It sounds a good idea to me, but I for one would need extensive and clearly explained instructions before I coukd load anything more complicated than a link. I'm still trying to work out how to get my latest lot of photos on line. 
It is alot easier then you would think CarolM. Just sign up at a site like for a free account for hosting pictures. Yahoo etc, also offer such services. Upload the pictures you want to share or display. Then just add in the url to your photos into your profile.

or with image size set.
[IMG width=600 height=231][/IMG]
Then just enclose the image url inside the forums image tags. (see the code block above) (Example pic is my Home Theater setup for watching Dresden Files. Further example of photobuckets image storage and pre-generated links
This is added into your profiles signature area. "Profile" from the menu bar under the page header graphix, then "Forum profile information" on the left menu sidebar. Then look for the "Signature" area on the main page area. Sites like photobucket generate the image urls for you making it even easier to add them. Hope this explains it easy enough for you to give it a try. Feel free to PM me if you have any issues.
Edit: You can also use the same image storage sites to upload a custom avatars. Remember to resize avatars to a proper size though. Usually 160x160 is the max you would want an avatar to be. I would ask Iago or check the forum faq, for avatar and signature picture sizes. Especially since avatars use the forums bandwidth. And nothing is more annoying and stupid looking then people who use 800x600(or any image larger then YYYx250) image sizes as signatures. You can set image size inside the image tags (as shown in my code example) But why waste the bandwidth sending full res images, just to have your PC resize them.