Author Topic: The Avengers, written up for Dresden  (Read 6600 times)

Offline Mr. Death

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Re: The Avengers, written up for Dresden
« Reply #15 on: March 06, 2015, 04:31:57 PM »
Yeah, I mean, the way it's written up now, Tony Stark, not wearing his armor, could give Thor a good run for his money if you handed him a sword. That just ain't right.

Also, why is Cap's catch blades and bullets? He doesn't seem to have any trouble recovering from the stab and bullet wounds he received in Winter Soldier.

I'd also suggest that Cap makes more sense if you gave him a high Fists rating, and the Armed Arts stunt. His style is much more "fisticuffs with occasional shield work" than "weapons master who can also use his fists"
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Re: The Avengers, written up for Dresden
« Reply #16 on: March 06, 2015, 09:06:51 PM »
Finished looking over the stats. I pick a lot of nits, but overall they're quite good. And I like the Aspects quite a bit, though I can't comment on how well they fit.

Yeah, I mean, the way it's written up now, Tony Stark, not wearing his armor, could give Thor a good run for his money if you handed him a sword. That just ain't right.

A stunt letting him aim self-made weapons with Craftsmanship might fix that.

I'd also suggest that Cap makes more sense if you gave him a high Fists rating, and the Armed Arts stunt. His style is much more "fisticuffs with occasional shield work" than "weapons master who can also use his fists"

That sounds about right from what I know of him.

Captain America


-2   Item of Power: Shield  w the following powers: Indestructible, Block +2 Thrown Wpn 2, returns


-1   Tireless
-1   Pilot: +1 Jet,  +2 Quinjet
-1   Cat Burglar
-1   Corner of My Eye
-1   Paranoid, Probably
-1   Tough Stuff
-1   No Pain, No Gain
-1   Killer Blow
-1   Good Arm (throw 2 zones)
-1   Biker: +1 w/motorcycles
-1   Firearms are Weapons
-1   Personal Magnetism
-1   Leadership

The shield should probably be stronger. Weapon 2 is free, returning is weak for 1 Refresh, +2 to block is 1 Refresh, and the rebate is +2. So the cost doesn't work out to -2.

That's a really wasteful stunt allocation. So much Refresh spent so carelessly...I guess that's not necessarily a problem.

Also, I think Firearms Are Weapons is too strong and Biker is probably too weak.

Iron Man aka Tony Stark


-6   Mythic Toughness
0   The Catch: Only when wearing Item of Power, anti-technology weapons (like computer viruses, specialized eMPs, etc...)


-4   Repulsors: Wpn 4, Ranged


-4   Flight, Mythic Spd


-3   Super Senses: Link to Jarvis,   IR/UV, Radar

That Catch is probably worth 3 Refresh. +2 for obviousness, +1 for moderately-limited availability.

You don't need to spend Refresh to give a weapon a weapon rating. There are big guns in the armour, that's weapon 4 at range right there for free.

Wings costs 1 Refresh, Mythic Speed costs 6. So I'm not sure why the combination costs 4 here. And why is Inhuman Speed listed separately? Even if you deduct its cost it's still 5 Refresh for Wings + Mythic.

You can usually get 3 senses for 2 Refresh.

Hulk aka Bruce Banner


Great (+4): Fists (+5 w/ Demonic co-pilot), Intimidation (6 w/Hulk Size & Demonic co-pilot)


-1   Demonic co-pilot: Hulk rage +1 to skills when enraged


-1   Super Leap: +4 Athletics when jumping

I'd let you raise Intimidation with Beast Change, but I think it's a bit debatable by the book.

Demonic Co-Pilot is a pain in the neck, I don't recommend using it. Especially not on someone with Fair Discipline.

Super Leap isn't exactly bad, but I think you can push it a bit harder. Look at Wings, or at this. Unless it's meant to boost jumping-based maneuvers, in which case it might actually be too good.

Thor Odinson


+1   Catch: Drain Powers


-4   Flight @ Mythic Speeds
-4   Wpn 4, Ranged (Thrown or Lightning Bolt)


-4     Sponsored Magic (Odin, used for Storm related effects)

Not sure what that catch is.

What I said about Iron Man applies here too.

Sponsored Magic is really feeble with Thor's skills being what they are. Woo-hoo, weapon 1 lightning bolts with accuracy 1!

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Re: The Avengers, written up for Dresden
« Reply #17 on: March 06, 2015, 10:07:07 PM »
Finished looking over the stats. I pick a lot of nits, but overall they're quite good. And I like the Aspects quite a bit, though I can't comment on how well they fit.

A stunt letting him aim self-made weapons with Craftsmanship might fix that.
That makes a lot of sense -- especially considering the role that, for instance, targeting computers play in Iron Man's ability to fight.

The shield should probably be stronger. Weapon 2 is free, returning is weak for 1 Refresh, +2 to block is 1 Refresh, and the rebate is +2. So the cost doesn't work out to -2.
Agreed. I might suggest statting it as a toughness power, with the catch being that it's only against frontal attacks; or as Armor:3 or 4. Then again, in Avengers, it completely negates a blow from Thor's Mjolnir, which according to these write-ups ought to be a Weapon:10 attack.

