-swap if you wanted. Lately he's improves his abilities to the point where he no longer requires metal to fly (pure will-power application) and can conjure and animate (spectral-looking) magical constructs on the fly (like Cassius and his snakes but less evil) instead of requiring sitting down with a circle and classic thaum. With Thaum he's skilled in crafting, divination, worldwalking and Summoning. He acquired a strange magical map consisting of hundreds of pages that maps out all sorts of paths and Ways through the NeverNever...and it updates itself. Think Harry Potter's "Marauder's Map" in some ways but it doesn't tell you who's near you.

Weaknesses: quick to anger, takes on too much for himself and doesn't "share the load" he's carrying with others. Bit of a loner by nature and not quick to extend trust.

While only around 27-ish years old now (though, technically more like 37 after a run-in with a wizard that "aged" him with some entropy magic), Sergio has shown himself to be capable of amassing quite a lot magical knowledge, power, and technique. By now he is powerful enough to go up against a Senior Council member and come out on top, which has only made most of the Council trust him less...they believe he is gaining this power through nefarious means. Really, he just spends far more time in combat than most wizards and has the same inborn potential for greatness his great-great-grandfather did. He used to yearn for the Council's he's felt like he's more than vindicated his family name--his name, now, since starting his own family when he married a multi-generational storm-scion--and if the Council at large won't trust him, that's their fault. Alexander and the Wardens he's worked with know who he really is, and that's good enough for him.

Take whatever you like and throw out what you don't; I don't plan on publishing anything with him in it and I'm not so invested in a PC I can't let someone modify it for something I'm not playing....
« Last Edit: October 30, 2015, 10:36:08 PM by dragoonbuster »
I'm a blacksmith! Here's some of what I do:

Offline Griffyn612

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Re: Fanfic characters
« Reply #23 on: November 01, 2015, 04:38:13 AM »
As long as he dies well.

Sergio Moretti was born to a very old family with a strong wizarding pedigree. The original Moretti, Sergio's great-great-grandfather, had been a powerful wizard in Italy in the 1600s. Most of the Morettis born since have been minor talents to one degree or another, with some notable exceptions, namely Sergio's uncle, who took over to head the family around the time Sergio was coming into his power.

Born in Seattle to a family who by now had acquired so much mortal wealth, contacts, and power (that's what the non-Gifted members of the Moretti family tended to spend their lives doing) they had become a twisted version of the Kennedy's, Sergio was different. He had kindness in him, a gentility not seen in the family...but he was ignored by his CEO-mother and Congressman father to be mainly raised by 'the help' until his talent started showing around 12 years old.

He was sent to a farm to learn from an old wizard (who's name I forgot!) who'd somehow entered into an arrangement with the Morettis...they protected him, or didn't extract revenge on him, or some such thing, and thus the old wizard stayed on his farm and trained the boys and girls the Morettis brought him as best they could, and it worked for him. Seeing Sergio was different, the old man encouraged the boy to follow his own path. Comic books and novels and his exposure to his downright nasty family made him yearn to be something better, and that desire eventually grew into a specific one: become a Warden and redeem the family name.

Of course, that was easier said than done. Once Sergio finally passed his test to enter the White Council, his uncle came around to see him for the first time in years. After Sergio refused invitation to the Dark Side, more or less, his uncle strangled the old wizard who'd trained Sergio to death in front of the young man's eyes, as an object lesson. Then he cut Sergio off from the family and exiled him, which left him untrusted and cast out of his family on top of being untrusted and looked down upon in the magical/White Council community as "another bad-apple Moretti."

Sergio spent seven years or so roaming the country, finding his place in things while helping those he could and constantly studying to improve his magic while working odd jobs to support himself. He taught old people how to dance the tango. He washed a lot of dishes. And he boxed professionally, for a time.

