Author Topic: Dresden Files...the Story Game!!  (Read 26978 times)

Offline chris_moore

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Dresden Files...the Story Game!!
« on: September 26, 2007, 04:47:06 PM »
Okay, so I thought I'd appeal to the man himself.  When I heard that Evil Hat Productions was going to do a Dresden Files rpg, I was extremely happy.  Now, I'm hopeful (because they are a great company) but worried.  Here's why:  when I play Dresden Files the RPG, I want the rules to help me create my own Dresden Files novel.  I don't want the rules to cover how many feet Murphy can run in six seconds, like so many other rpgs's have done with fan fiction.  I'm not saying that Evil Hat will do this, but I want rules that show me how to create scenes, and conflicts, and story arcs.  I want the game broken down into chapters, not "turns" or "rounds".  Only something like this will do your wonderfully fun novels the justice they deserve.  If you have any influence in this matter, please exert it.  Your gamer fans will appreciate it!

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Re: Dresden Files...the Story Game!!
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2007, 05:19:10 PM »
Our sensibilities live very much where yours do, Chris.  That's not to say there won't be some crunch -- that sort of thing will become particularly relevant when the "Fuego!" starts flying.  But much like with Spirit of the Century, we think we'll hit a good compromise between traditional sensibilities and story-game priorities.
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Offline chris_moore

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Re: Dresden Files...the Story Game!!
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2007, 05:48:49 PM »
Yes!! I'm so happy to hear this!  I'll be waiting for the call to playtest...? 


Offline finarvyn

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Re: Dresden Files...the Story Game!!
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2007, 09:04:35 PM »
Chris, have you had a chance to read either the FATE or Spirit of the Century RPG rules sets? I think a quick read-though would ease some of your worries.

DFRPG will be based on the games mentioned above, not d20 or Rolemaster or any of the other really numbers-driven games.
Marv / Finarvyn
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Re: Dresden Files...the Story Game!!
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2007, 06:22:04 PM »
I'm kinda torn about the game. (Yes, I know it's not out yet. I'm still torn, though. I'm pre-torn!  ;D )

On the other hand, the fate system has some pretty cool stuff. On the other hand, it's too narrative or "Forgey" for my taste. I mean, I flipped through the Spirit of the Century SRD and found that it looked good, but the level of abstraction left a bitter taste in my mouth. I like my games pretty simulationist, but with some metagame elements to stress themes and passions - the Spiritual Attributes in The Riddle of Steel are a particular favourite of mine in this regard. The OP should however, I imagine, find the game to their liking. Me... I dunno. I hope so. It's just that some of the modern systems feel to me like reading a book where the author got lazy and decided to use excessive author fiat to get the plot go the way they needed to rather than having the events proceed logically from the elements established.

Don't take this as a slam on your game, however. It's a matter of taste, not of quality. And I'll definitely keep my eye on the game anyway, in case it surprises me positively.

Offline Lizard King

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Re: Dresden Files...the Story Game!!
« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2007, 06:27:39 PM »
I'm kinda torn about the game. (Yes, I know it's not out yet. I'm still torn, though. I'm pre-torn!  ;D )

On the other hand, the fate system has some pretty cool stuff. On the other hand, it's too narrative or "Forgey" for my taste. I mean, I flipped through the Spirit of the Century SRD and found that it looked good, but the level of abstraction left a bitter taste in my mouth. I like my games pretty simulationist, but with some metagame elements to stress themes and passions - the Spiritual Attributes in The Riddle of Steel are a particular favourite of mine in this regard. The OP should however, I imagine, find the game to their liking. Me... I dunno. I hope so. It's just that some of the modern systems feel to me like reading a book where the author got lazy and decided to use excessive author fiat to get the plot go the way they needed to rather than having the events proceed logically from the elements established.

Don't take this as a slam on your game, however. It's a matter of taste, not of quality. And I'll definitely keep my eye on the game anyway, in case it surprises me positively.

I'm on the other side of the fence regarding the story based game systems.  I survived the simulationist games and just want the game to focus on story now.  Especially a game based on a book series.  I'm on the same page as Chris Moore about this.   And I was happy with Iago's response, because I'm okay with some crunching when it makes sense.  I've submitted an application for our group and my fingers are crossed!

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Re: Dresden Files...the Story Game!!
« Reply #6 on: October 11, 2007, 06:59:39 PM »
I'm on the other side of the fence regarding the story based game systems.  I survived the simulationist games and just want the game to focus on story now.  Especially a game based on a book series.  I'm on the same page as Chris Moore about this.   And I was happy with Iago's response, because I'm okay with some crunching when it makes sense.  I've submitted an application for our group and my fingers are crossed!

Cool! No matter my personal opinions, I hope the game turns out to be the best you've ever had!  8)

Offline Lizard King

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Re: Dresden Files...the Story Game!!
« Reply #7 on: October 11, 2007, 08:08:36 PM »
Cool! No matter my personal opinions, I hope the game turns out to be the best you've ever had!  8)

Absolutely and without a doubt!

