With regard to the "how rules-heavy the system will be" discussion, I think there is an important thing for all us Dresdenphiles to remember. Even if a person doesn't care for the system when the RPG comes out, the book will be a marvelous reference work for the GM wishing to run Dresden Files in his/her favorite system. The Evil Hat crew has done the tedious part for us; they have gone through all the books cataloging all the mythos characters, magical items and effects, and so on. The fact that someone had gone through and cataloged and quantified means all you will have to do is translate.
I play in a group that has existed for almost 20 years (I have been here for 16). The overwhelming majority of our games have been played in GURPS (although I am trying to open their eyes to the potential of more story-oriented systems). I have translated several games in other systems to GURPS, but every time I have tried to adapt a favorite novel or series, I found the task too daunting. Regardless of whether I ever use the native system, I am very pleased that Evil Hat is doing so much hard work for me. That being said I think I can sell them on the game; I have two people reading the novels as we speak.

If you haven't listened to the podcasts at
That's How We Roll, I highly recommend listening to THWR: Under the Hat 001: Evil Hat Convocation Roundtable. It has some very interesting tidbits about the Dresden Files RPG's development. I am glad I didn't have to be the one having the "Briefs Moment"