Author Topic: The Index  (Read 30632 times)

Offline Agravaine

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The Index
« on: October 05, 2015, 05:47:23 PM »
So, the book that Cavendish was after, and attempted to destroy was referred to as the "Index" by Brother Vincent and is described as being full of "Names."  Apparently, Cavendish and those who control her seek to use this book and the knowledge in the book to coerce the Angels out of Heaven where they can be destroyed somehow. 

Two questions:

(1) Why destroy the other copies of the books?
(2) Why give the book back to the Albians?

Stealing the book makes sense -- now she and her supporters have the book and its knowledge.
Destroying the other copies of the book also makes sense -- Albia no longer has the knowledge and Albia cannot use the book somehow to thwart her plans.

BUT, by giving it back to Grimm (she does not know about his copy of the Book) she gives them a weapon to thwart her AND draws attention to the fact that the Book is that important. 

Further, couldn't Cavendish just gone in there herself and read the book? At least no one would have known its importance.  Or, would her need for courtesy prevent her from taking direct action against the Brothers of the Way herself?  Why else get 500 Auroran Marines to assist?   

Offline Second Aristh

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Re: The Index
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2015, 06:59:44 PM »
Are we certain that Cavendish was the one to destroy all the other books?

As far as returning the book, Cavendish lost the battle of not drawing attention to the books importance as soon as Grimm asked for the book.  But by returning it, they might not realize that Cavendish has memorized it already.  Also, the group had to basically be invited to see the library, so it might not have been an option for Cavendish to quietly read the book, especially if her rules of politeness come into affect somehow.
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Offline Paladino

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Re: The Index
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2015, 07:24:36 PM »
Destroying the book risked pissing Grimm off enough that he would not later release her or simply kill her (you got take in consideration she didn't know the rescue was coming). And if he killed her after she destroyed the last copy of the book (as far as she knew), the knowledge would be lost forever, she couldn't take that risk. As long as the book existed in Albion they could try to recover it again, even if she never managed to get out with the knowledge she memorized.

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Re: The Index
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2015, 07:28:42 PM »
Cavendish and her troops were responsible for the attack on the temple and library.

I actually wonder if the libraries soul escaped. 
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Offline WonderandAwe

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Re: The Index
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2015, 09:22:14 PM »
Cavendish and her troops were responsible for the attack on the temple and library.

I actually wonder if the libraries soul escaped.

Am I bad if the burning library scene was one of the most difficult to read of any scene that Jim Butcher has written?

Offline Dannyboy

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Re: The Index
« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2015, 03:41:16 AM »
Am I for hoping that an Orangutan was swinging into shelves unknown with an important volume or two?

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Re: The Index
« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2015, 06:39:29 PM »
they destroyed all copies of the Index in the Library. the Monk seen what they were doing and saved one copy. she memorized it and gave up her copy in order to have a chance at continuing her mission. while they retrieved the Index they still do not know what the enemy was seeking in it. so they gained some ground but are not on point with the enemy.

what I am curious about is that the Index is a list of names. but for what reason? listing a geneology? find out the past of someone or track down an ancient line for a link to something? maybe a device that is locked in a certain way needs a bloodline to control? something to do w/ the Archangels? something to do w/ core crystals? so many choices imho.
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Re: The Index
« Reply #7 on: October 08, 2015, 12:12:35 AM »
Am I for hoping that an Orangutan was swinging into shelves unknown with an important volume or two?

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If he went unseen by all others there, then he might have well have been there.  But L-Space would hold those books anyways, I believe.
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Re: The Index
« Reply #8 on: October 08, 2015, 10:42:53 PM »
I actually wonder if there is some commonality in the names in that book and some of the entities within Dresden Files, whether consigned to oblivion, demonreach or whatever.
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Offline Snark Knight

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Re: The Index
« Reply #9 on: October 12, 2015, 02:08:43 AM »
Basic hypothesis? The Index was the Library's catalog, and the 'frozen souls' left behind in written works can be accessed and controlled through the authors' names. The Wayist monks probably had one of the largest libraries in the world, and hence their catalog would be one of the bigger bites of power available.

