Other Jimness > Episode Archive

BB011 - Alera Love

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I just hate the sound of my voice when its recorded.  Everyone says I sound natural but I think I sound strange or at least stranger than I already am.


--- Quote from: JRBobC on October 05, 2007, 04:39:34 AM ---During the podcast you were mentioning that hardly anyone called in do to long distance charges, could an alternative be to pre-record a question comment restricted at 30sec, transcode it into an mp3 file and than e-mailing it to you for the podcast.  Or has that idea been thought of already and rejected as potentially inbox destroying?
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Nah, that's a perfectly fine idea.

Fred has gmail.  Bring it on. XD

Whens the next Butcher Block due? I love the show its well put together.


--- Quote from: Dresden on October 17, 2007, 06:16:43 AM ---Whens the next Butcher Block due? I love the show its well put together.
--- End quote ---

I have a very busy month.  It'll probably be in early November, when me and my podcasting peeps can get together and squee like little girls over the comic book news. :)


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