Author Topic: My favorite author Jim Butcher...  (Read 5456 times)

Offline huttonp84

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My favorite author Jim Butcher...
« on: October 10, 2015, 08:32:18 AM »
To my favorite author:
I have been a fan who is always waiting for the next book long before it comes out, by the way, and I have to say... I am loving your new style. I am a 32 year old ex-soldier, who has been in love with your writing for a long time. I have shoved The Dresden Files into every face I could find because of the sheer entertainment value of the series, especially while I was deployed in Afghanistan  as a combat medic. As an avid reader who devours hundreds of pages a day, I must say that your writing has maintained a position of honor at the fore of even the greats such as R.A. Salvatore and Brandon Sanderson. I find your characters so entertaining and love the way they evolve over time to become so much more. The Dresden Files have brought me through both the mundane times and the dark times. That being said... I wanted to let you know not only how much I have loved your previous series, but to also let you know how much I love the latest. Just the use of cats alone in this new adventure is so believable and fun! I'm loving every moment of your created worlds! Keep up the morale works.
Your life long fan,

Offline huttonp84

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Re: My favorite author Jim Butcher...
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2015, 09:11:39 AM »
It just occurred to me to also ask if you would ever consider writing a "Dark Fantasy" series at any point. I have fairly recently read Joe Abercrombie, Mark Lawrence, and Miles Cameron and discovered that I really enjoy a story that doesn't follow the traditional "good guys always triumph over evil" type of story. I also think that is why I enjoy The Dresden Files' blur of the white/black lines. It may not be "Dark fantasy", but I feel like it was a bridge that led me into that direction. Harry's struggles and even embracing of the darker aspects(as well as my own experiences) made me realize that "goody goody" isn't really a realistic representation of what any normal person would follow.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2015, 09:14:49 AM by huttonp84 »