Offline Dina

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Re: The Index
« Reply #10 on: October 12, 2015, 04:28:00 AM »
I have 2 theories about the names. One, they are angels' names. Two, they are the names of dead people who are special for some reason, perhaps warriors or wayists long gone. I think the Names gave them the power to summon the entities. Cavendish mentions them to feel safe in Heaven, so I guess it's something that allows to take souls from Heaven itself
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Re: The Index
« Reply #11 on: October 12, 2015, 03:31:31 PM »
So, the book that Cavendish was after, and attempted to destroy was referred to as the "Index" by Brother Vincent and is described as being full of "Names."  Apparently, Cavendish and those who control her seek to use this book and the knowledge in the book to coerce the Angels out of Heaven where they can be destroyed somehow. 

Two questions:

(1) Why destroy the other copies of the books?
(2) Why give the book back to the Albians?

Stealing the book makes sense -- now she and her supporters have the book and its knowledge.
Destroying the other copies of the book also makes sense -- Albia no longer has the knowledge and Albia cannot use the book somehow to thwart her plans.

BUT, by giving it back to Grimm (she does not know about his copy of the Book) she gives them a weapon to thwart her AND draws attention to the fact that the Book is that important. 

Further, couldn't Cavendish just gone in there herself and read the book? At least no one would have known its importance.  Or, would her need for courtesy prevent her from taking direct action against the Brothers of the Way herself?  Why else get 500 Auroran Marines to assist?
The Spirearch recognized the Index immediately, so it's not buried treasure in the sense of being unknown to the residents.  Thus I'd assume it was kept in a secure section of the library and was not available for public perusal. 

It seems that her primary Goal was to get The Index, with depriving the others of it as a secondary goal.    Sinec they already had it (several copies) and may well have had others in other secret locations, that secondary goal isnt worth risking the primary. 

Regarding it's prupose, Im thinking either:
A)it's an index of the Bloodlines of the Spires, which can be used to reveal individuals with buried genetic potentials, such as Warrior-born, Ehterealist, at perhaps even something more we havent been introduced to (Crystal-friend like Grimm, "Whole" Etherist like Folly, etc).


B)it's an index of Builder Technology, or Builder Installations/caches, or Builder Doomsday weapons, or some such along those lines. 
<(o)> <(o)>
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Offline raidem

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Re: The Index
« Reply #12 on: October 13, 2015, 08:07:42 PM »
Basic hypothesis? The Index was the Library's catalog, and the 'frozen souls' left behind in written works can be accessed and controlled through the authors' names. The Wayist monks probably had one of the largest libraries in the world, and hence their catalog would be one of the bigger bites of power available.

I like the above. 
What I wonder about is if Cavendish at times is more puppet controlled than at other times.  We know that Folly caught one of the messages between Master and Cavendish, I wonder if Folly will be able to interrupt the Enemies control at times.  I then also wonder if Cavendish deliberately spread the books out for the Aurorans to copy as a means to act against the Enemy in one of her not puppeted moments.
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Offline Quantus

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Re: The Index
« Reply #13 on: October 13, 2015, 08:10:54 PM »
Basic hypothesis? The Index was the Library's catalog, and the 'frozen souls' left behind in written works can be accessed and controlled through the authors' names. The Wayist monks probably had one of the largest libraries in the world, and hence their catalog would be one of the bigger bites of power available.
If that were the case then Burning the library to the ground would have been the last thing they'd want to do, as it would destroy the very cache of power that makes The Index valuable in the first place.
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Offline jb3435

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Re: The Index
« Reply #14 on: October 21, 2015, 01:48:12 PM »
B)it's an index of Builder Technology, or Builder Installations/caches, or Builder Doomsday weapons, or some such along those lines. 

this makes me think of the crystal ships from the vision at the end