Author Topic: The Avengers, written up for Dresden  (Read 6610 times)

Offline Shaft

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The Avengers, written up for Dresden
« on: March 05, 2015, 07:46:04 PM »
I just saw the latest Avengers 2 trailer and thought it might be fun to stat up the Avengers.

Since they're superheroes, as opposed to "normal" heroes I decided to give them extra Refresh as needed.  Most of them are written up on 20-25 Refresh, 40+ skills points, although Iron Man costs a bit more (50+).

Feedback is welcome.

« Last Edit: March 06, 2015, 11:12:03 AM by Shaft »

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Re: The Avengers, written up for Dresden
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2015, 07:55:19 PM »
EDIT: Made some changes based on feedback later in the thread...

Captain America
aka Steve Rogers

High Concept: All American Super-Soldier
Trouble Aspect: A Man Out of Time
Background Aspect: All This and World War Too?
Rising Conflict: My Shield never fails me
Aspect 1: Lead By Example
Aspect 2: Avengers Assemble!
Aspect 3: We Are Men of Action.  Lies Do Not Become Us.

Skills (45 pts)
Fantastic (+6): Fists (Thrown Shield & Shield in Melee)
Superb (+5): Athletics (+6 Initiative w/Inhuman Spd), Endurance
Great (+4): Might (+7 to lift, +5 to grapple), Rapport
Good (+3): Alertness (+5 to notice/surprise, +7 for initiative), Guns, Presence (+4 to command, +5 for passive charisma)   
Fair (+2): Burglary (Hiding & Skulking), Discipline, Driving, Investigation
Average (+1): Contacts, Conviction, Empathy, Scholar (languages: English, German)

Cost   Powers & Stunts
-2   Inhuman Str
-2   Inhuman Speed
-2   Inhuman Toughness
-2   Inhuman Recovery
3   Catch: Gas/Chemical attacks (supersoldier serum makes him vulnerable to chemicals)
+2   Item of Power: Shield 
affects the following powers:
0 Unbreakable/Indestructible
-3 Adds 3 pts of armor or +3 to Block vs incoming attacks, block can be done at range if shield is thrown
0 Thrown Wpn 2
-1 Well balanced +1 to strike (built like True Aim power)

-1   Pilot: +1 w/ Jet,  +2 w/ Quinjet
-1   Cat Burglar
-1   Corner of My Eye
-1   Paranoid, Probably
-1   Tough Stuff
-1   No Pain, No Gain
-1   Killer Blow
-1   Good Arm (throw 2 zones)
-1   Biker: +1 w/motorcycles, +2 with American-made motorcycles!
-1   Armed Arts
-1     An Instinct for Trajectories: can bounce attacks with thrown weapons (treat like spray attack) and have well balanced, aerodynamic objects like his shield return to him
-1   Personal Magnetism
-1   Leadership
-1     My Fellow Americans (+2 to Contacts when dealing with loyal American NPCs)

-23   Total Refresh Cost

Physical OOOO[OO] 1 armor (2 w/Costume or vs HtH, 3 w/ both, possibly +3 w/shield for a total of up to 6) 2 extra Mild Consequences,
Mental OOO, Social OOOO

Shield, armored costume (+1 armor), gas mask
« Last Edit: March 07, 2015, 04:09:33 AM by Shaft »

Offline Shaft

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Re: The Avengers, written up for Dresden
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2015, 08:07:13 PM »
EDIT: Made some changes based on feedback later in the thread...

Iron Man aka Tony Stark
High Concept: Armored Avenger
Trouble Aspect: Technology in the Wrong Hands
Background Aspect: Genius Billionaire Playboy Philanthropist.
Rising Conflict: Weapons Platform
Aspect 1: My heart belongs to Pepper
Aspect 2: Hardheaded Futurist
Aspect 3: Talk to me, JARVIS

Skills (50 pts)
Fantastic (+6): Craftsmanship (Repulsor Rays)
Superb (+5): Contacts, Resources
Great (+4): Rapport, Scholarship
Good (+3): Athletics (+4 w/Inhuman Spd), Driving (+4 w/ jets, +5 w/ Quinjets), Fists, Presence (The Brush Off)
Fair (+2): Burglary, Deceit, Guns, Might (+8 Lifting, +4 Grapple in suit w/ Supernatural Strength)
Average(+1): Alertness (+5 Initiative w/ Inhuman Spd), Conviction, Endurance,  Lore, Performance (electric guitar), Stealth

Cost   Powers & Stunts
+2   Item of Power: Iron Man Armor
-2   Inhuman Speed
-4   Supernatural Strength
-6   Mythic Toughness
3   The Catch: Only when wearing Item of Power, anti-technology weapons (like computer viruses, specialized eMPs, etc...)
-3   Repulsors: Wpn 4, Ranged (usable as a standalone item with just gauntlet)
-3   Flight, Mythic Spd
-3   Super Senses: Satellite Link to Computer systems (including JARVIS), IR/UV vision, Radar sense, Radio frequencies, Sonar (satellite link usable with earpiece or PDA)
-1     Computer Sensors swap Craftsmanship for Alertness or Investigation in Armor

-1     Built to Blast (use Craftsmanship to fire any ranged weapon that he designed)
-1   Lush Lifestyle
-1   Pilot (+1 w/ jets, +2 w/ Quinjets)
-1   Jury Rig
-1     I am Iron Man!  (swap Presence for Intimidation when Brushing off, for anyone who knows he is Iron Man or when he is in his armor)

Total Refresh Cost: -22
Stress: Physical OOO[OOOOOO] Armor 3, Mental OOO, Social OOOO 1 extra consequence

« Last Edit: March 07, 2015, 03:37:52 AM by Shaft »

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Re: The Avengers, written up for Dresden
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2015, 08:08:26 PM »
EDIT: Made some changes based on feedback later in the thread...

