Author Topic: Significance in Id Harry's first appearance timing + Possible Uriel sighting!  (Read 15969 times)

Offline rufustfirefly

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I've been playing with the idea that Harry's Id is the insertion of the Third Walker.

wizard nelson

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Concerning the loup's 'infecting' Harry with its power and Uriel, specifically why it would prompt a 'dual personality' if Harry was negatively impacted by the magic in such a way that it abrogated his free will, Angels would be able to act to correct the course. This explains why later when Harry has on the belt and is getting ready for a human 'snack' something whispers seven words in his head that stop him. Uriel used the wiggle room created by the loup's influence and bided his time until he would get the best result. Harry willingly put on the belt so I don't see any other way unless Uriel was willing to outright cheat, which I doubt.(why this wasn't and changes was I can only guess, but that it's been seven words specifically seems more than a coincidence)

* upon farther study of FM I see the belts did mess with his will, so anger and despair were caused by macfinns aura, and latter the belt was addictive. Imo the little flash into macfinn and dentons later soul gaze confirms my suspicion that Denton was the 'new gen' of the same power and aspect that so corrupted the loup.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2015, 01:11:49 PM by wizard nelson »