Author Topic: Need Help - Is This Character legit?  (Read 4096 times)

Offline Lawgiver

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Need Help - Is This Character legit?
« on: March 16, 2015, 08:41:48 PM »
Having a problem designing this NPC for an upcoming home brew. I love the concept, just not sure if I've got all the math right. He's intended to be a Rock God Wannabe, with some real problems (can provide background if desired). But he's not... stable. Being a Focused Practitioner shouldn't interfere with his use of tech for instrument amplification, should it? He's not gonna hex blowout equipment all the time?

Would appreciate some critique. ty.

Template: Focused Practitioner (Submerged)
High Concept: Bipolar Orpheomancer
Trouble: Jukebox Hero Wannabe
(Other aspects available as requested)

(+5) Conviction, Performance
(+4) Presence, Scholarship
(+3) Deceit, Discipline
(+2) Athletics, Endurance, Lore
(+1) Alertness, Contacts, Intimidation
(total 33)

[-2] Channeling (Air, Power +1)
[-2] Ritual (Psychomancy, Complexity +1) - (should have 8 complexity shifts?- see below)
--Lore(2)+Aspect(2)+Ritual ([Stage{2}+Components{2}=4)=8?
Did I get that right? And this could go up if he can apply more than one aspect at the same time?

[-1] Spellsinger -- Use Performance instead of Discipline for control
[-1] Occultist (Lore) - Music+1, Ancient Music+2
[-1] Art Historian (Performance), Art=1, Music History+2, Rock Music+3
[-1] Poet (Performance) Composition+2
[-1] Scholar (Scholarship), Music+1, Ancient Music+2
(total 9)

Focus Items
Guitar [Vintage '57 Fender Stratocaster], [Air, Offensive Power (Conviction)+2]
Guitar Pick [Air, Offensive Control (Performance)+2]

Rote Spells (Bound to Focus [Guitar])
Riff #1 (Creates Wall of Air) Movement Border [Defensive Power (eight) {to target roll Performance} for 1 Mental stress]

Riff #2 (Feedback), Attack (audio), Offensive Power (W:eight) [to target roll Performance} for 1 Mental stress]

Base Spell Power = Conviction(5)+Channel(1)=6 +Focus[Guitar(2)]=8
Base Spell Control = Performance(5)=Focus[Pick(2)]=7

Total spent: Skills = 33
Refresh = 9

I need to know if the math is good. If so, is there a problem (rules or concept) with him using a "Spray Attack" on the amplified music from his guitar to hit a group of people at a concert with his Psychomancy? (He's slowly creating a mob of truly fanatic fans this way.)

Thanks for any advice.
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Re: Need Help - Is This Character legit?
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2015, 08:50:10 PM »
I'd probably do psychomancy-via-audio as an area attack.

I'd also note he's going to have to take Lawbreaker (4th) quite early on if he's building a fanbase via mind-magic, so you should be comfortable with him "going villain" rather quickly.

Offline Lawgiver

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Re: Need Help - Is This Character legit?
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2015, 09:05:46 PM »
I'd probably do psychomancy-via-audio as an area attack.

I'd also note he's going to have to take Lawbreaker (4th) quite early on if he's building a fanbase via mind-magic, so you should be comfortable with him "going villain" rather quickly.
Oh, forgot the Lawbreaker bit, ty for that...

On the psychomancy, is area effect more cost-effective stress-wise than a Spray? His main desire is to make people like his music more (he's good at playing and writing lyrics, etc.), but still has confidence issues. So, if he's doubting the crowd is "up" enough, he'll start hitting some of the less enthusiastic looking members with a specific "jab" to get them pumped.

If an area effect is better for extending his stress to last longer w/o exhaustion, I'll go that route instead, but would prefer to keep it as Spray if it's either/or for the same cost.

Again, thanks for the feedback.
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Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Need Help - Is This Character legit?
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2015, 02:43:29 AM »
Being a Focused Practitioner shouldn't interfere with his use of tech for instrument amplification, should it? He's not gonna hex blowout equipment all the time?

Up to you. How serious any given character's hexing problems are is left to each group's discretion.

