Author Topic: Mind Magic: Seeking Advice Regarding Mental Stress Evocation  (Read 1882 times)

Offline Lord_of_Stories

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Hey Everyone,

I am relatively new to the forums and so apologize if this topic has already been addressed. I am hoping to get some guidance regarding how to handle mind magic evocations that inflict mental stress; specifically whether or not to make use of it, and if not what alternatives I could use. Let me preface my questions with some background information regarding my campaign and players.

I have run one previous DFRPG campaign and am currently running a “sequel” with some of the same characters. The Fomor serve as the primary antagonists and have a penchant for mind magic (especially as per the Paranet Papers); in addition, I have a mind magic specialized 20 refresh warlock waiting in the wings as a Big Bad, puppet master type. While I don’t want to make the opposition too overpowering, my first inclination is to allow mind magic evocation for the following reasons:

1)   One of my players is playing a fairly well optimized Emissary of Zeus who, due to Supernatural (and now Mythic Speed) and Superb (+5): Athletics, dodges attacks at a base of +8 without rolls or fate points. This is further augmented by his use of a few self-inflicted rote spell maneuvers that give him temporary aspects that boost his Athletics. As a result, I find it difficult to hit him in combat even with several enemies doing nothing but placing maneuvers to try and close the gap. By targeting his mental track I was hoping to keep combat challenging (and therefore interesting) for him.
2)   In addition, if I am remembering correctly all of my players have at least a Good in Discipline since 3/4 are spell casters and the 4th is a hold over from the last campaign where his character upgraded his discipline in order to pursue a relationship with a White Court Vampire. As a result, I didn’t feel like they would be at to large a disadvantage when it came to resisting mental stress evocations.

Need for Advice:
That said, I have read through most Sanctaphrax’s “Where I Read: The Paranet Papers” and noticed some concerns people had about allowing mind magic as an evocation option. I want to give my players a fun and fair game, and so don't want to make my opposition too overpowered. I was hoping people would be willing to elaborate on their opinions/concerns and potentially provide alternative solutions to #1 above if they are against allowing it.

Thanks in Advance!
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Offline dragoonbuster

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Re: Mind Magic: Seeking Advice Regarding Mental Stress Evocation
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2015, 05:09:07 PM »
My opinion on this is:

- NPCs can do mental evocations no problem, if it's appropriate for them to do so. They're NPCs.
- PCs can enter mental conflict or create mental contests using thaumaturgy or an appropriately themed Ritual power.
- PCs cannot use mental evocations without an appropriate Aspect, magical theme/focus, and a Superior Psychomancy power or related that gives them Psychomancy with the speeds and method of Evocation

Mental magic is supposed to be freakin' scary, even for wizards facing it, and they are likely the most equipped to deal with it. I try to use it against PCs somewhat sparingly and to make it fairly terrifying.
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Offline Theclawmasheen

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Re: Mind Magic: Seeking Advice Regarding Mental Stress Evocation
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2015, 06:20:50 PM »
If a PC has Mythic Speed plus Athletics as one of their primary skills they are going to be very hard to hit. But, if they have a Mythic trait than they should be going up against enemies who have at least one or two Mythic traits too.

Mental evocations are very tricky so I would follow the general rules dragoonbuster listed. However, there are a few different options you can take against a PC with such a high Athletics. Some attacks, for example, should be resisted with Endurance instead of Athletics. A sonic scream can't be avoided no matter how much you twist and turn. Similarly, a blast of noxious gas or some other environmental hazard. Also, if your PC is really good at moving than use grapples as a answer. If you put him up against monster with Mythic Strength then he will have a very hard time getting out of a grapple.

Offline InFerrumVeritas

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Re: Mind Magic: Seeking Advice Regarding Mental Stress Evocation
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2015, 07:43:35 PM »
Here's how I ran mental attacks:
In order to make a mental attack, you had to invoke an appropriate aspect on the target.  So for most mental characters it meant that they were making the attack every other turn, or spending fate points to keep invoking (limiting the amount of damage they could do).  If I were doing it again, I'd probably change the mechanics a bit.  Instead of Accuracy+Weapon like a normal attack evocation, I'd make the attack roll equal to Power with a Weapon 0.  But that's because I don't want mental toughness to become a "must take" power for everyone.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Mind Magic: Seeking Advice Regarding Mental Stress Evocation
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2015, 09:17:33 PM »
I really don't recommend using straightforward mental evocation.

Just look at the arithmetic. Even a mentally durable group, like yours, can't expect to take a 6-shift mental zone attack without consequences or take-outs all over the place. And if someone is throwing out 10+ shifts, which is totally achievable for a strong mage, they'll pretty much one-shot everything without Mental Toughness and most things with it.

I prefer to give the villains access to thaumaturgy with the speed and methods of evocation, which they can use to make mental attacks. Thaumaturgy has no weapon rating, so it's fairer. This is basically the same as InFerrumVeritas's suggestion, actually.

PS: You can hit your Emissary with high-control physical evocations, foes with FP stacks, or extremely-skilled fighters using stunts (and maybe True Aim). I suspect the player might prefer a challenge to his dodging skills to having them simply negated. Grapples can work too, since Strength can boost them very high, but since he can still use effectively-Legendary Athletics to escape he'll probably get out.