2 - Novels: Later is better than earlier. There are some number of retcons and changes to things.
Help me out here. Ive been seeing this statement made more and more often these days, and it's got me a little confuse. What retcons? I know of the tweak to Ivy where she doesnt literally know ever single thing that has ever been spoken (though Oral History still seems to be in her purview). And I know of the simple mistakes like Molly's age or the name of Bianca's Assistant. But people are making it sound like he's been re-writing and revising things left and right like a long lived comic book character (Wolverine has no bone claws you whippersnappers!). But Im not aware of anything that significant or numerous?
For example, we recently discussed Maggie spending her summer vacation on DR (which I still don't know where Quantus got that nugget from).
It was a recent and very brief interview on Beard and Bean, I believe while at SausomeCon. I got it from facebook, so unfortunately I dont have a link I can post.
Didn't the spear not actually kill Christ? I thought He was dead of the rigors of crucifixion first, and then Longinus stabbed Him in the side to make sure He was dead. And He was.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
Dredging from my Sunday School memories, but the big deal with the spear was that it preserved the circumstances of a prophesy (of which I remember nothing else). Crucifixion often took days to actually kill the person. It was common practice to break their lets after a bit, which because of their raised arm hanging position would actually strangle them on their own collarbone. The prophesy stated that he would die without any broken bones, however. Longinus was sent up to break his legs, but for some reason chose to stab him instead. In doing so he "preserved the Divinity of Christ" and created the last of
"the Five Holy Wounds" (the others all being Nail Wounds.
BTW Quantus, I spliced in a link to the original source of the image of the knife you were referring to in Reply #9
I keep that link tucked under "Random Interwebs coolness involving Jim" in the official all time WoJ index that hasn't been updated much the past year or so... (although checking, it does have links to the topics containing the newer links... so it isn't as out of date as I feared...)
Ah, coolness. It was giving me trouble linking to it (though it might have been do to the content filters Im stuck behind at work) so I dropped in into photobucket. But then Photobocket had to go and "improve" (translation "Break") their link code functionality for a while. I think its back up and running now.