[-2] Channeling (Air, Power +1)
[-2] Ritual (Psychomancy, Complexity +1) - (should have 8 complexity shifts?- see below)
--Lore(2)+Aspect(2)+Ritual ([Stage{2}+Components{2}=4)=8?
Did I get that right? And this could go up if he can apply more than one aspect at the same time?

Not quite right. Ritual and Channelling don't give specializations.

And you don't include Aspects and stuff when calculating base complexity. You work out all that jazz once you're actually preparing a ritual.

Rote Spells (Bound to Focus [Guitar])
Riff #1 (Creates Wall of Air) Movement Border [Defensive Power (eight) {to target roll Performance} for 1 Mental stress]

Also not quite right. If it's a defensive spell, you don't get to use your offensive foci. And you don't need to roll for a rote block.

I need to know if the math is good. If so, is there a problem (rules or concept) with him using a "Spray Attack" on the amplified music from his guitar to hit a group of people at a concert with his Psychomancy? (He's slowly creating a mob of truly fanatic fans this way.)
On the psychomancy, is area effect more cost-effective stress-wise than a Spray? His main desire is to make people like his music more (he's good at playing and writing lyrics, etc.), but still has confidence issues. So, if he's doubting the crowd is "up" enough, he'll start hitting some of the less enthusiastic looking members with a specific "jab" to get them pumped.

If an area effect is better for extending his stress to last longer w/o exhaustion, I'll go that route instead, but would prefer to keep it as Spray if it's either/or for the same cost.

Probably better not to do that as a ritual attack at all. Rituals take a fair bit of, well...ritual. You can't just toss them off while doing something else. And tracking stress for random crowd members seems like a needless hassle.

What you want sounds more like an evocation maneuver. If your group thinks it's within the bounds of the element you're using, you can totally give someone a PUMPED UP Aspect with a quick evocation spell.

Offline Lawgiver

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Re: Need Help - Is This Character legit?
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2015, 02:43:30 PM »
Up to you. How serious any given character's hexing problems are is left to each group's discretion.

Not quite right. Ritual and Channelling don't give specializations.

And you don't include Aspects and stuff when calculating base complexity. You work out all that jazz once you're actually preparing a ritual.

Also not quite right. If it's a defensive spell, you don't get to use your offensive foci. And you don't need to roll for a rote block.

Probably better not to do that as a ritual attack at all. Rituals take a fair bit of, well...ritual. You can't just toss them off while doing something else. And tracking stress for random crowd members seems like a needless hassle.

What you want sounds more like an evocation maneuver. If your group thinks it's within the bounds of the element you're using, you can totally give someone a PUMPED UP Aspect with a quick evocation spell.
Hmm... Ok, looks like I'll have to rethink and retool a bit. But I like to change to an Evocation Maneuver, lots less hassle.

I had him doing some "choreographed" activity on stage (ritual prep, etc), even having the band's logo looking very much like a pentagram... painted on the stage (about 20 feet across). He could stand in it, move around a little with a spotlight focused on him for dramatic effect and then during a long sustain on the guitar cast his whammy. Your idea is much better. :)  Thanks.

My players are not going to be expecting this...

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Re: Need Help - Is This Character legit?
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2015, 04:28:14 PM »
What you want sounds more like an evocation maneuver. If your group thinks it's within the bounds of the element you're using, you can totally give someone a PUMPED UP Aspect with a quick evocation spell.

I'd be more concerned about the potential abuse of psychomancy if used through evocation.

Aside from that, a ritual could just as easily be a concert or individual song (depending on the size you're going for) as it could a traditional one with circle and candles. A couple of declarations/manoeuvres like In Tune With My Magic or The Crowd Follows My Beats would be used in the same way the orgies in Storm Front were; to generate the right kind of energy (aspects) for the ritual.

As for hexing; a circle of cords around the practitioner would theoretically allow you to set up a guitar without hexing the rest of the stage equipment. You'd probably go through a fairly big stock of guitars though as they'd be getting the full force of the guy's magic in an enclosed area.

So he'd set up the circle (Declaration), play a few songs (Performance Manoeuvres/Declarations), maybe invoke some aspects, then break the circle and start to roll for control. Hey presto! Instant ritual!