Admittedly, that's probably more of a case of Steve just acing his defense roll (he does brace for it beforehand) maybe he has a stunt to give him a bonus to defending with the shield? I've got that on one of my GMPCs, Shield Master: +1 to Weapons for defense and maneuvers made with a shield.

As for the attack, maybe a stunt to allow for Spray Attacks, to reflect the shield's ability to bounce around, hit a bunch of targets, then come back?

Also, I think Firearms Are Weapons is too strong and Biker is probably too weak.
Yeah, and as said before, it just makes more sense for Steve -- a trained soldier first -- to just plain have a decent guns rating.

You don't need to spend Refresh to give a weapon a weapon rating. There are big guns in the armour, that's weapon 4 at range right there for free.
Yeah, if anything, I'd say you could justify his high weapons rating via his Craftsmanship or Resources skill (or one modifying the other?)

Demonic Co-Pilot is a pain in the neck, I don't recommend using it. Especially not on someone with Fair Discipline.
And I don't think it fits much with Hulk -- Banner's time as the Hulk doesn't mentally affect him when he's Banner, not in the way we've seen with the hexenwulfen.

Sponsored Magic is really feeble with Thor's skills being what they are. Woo-hoo, weapon 1 lightning bolts with accuracy 1!
I've had some interesting success by making skill-swapping part of an extra effect of a Sponsored Magic (a bard who casts with Performance, and uses Presence for power). In Thor's case, make Weapons the casting skill, and...actually, Conviction still makes sense, because his sense of self and 'worthiness' is a huge factor in his ability to fight, so he should probably have pretty solid Conviction anyway. Possibly with some additional or built in bonuses to it (Mjolnir as a focus makes a lot of sense), because Thor is hugely powerful when he wants to be.

Come to that, Thor's a god and all, so I wouldn't have much problem allowing him a skillcap of 7. With Mjolnir as a power focus, that could mean he's able to send out Weapon:10 blasts if he needs to, which is much more in line with what we've seen of him.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2015, 10:23:51 PM by Mr. Death »
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Re: The Avengers, written up for Dresden
« Reply #18 on: March 06, 2015, 10:42:07 PM »
Stellar feedback, everyone.  Thank you so much.  I will make some adjustments and post them soon.

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Re: The Avengers, written up for Dresden
« Reply #19 on: March 08, 2015, 04:57:07 AM »
Hawkeye aka Clint Barton
High Concept: Avenging Archer of SHIELD
Trouble: Brash, Impulsive & Headstrong
Background Ran Away from home to join the Circus
Rising Conflict: Fortune Favors the Bold
Aspect 1: All kinds of Trick Arrows
Aspect 2: Just another guy with a bow...
Aspect 3: Cocky, Lovable Rogue

Skills (46 skill pts):
Fantastic (+6): Guns (Bows/Crossbows, Thrown Weapons, Craft Bow/Arrow & other projectiles, Performance when Juggling, +7 when Outnumbered)
Superb (+5): Alertness (+7 Initiative, +6 w/ Sight rolls)
Great (+4): Athletics, Fists (HtH Melee Weapons)
Good (+3): Burglary (Hide/Skulk, Pickpocket), Endurance, Investigate, Might
Fair (+2): Contacts, Craftsmanship (Demolitions), Deceit, Rapport (Sex Appeal +4), Survival (Track/Hunt +4)
Average (+1): Driving (+2 jet, +3 Quinjet), Intimidation (Taunt +3), Performance, Presence, Scholarship (First Aid +3)

+2 Pure Mortal
-1 On My Toes +2 Initiative
-1 Eyes like a Hawk, +1 Alertness with Vision
-1 Cat Burglar
-1 Light Fingered (use Burglary to pick pockets)
-1 Demolitions Training
-1 Supreme Concentration
-1 Pilot (+1 jet, +2 Quinjet)
-1 No Pain, No Gain
-1 Extensive Training (use Fists for HtH weapons)
-1 Hand-Eye Coordination
-1 Old/New Makes No Difference (use Guns or Bows/Crossbows at the same level)
-1 Pin Them Down
-1 Way of the Bow (+1 damage w/ Bows)
-1 Target Rich Environment
-1 Infuriate
-1 Sex Appeal
-1 First Aid Training
-1 Hunter
-1 Called Shot (+3 damage with Fate Point, once per scene)
-1 Deadly Projectile, use any reasonable thrown object as a thrown weapon: 1
-1 Good Arm (thrown weapons can reach 2 zones)
-1 Juggler
-1 Rapid Attack: make spray attacks with arrows or thrown Weapons
-1 Riposte

Total Cost: -22 Refresh

Stress: Physical OOOO +1 Mild Consequence, Mental OO, Social OOO

Equipment: Bow & Regular Arrows (Wpn 2, w/ extra +1 dmg from Way of the Bow stunt for a total of Wpn 3)
Bola Arrow or Net Arrow +2 to place "Entangled" Aspect on targets
EMP Arrow +2 vs Robots or Tech-themed opponents
Admantium Arrow - satisfies catch vs Physical Armor, must spend a FATE point
Tear Gas Arrow - attack all targets within a zone
Explosive Arrow - Weapon 4, attack all targets within a zone,
« Last Edit: March 27, 2015, 04:20:06 PM by Shaft »

Offline Mojosilver

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Re: The Avengers, written up for Dresden
« Reply #20 on: March 08, 2015, 12:32:52 PM »
There are a few things I would like to add.
1. Captain America's shield has only ever been broken by beings with realty warping powers. (That I know of.) So it can block any thing short of that. In the first movie Bucky used Cap's shield but was knocked over by the force of the bullets. So Cap's strength does help him use his shield. And I think it should be Stated as a block not armor.