Fast forward and Sergio settled down on the opposite side of the country he started on, in New York. After a couple years there, Sergio has a successful-enough practice as a bounty hunter, has gained some contacts in the supernatural and police communities, and then he meets the Captain. (Captain Alexander, instead of Luccio, in our game, but that's immaterial.) While in attendance at a White Council meeting in New York, Sergio was instrumental in defending the meeting from a zombie/warlock attack. His display of powerful--let alone competent--evocations and tactical command inspired Captain Alexander to give Sergio the Gray Cloak he wanted so much. From then on, he set out with a cold sense of duty to wipe out the evil that was Lawbreaking. He'd seen and heard plenty as a kid and knew what evil looked like. So he set about wiping it out.

Rather young for a wizard, Sergio displays both an incredible capacity for raw magic power and the ability to control it. He is a tricky bastard when it comes to thaumaturgy and crafting. He is [The Craftiest Warden in New York] and happens to be [New York's Secret Spymaster] thanks to his network of contacts and several special thaumaturgic spying tools/techniques. He's gruff, thinks [First Impressions Are Everything], and a strong protector's spirit in him means he [Always Protects His Own]. He uses Soulgazes practically as a weapon at this point, using them as his way of measuring someone up quickly and efficiently (I swear...he's never come out poorly in a single Soulgaze exchange...).

A lot of the specific things that happened to Sergio during the course of gameplay probably don't make sense or just don't matter specifically to make it into your story. What is of note: Though he does have a lot of power and control at his disposal for evocation, he is very clever and way too good with Crafting. He lost an arm due to some ridiculous supernatural creature's acid, and fitted himself with a custom-made prosthetic arm that looks and moves exactly like his original, except the replacement appears to be living metal. Infusing the arm with his soul makes it a permanent part of him now. He made a deal with Asclepius' wife to help him attach it without leaving him in chronic pain. The time and learning that went into making and figuring out how to use the arm lead him to develop Magneto-level powers over metal; he can fly, throw around metal telekinetically all day, temporarily cover himself in a layer of skintight steel armor, etc. He's had all kinds of enchanted items I can elaborate on if you're interested. He can use all the classic five elements except Earth, plus "Metal" evocation. He generally sticks to lightning and metal evocations, liking to use entropy to create environmental hazards/changes and fire when necessary/appropriate. I always had him enchanting his own Warden swords--he prefers to use a family heirloom, the basket-handled broadsword Sirocco, so you could make him come about as a Warden after Luccio's body-swap if you wanted. Lately he's improves his abilities to the point where he no longer requires metal to fly (pure will-power application) and can conjure and animate (spectral-looking) magical constructs on the fly (like Cassius and his snakes but less evil) instead of requiring sitting down with a circle and classic thaum. With Thaum he's skilled in crafting, divination, worldwalking and Summoning. He acquired a strange magical map consisting of hundreds of pages that maps out all sorts of paths and Ways through the NeverNever...and it updates itself. Think Harry Potter's "Marauder's Map" in some ways but it doesn't tell you who's near you.

Weaknesses: quick to anger, takes on too much for himself and doesn't "share the load" he's carrying with others. Bit of a loner by nature and not quick to extend trust.

While only around 27-ish years old now (though, technically more like 37 after a run-in with a wizard that "aged" him with some entropy magic), Sergio has shown himself to be capable of amassing quite a lot magical knowledge, power, and technique. By now he is powerful enough to go up against a Senior Council member and come out on top, which has only made most of the Council trust him less...they believe he is gaining this power through nefarious means. Really, he just spends far more time in combat than most wizards and has the same inborn potential for greatness his great-great-grandfather did. He used to yearn for the Council's he's felt like he's more than vindicated his family name--his name, now, since starting his own family when he married a multi-generational storm-scion--and if the Council at large won't trust him, that's their fault. Alexander and the Wardens he's worked with know who he really is, and that's good enough for him.

Take whatever you like and throw out what you don't; I don't plan on publishing anything with him in it and I'm not so invested in a PC I can't let someone modify it for something I'm not playing....
Sounds good.  I'd probably need to power him down a bit if I were going to use him.  Senior Council level would make things a bit too easy.