(+5) Conviction, Performance
(+4) Presence, Scholarship
(+3) Deceit, Discipline
(+2) Athletics, Endurance, Lore
(+1) Alertness, Contacts, Intimidation
(total 33)

These are fine, though mind mages are often all about control, and once they have a few Lawbreaker stunts under their belt they're much more likely to use Intimidation in social situations. Might want to keep that in mind for later on in the campaign.

[-2] Channeling (Air, Power +1)
[-2] Ritual (Psychomancy, Complexity +1) - (should have 8 complexity shifts?- see below)
--Lore(2)+Aspect(2)+Ritual ([Stage{2}+Components{2}=4)=8?
Did I get that right? And this could go up if he can apply more than one aspect at the same time?

Not quite. If you want to note down potential spells, they should probably go in a separate section. I usually note my Power lists down like this:

[-2] Channeling (Air, +2 Focus Item Slots)
[-2] Ritual (Psychomancy, +2 Focus Item Slots)

For the ritual you're wanting to make I'd go for something more along the lines of a multi-zone ritual to create Stage Aspects over the crowd. These would then be used as Compels against the crowd/players (you can Compel the players to roll Discipline to avoid having the mind mage enthral them or just have it as pay a Fate Point or Be Enthralled, though I wouldn't do the latter unless this was a grimdark campaign).  Either way, this equation works as a decent rough guide for working out how much complexity you'd need:

Complexity = Zones * Stage Aspects per zone (3 as default).

So if you have a stadium full of fans, making up four zones (Stands, East Seats, West Seats, Refreshments) and you want to place one aspect on each zone you'd have a final complexity of 3*4=12. With your Lore +2 and Focus Items +0 (you'd be using Complexity Focus Items here) you'd have to create/invoke 10 aspects to reach the final complexity.

Alternately you could set up the confrontation in such a way that the players are forced to be subtle in preventing the ritual from happening; revealing the existence of magic to a crowded theatre/stadium would not be something the White Council would take kindly to, for instance. Of course, if your players are anything like mine have been, they're just as likely to pull the fire alarm as anything else.

[-1] Spellsinger -- Use Performance instead of Discipline for control
[-1] Occultist (Lore) - Music+1, Ancient Music+2
[-1] Art Historian (Performance), Art=1, Music History+2, Rock Music+3
[-1] Poet (Performance) Composition+2
[-1] Scholar (Scholarship), Music+1, Ancient Music+2
(total 9)

These are fine, though if you plan to have your NPC fighting the players you may want to adjust one or two to be more combat focused.

Focus Items
Guitar [Vintage '57 Fender Stratocaster], [Air, Offensive Power (Conviction)+2]
Guitar Pick [Air, Offensive Control (Performance)+2]

These work.

Rote Spells (Bound to Focus [Guitar])
Riff #1 (Creates Wall of Air) Movement Border [Defensive Power (eight) {to target roll Performance} for 1 Mental stress]

Your guitar is an offensive focus while this is a primarily defensive spell. You also don't need to roll control for rote blocks. They just happen. Regular blocks require a roll, but that's only for control, not to aim (I made this mistake in the first campaign I ran).

Riff #2 (Feedback), Attack (audio), Offensive Power (Weight) [to target roll Performance} for 1 Mental stress]

Base Spell Power = Conviction(5)+Channel(1)=6 +Focus[Guitar(2)]=8
Base Spell Control = Performance(5)=Focus[Pick(2)]=7

You don't have any specialisations as a Focused Practitioner so your base power is 7, not 8. Control is fine.

If you had taken this as state (8 power, 7 control) you'd have to take 2 points of Mental stress every casting as you always take 1 to cast a spell + 1 from backlash (unless you went with fallout, which would be interesting to see).

I need to know if the math is good. If so, is there a problem (rules or concept) with him using a "Spray Attack" on the amplified music from his guitar to hit a group of people at a concert with his Psychomancy? (He's slowly creating a mob of truly fanatic fans this way.)

You'd probably use group attacks or stage aspects for this rather than spray attacks; they're more efficient at targeting large numbers of people at only -2 to power.
Quote from: JoeC
"Why are you banging your head against the wall?
'cause it feels sooooo good when I stop..."