2. Hulk's berserker rages are a core part of his character. So a Hulk that does not have the potential to go berserk on you is not the Hulk. I would make Hulking out stressful like a vampires hunger stress track. The more or longer he uses his power the more likely he would go berserk on you.

3. Thor seems to me to be like a D&D paladin. He has to be worthy of his powers and when he is not worthy he loses his power. Thor's first movie was about the lost of his power and his redemption and regaining of his power. So Sponsored magic but in steed of getting power from a god. He has to be worthy of being a god or lose his power.

Offline Mr. Death

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Re: The Avengers, written up for Dresden
« Reply #21 on: March 08, 2015, 02:41:47 PM »
There are a few things I would like to add.
1. Captain America's shield has only ever been broken by beings with realty warping powers. (That I know of.) So it can block any thing short of that. In the first movie Bucky used Cap's shield but was knocked over by the force of the bullets. So Cap's strength does help him use his shield. And I think it should be Stated as a block not armor.
The problem is, how do you justify it in the rules? As you say, Cap's skill and strength make a difference -- i.e., if Cap's off balance, or doesn't brace right, he'll still take stress even if the shield does stop whatever's up against it. Making it a block, do you make it an enchanted item? Homebrew some power that makes it a flat block of some high number? Based on what?

2. Hulk's berserker rages are a core part of his character. So a Hulk that does not have the potential to go berserk on you is not the Hulk. I would make Hulking out stressful like a vampires hunger stress track. The more or longer he uses his power the more likely he would go berserk on you.
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Re: The Avengers, written up for Dresden
« Reply #22 on: March 27, 2015, 04:55:47 PM »
Black Widow aka Natasha Romanoff

High Concept: Superspy
Trouble: Dangerous Liasons
Background: I've got red in my ledger, I'd like to wipe it out.
Rising Conflict: SHIELD defector
Aspect 1: Who are you working for?
Aspect 2: This is just like Budapest all over again.
Aspect 3: Widow's Sting

Skills (63 skill pts):
Fantastic(+6): Athletics (Dancing, +7 w/Acrobatics), Deceit (+8 w/ Honest Lies)
Superb (+5): Burglary (Demolitions, Hacking, Pick Pocket, Hide/Skulk), Fists, Guns
Great (+4): Empathy, Investigation, Rapport (Command, Sex Appeal+6)
Good (+3): Alertness (Initiative +5), Contacts (Espionage World +5), Endurance
Fair (+2): Driving (Jets +3, Quinjets +4, Motorcycles +4), Intimidation, Might, Resources, Scholarship (First Aid +4)
Average (+1): Conviction, Discipline (Control Emotions +3), Lore, Performance, Presence

+2 Pure Mortal
-1 On My Toes +2 Initiative
-1 Acrobat
-1 Ballet Dancer (Swap Athletics for Perform when Dancing)
-1 The Big Picture
-1 Cat Burglar
-1 Hacker
-1 Explosives Expert (use Burglary for Demolitions)
-1 Spy Connections (+2 Contacts w/ Espionage World)
-1 Resilient Self Image
-1 Document Forging
-1 Honest Lies
-1 Calm Blue Ocean
-1 Pilot (+1 jet, +2 Quinjet)
-1 Combat Biker (+2 w/ motorcycles)
-1 No Pain, No Gain
-1 Extensive Training (use Fists for HtH weapons)
-1 Killer Blow
-1 Hand-Eye Coordination
-1 Target Rich Environment
-1 Pin the Tail
-1 Sex Appeal
-1 Natural Leader (Swap Rapport for Presence to command a group)
-1 First Aid Training
-1 Scholar (Espionage World +1, HYDRA +2)
-1 Linguist

Total Cost: -24 Refresh

Stress: Physical OOOO +1 Mild Consequence, Mental OOO +2 Consequences during interogations, Social OOO

Equipment: 2 Small pistols (Wpn 2), 2 wrist mounted "stingers" (Wpn 2), swingline, lockpick set, night vision goggles
« Last Edit: March 28, 2015, 11:51:32 PM by Shaft »

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Re: The Avengers, written up for Dresden
« Reply #23 on: March 27, 2015, 05:25:21 PM »
She needs a high Stealth stat, along with both Blend In and Stay Close and Keep Quiet! and I'd recommend the stunt Redirected Force.
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Re: The Avengers, written up for Dresden
« Reply #24 on: March 27, 2015, 07:05:13 PM »
Instead of Cat Burglar, how about a hiding/skulking skill replacement with Athletics?