Author Topic: Invisibility as Defense  (Read 1875 times)

Offline furashgf

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Invisibility as Defense
« on: June 27, 2015, 06:44:46 PM »
Now, if you're stuck on wanting an Invisibility Supernatural Power by itself here's an example of one that uses the Glamours Faerie Magic Power as a base. Because it only costs -1 it is more limited than the full Glamours power.

Invisible Man—or Woman if You Are One [-1]

Description: You are able to channel your willpower to create a basic veil that hides you from sight.

Skills Affected: Discipline

Effects: Minor Invisibility Veil. With a moment of concentration, you may draw a veil over yourself, hiding from sight only. Use your Discipline to oppose efforts to discover the veil. If the veil is discovered, it isn’t necessary pierced—but the discoverer can tell that it’s there and that it’s wrong.

Game Mechanic: Supplemental Action, Roll Discipline to hide from opposition using Alertness or another applicable perception skill (perhaps Investigation depending on circumstance) to avoid being detected. –Remember, this is sight only, so hiding from sight doesn’t mean you can’t be found. The subtle movements of air around you, your odor, and the sounds you make are still apparent. Commonly, anything with Echoes of The Beast will likely be able to easily find you as their scent and hearing powers are much sharper than that of a "Vanilla Mortal"

Notes: "or a Woman if You Are One" is in homage to the Colin Hay song: "Beautiful World"

Now, the above power is a Non-Caster friendly power that would allow a PC to become invisible. If you want a stronger version of it, make the cost -2 Refresh and add a +2 to the opposed Discipline roll. The build of the above power is just adding the "Hiding" trapping from the Stealth Skill to the Conviction skill with the added flair of "Being Invisible powered by Willpower". Otherwise, hide as normal just use Conviction instead of Stealth for the Skill Roll. Don't bother with rolling blocks, just a roll to hide as normal using Conviction instead of Stealth. 

Supporting Block Notes: “1 shift of power adds 1 to the block strength of the block action. Any attack that bypasses the block cancels it out. Optionally, instead of block strength, you can opt to have the effect work as Armor. If you choose the Armor effect, the armor rating is equal to half (rounded down) the shifts put into the spell. The advantage to doing this is that the Armor effect only ends when the spell duration ends—the armor survives a bypassing attack.” p. 252

Block Examples: Standard Block: Three shifts of power create a block strength of Good (+3). Any attack that bypasses the block cancels it out. Thus an attack of Great (+4) in the above case, would break the shield (cancel the block), and the defender would be allowed their standard Defense Skill Roll (Athletics) to avoid the attack.

Armor and Defense Skill: Two shifts of power create an Armor strength of Average (+1). Any attack against the target grants the defender a standard defense roll, with the Armor Reducing Damage if hit. Thus an attack of Great (+4) vs. a Defense Roll of Good (+3) would result in the Defender being hit for 1 Stress; however, the +1 Armor would reduce the stress to nothing, and the Armor bonus would continue to operate until the end of the spell duration.I found this cool recommendation for an Invisibility power. How would invisibility be used as a defense in combat (if at all)?

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Re: Invisibility as Defense
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2015, 02:46:04 AM »
Not sure I follow. Is it a stunt-like Power letting you use part of Stealth with Conviction/Discipline, or a Glamours-esque Power letting you veil yourself with Conviction/Discipline? They're not quite the same, mechanically speaking.