Offline Lawgiver

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Re: Need Help - Is This Character legit?
« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2015, 05:43:22 PM »
I'd be more concerned about the potential abuse of psychomancy if used through evocation.
Not worried about it myself. Guy's a total whacko.
Aside from that, a ritual could just as easily be a concert or individual song (depending on the size you're going for) as it could a traditional one with circle and candles. A couple of declarations/manoeuvres like In Tune With My Magic or The Crowd Follows My Beats would be used in the same way the orgies in Storm Front were; to generate the right kind of energy (aspects) for the ritual.
Extremely good idea. Now I'm wondering if I want to retool him (as suggested above). This goes much more with my original concept.  Hmmm..
As for hexing; a circle of cords around the practitioner would theoretically allow you to set up a guitar without hexing the rest of the stage equipment. You'd probably go through a fairly big stock of guitars though as they'd be getting the full force of the guy's magic in an enclosed area.
Actually, he's 'originating' the spell at the speakers (in his mind - for the volume, you know... going to eleven!)
These are fine, though mind mages are often all about control,
He's got that Stunt "Spellsinger"= use Performance instead of Discipline on Control rolls, so yeah.
and once they have a few Lawbreaker stunts under their belt they're much more likely to use Intimidation in social situations. Might want to keep that in mind for later on in the campaign.
He's actually pretty much a coward. At the first sign of confrontation/trouble, he'll hit the Feedback Riff (about 5 shifts) +Focus (to do some good damage) followed immediately by the Movement Block with everything he can throw in it that won't take himself out on the spot...and skat. He tries to avoid confrontation when he can. But... thanks for the ideas.... hehehe!
...(unless you went with fallout, which would be interesting to see).
Stage pyrotechnics is all part of the show, yah?

Character didn't turn out as well as I thought but not as bad as I feared, so I guess I'd call it a sort-of-win. There are some awesome ideas above. Very though provoking. I'll have to consider long and hard now about just how I want him to work.

Thanks again.
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Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Need Help - Is This Character legit?
« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2015, 11:24:15 PM »
I'd be more concerned about the potential abuse of psychomancy if used through evocation.

I think it should be fine as long as you remember that evocation is unsubtle and don't allow mental attacks.

Aside from that, a ritual could just as easily be a concert or individual song (depending on the size you're going for) as it could a traditional one with circle and candles.

Certainly. But a ritual can't be a quick spur-of-the-moment thing inserted seamlessly into a normal concert. So something like

...if he's doubting the crowd is "up" enough, he'll start hitting some of the less enthusiastic looking members with a specific "jab" to get them pumped.

should probably be an evocation.

Offline Lawgiver

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Re: Need Help - Is This Character legit?
« Reply #8 on: March 18, 2015, 02:46:14 AM »
Certainly. But a ritual can't be a quick spur-of-the-moment thing inserted seamlessly into a normal concert.
As I understand it, Ritual (Thaumaturgy Lite) would require a pattern of things (items, movements, words, et al) every time it's done. So, the NPC could set up a play list with certain songs in a certain order, move around the stage in a certain way to certain lighting effects, etc., etc., to get a specific effect. If he changed anything significant (different play list, or ended up with different lighting, whatever) he'd either get nothing or some level of failure. If so, then he'd be constantly having to come up with different rituals for almost every venue because he can't guarantee an exact match from one to the next?

If that's all basically correct, then the logistics of doing what he's doing with Ritual rather than Channeling would be nightmarish and I'd be better off switching his spells to Channeling actions (maneuver for Riff #1 for example) instead of doing it the way I had it set up.

Am I figuring this out?
« Last Edit: March 18, 2015, 02:07:41 PM by Lawgiver »
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Re: Need Help - Is This Character legit?
« Reply #9 on: March 19, 2015, 04:46:01 AM »
Even if you've already done the same ritual-concert in the same place with the same audience, you still need to prepare a new ritual to do it again. (Though your previous ritual is a good source for Declarations...)

But yeah, you get the general idea. Setting up rituals is a lot of work. That's what the complexity-building phase represents. In exchange for all that work, you get access to an incredibly broad range of potentially-incredibly-powerful effects.