Offline Griffyn612

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Re: Fanfic characters
« Reply #24 on: November 03, 2015, 11:04:46 PM »
Any use/need for a Rune Mage/Warden type?
What is lower tier?  I have a few wizards that are 10 refresh 'movers and shakers' in their own cities.
I'll write up my Post-Dead Beat-generation Warden in a bit. Very short description: Air/Lightning evocator, early 20s, trained similarly to Camp Kaboom but in northern Europe. Sucks at Thaumaturgy other than crafting, and is also an apprentice goldsmith on the side.
Hello all.  I'm winding down on the casting, trying to decide who will play what roles.   If you all would like to share your characters, I've still got a couple positions open. 

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Re: Fanfic characters
« Reply #25 on: November 04, 2015, 01:04:47 AM »
After re-reading what you need, I don't have anything.

I have 2 wizards but neither are wardens.  I have another one for a game I was running but it's not my work, so I don't think I can hand it over.

The one I was going to offer was a retired Mafiosi.  A diviner who was the power behind the local mob.  I suppose you could tweak him to be a warden.  There's no reason why you can't be both.    He'd be about Carlos' Power.  Probably stronger.  Definitely hardened but more defensively capable.

Offline Griffyn612

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Re: Fanfic characters
« Reply #26 on: November 04, 2015, 01:37:55 AM »
After re-reading what you need, I don't have anything.

I have 2 wizards but neither are wardens.  I have another one for a game I was running but it's not my work, so I don't think I can hand it over.

The one I was going to offer was a retired Mafiosi.  A diviner who was the power behind the local mob.  I suppose you could tweak him to be a warden.  There's no reason why you can't be both.    He'd be about Carlos' Power.  Probably stronger.  Definitely hardened but more defensively capable.
If you're willing to share the character info, I may or may not be able to use him.  I'm going back and forth on one wizard.  If I use the one the way I'm thinking, then your diviner could fufill a specific function in the group. 

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Re: Fanfic characters
« Reply #27 on: November 04, 2015, 03:21:56 PM »
I left the cities and dates open for whatever works best with you.  His background is fairly detailed.  Hopefully, I've captured enough of his personality.  If you want more details on his magic:

He primarily does thaumaturgy but any enchanted items help him react to danger or protect him (divination by seeing the future or knowing the best way to dodge or escape).  He uses potions a lot, often to help him with social situations as his personality makes him a difficult person to deal with.  So, he uses magic to soften his demeanor or help read people's social cues. (once again, these enhance his perception or let him see people's social reactions before they actually occur.)

He'll lend out potions to allies if he trusts them enough.

He's not as good at evocation but is more specialized at spirit magic: using veils and protections to help his allies.  He is more defensively oriented, in general, preferring to survive a conflict, retreat, then use his divination to plan and obliterate his enemies at a later date.

He's still very adept at evocation attacks(probably as good as Carlos) but his specialty in Divination and his natural tendency for defense and fear of breaking Magical Laws makes him less likely to go that route. (assuming he hasn't planned to do so in advance, of course).

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« Last Edit: November 04, 2015, 03:56:09 PM by Taran »

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Re: Fanfic characters
« Reply #28 on: November 04, 2015, 04:07:06 PM »

Basillio could be your BAD ASS, but probably not in the traditional 'walk in the room and Rambo murder' the enemies.  More for his cut-throat attitude and his background.  If he's well prepared, an enemy should be afraid.

No problem if you kill him off.  But it should probably be difficult.   Catching him unprepared would probably be his down-fall but he's prepared contingencies for that.  He's likely to be aware of ambushes and likely to retreat instead of fighting if caught unawares.

BTW:  where do you post your writing?
« Last Edit: November 04, 2015, 04:17:45 PM by Taran »

Offline Griffyn612

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Re: Fanfic characters
« Reply #29 on: November 04, 2015, 04:17:41 PM »

Basillio could be your BAD ASS, but probably not in the traditional way.  More for his cut-throat attitude and his background.  If he's well prepared, an enemy should be afraid.

No problem if you kill him off.  But it should probably be difficult.   Catching him unprepared would probably be his down-fall but he's prepared contingencies for that.  He's likely to be aware of ambushes and likely to retreat instead of fighting if caught unawares.

BTW:  where do you post your writing?
Over at  I've got four up so far, and this will be the fifth story. 

I've got another role for Basillo.  It's actually a ninth wizard position I hadn't realized I needed until now.