Offline Harry1974

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Re: Dresden Files...the Story Game!!
« Reply #8 on: October 11, 2007, 10:27:26 PM »
I'm actually specifically waiting for The Dresden Files RPG so I can tell stories in that world.  For actual games requiring more crunch (only in my view of course) such as the Night Watch/Day Watch game I intend to run I will be using Monte Cook's World of Darkness.

Having reviewed Spirit of the Century I think the core system when adapted for TDF will be a good match.  We have already read how Evil Hat are trying to specifically emulate the magic and combat for the setting.  That can only fill you with hope we will get a useful product at the end!   ;D

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Re: Dresden Files...the Story Game!!
« Reply #9 on: October 12, 2007, 12:03:30 AM »
I'm actually specifically waiting for The Dresden Files RPG so I can tell stories in that world.  For actual games requiring more crunch (only in my view of course) such as the Night Watch/Day Watch game I intend to run I will be using Monte Cook's World of Darkness.

Having reviewed Spirit of the Century I think the core system when adapted for TDF will be a good match.  We have already read how Evil Hat are trying to specifically emulate the magic and combat for the setting.  That can only fill you with hope we will get a useful product at the end!   ;D

Wait...Night Watch/Day Watch game?  You mean, like based on the novels by Sergei Lukyanenko?  TELL ME MORE!  Though, you should probably do so in a messege or somethin cuz ya know, it's not exactly on topic ^^;
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" wonkytaters a bad thing?"
"Then yes.  Everything will go wonkytaters."

Offline Lizard King

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Re: Dresden Files...the Story Game!!
« Reply #10 on: October 12, 2007, 12:33:11 AM »
Wait...Night Watch/Day Watch game?  You mean, like based on the novels by Sergei Lukyanenko?  TELL ME MORE!  Though, you should probably do so in a messege or somethin cuz ya know, it's not exactly on topic ^^;

I thought the same thing!  (I just finished Night Watch).

What I hope to see in the Dresden RPG is the freedom for players to have as much say in the game as the GM.  As I was reading through the posts, I realized that's what I maybe hadn't clearly stated.  For me, the games that allow that are the only ones that are any fun any more.

Offline Harry1974

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Re: Dresden Files...the Story Game!!
« Reply #11 on: October 12, 2007, 07:04:09 PM »
I agree discussion of Night Watch related matters can be done by PM.  PMs have been sent.

Offline harleshade

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Re: Dresden Files...the Story Game!!
« Reply #12 on: October 28, 2007, 12:23:20 AM »
I like to have my games that allow me to look at what my characters attempt and then see if they succeed. You can't really do that with with a game that is all scene and chapters but, getting so bogged down by dice rolles and number crunching just to see if a chracter walks across the street without getting hit is a pain in the rear.

Offline finarvyn

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Re: Dresden Files...the Story Game!!
« Reply #13 on: October 31, 2007, 08:31:35 PM »
I like to have my games that allow me to look at what my characters attempt and then see if they succeed. You can't really do that with with a game that is all scene and chapters but, getting so bogged down by dice rolles and number crunching just to see if a chracter walks across the street without getting hit is a pain in the rear.
I agree with your assessment of fun gaming, Harleshade. One of the strengths of the FATE system is the fact that you can quickly assess task difficlulty, roll, and move on. Whereas many games give lots of tables and charts of modifiers in the name of "realism", FATE is all about playability and getting that task resolved so that we can move onto the next interesting part of the plot.

One neat thing from the "Amber Diceless" rulebook is the way that Erick Wujcik makes observations about Zelazny's writing style. If a contest occurs between people who are balanced in ability, Zelazny may spend pages explaining each and every detail. If the contestents are unbalanced and the conflict should end in a hurry, Zelazny spends a few words on it and moves on. FATE is a lot like that. Certainly you can build in layers of complexity if you want, or set the stage for a prolonged confict if that fits the adventure, but if you want something done quickly and want to move on then FATE lets you do it.

I'm wary of the use of the term "Storytelling Game" because it gives the impression that there aren't any rules but just players sitting around a room telling stories, but FATE is a great example of a game with rules designed to enable a gaming group to tell wonderful stories with some structure guiding the resoltion process. The rules assist you through speedy resolution as needed so you can move the plot forward.
Marv / Finarvyn
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Offline John P.

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Re: Dresden Files...the Story Game!!
« Reply #14 on: November 03, 2007, 09:31:38 PM »
As a "Old School" gamer (Really old school -I began with D&D FIRST edition!)  I am trying to make a "Harryesque" game using a combo of the old " Call of Cthullu ' and the new "D20 "Cof C . So I am waiting  for the new game, badly!
 I have "done " game rules before and "Feel Your Pain" so I just qiuetly (whimper...) wait. :'(