Hulk aka Bruce Banner
High Concept:   Scientist turned Gamma Irradiated Monster
Trouble Aspect:   You Wouldn't Like Me When I'm Angry
Background Aspect:   Brilliant Science Nerd
Rising Conflict:   Hulk Smash!
Aspect 1:   Controlling the Monster
Aspect 2:   Still Good Hearted
Aspect 3:   Hulk the Strongest There Is!

Skills   (42 pts, as Hulk)
Legendary (+8): Might (+22 Lifting, +11 Grapple w/ Mythic Str & Hulk Size
Epic (+7): Endurance (+2 Mild Physical Consequences)
Fantastic(+6): Intimidation (8 w/Hulk Sized)
Superb (+5): Fists
Great (+4):  Athletics (+5 w/Inhuman Spd, +4 to dodge w/ Hulk Size)
Great (+3): Alertness (Init 7 w/ Inhuman Spd & Demonic co-pilot), Conviction
Fair (+2): Empathy, Discipline
Average (+1): Presence, Survival
Skills (42 pts, as Banner)   
Fantastic (+6): Scholarship
Superb (+5): Conviction
Great (+4): Craftsmanship, Investigation
Great (+3): Alertness, Discipline, Drive
Fair (+2): Contacts, Deceit, Rapport, Stealth
Average (+1): Athletics, Burglary, Empathy, Guns, Lore

Powers & Stunts
-1   Scientist (Physics/Radiation)

+2   Human Form: abilities vary, Stress can trigger change
affects the following:
-2   Hulking Size: +1 bonus to attackers, +2 damage boxes Challenge dealing w/ man sized objects, +2 Might to lift, +1 Athletics: distance +2 Intimidation, 0 Stealth (strictly speaking, Hulk isn't Hulk sized in Dresden, but I figured I could get some latitude)
-1   Beast Change: Shuffle Skills
-1   Demonic co-pilot: Hulk rage +1 to skills when enraged
-2   Inhuman Speed
-6   Mythic Strength: +12 Might, to Lift, +3 Might to Grapple, 4 stress hit when grappling, +6 Damage w/Fists/Wpns
-6   Mythic Toughness
-4   Supernatural Recovery
-1   Super Leap (leap one extra zone, 2 zones with Inhuman Speed)

Total Cost: -22 Refresh

Stress: Physical OOOO[OOOOOO,OO] Armor 3, 2 extra Mild consequences, Mental OOOO, Social OOO (as Hulk)
Stress: Physical OO Mental OOOO, Social OOO (as Banner)
« Last Edit: March 07, 2015, 12:02:44 AM by Shaft »

Offline Mr. Death

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Re: The Avengers, written up for Dresden
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2015, 08:32:56 PM »
Both of them should have much higher Guns ratings. I'd put Tony's Guns rating way higher than Fists or Weapons.
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Offline Shaft

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Re: The Avengers, written up for Dresden
« Reply #5 on: March 05, 2015, 08:37:49 PM »
Both of them should have much higher Guns ratings. I'd put Tony's Guns rating way higher than Fists or Weapons.

I envisioned Iron Man's repulsors as being built like the Breath Weapon Power, which uses Weapons.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2015, 04:05:05 AM by Shaft »

Offline Taran

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Re: The Avengers, written up for Dresden
« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2015, 08:40:48 PM »
There was a thread somewhere with some of these Superheroes.  Namely, the hulk, Captain America and Iron Man. 

There was Batman and Superman too but, obviously, different universe.  I'll try to find it...

Offline Taran

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Re: The Avengers, written up for Dresden
« Reply #7 on: March 05, 2015, 09:04:15 PM »
Here's a few:

another Hulk (and Batman),17625.msg859869.html#msg859869

Here's The Mandarin  (I couldn't find Iron Man),18841.0.html

Found him (at waist deep),18560.msg834805.html#msg834805

There was a big thread that I can find that had a whole slew of superheroes, but I can't find it.

Your write-ups look pretty solid.

Offline Shaft

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Re: The Avengers, written up for Dresden
« Reply #8 on: March 06, 2015, 03:46:29 AM »
Here's a few: ... There was a big thread that I can find that had a whole slew of superheroes, but I can't find it.

Your write-ups look pretty solid.

Thank you kindly!

Offline Shaft

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Re: The Avengers, written up for Dresden
« Reply #9 on: March 06, 2015, 04:04:06 AM »
Thor Odinson
High Concept:   Norse God of Thunder
Trouble Aspect:   Legendary Ego
Background Aspect:   Son of Odin and Asgard
Rising Conflict:   Righteous Warrior
Aspect 1:   Mjolnir, the Smasher
Aspect 2:   Loki, my wretched half-brother
Aspect 3:   Both Sides of the Bifrost

Skills   (42 pts)
Fantastic (+6): Might (+18 to lift, +9 to grapple), Weapons
Superb (+5): Conviction, Endurance
Great (+4): Discipline, Lore
Good (+3): Athletics, Fists, Presence (Intimidation)
Fair (+2): Alertness, Rapport (Sex Appeal +4), Survival
Average (+1): Contacts (+3 w/Asgardians), Empathy, Scholar (Languages: Norse, English)

Cost   Powers & Stunts
-1   Sex Appeal
-1   Weight of Reputation Use Presence to make Brush Off Rolls if Identity as Thor is known
-1 Prince of Asgard +2 Contacts with the Aesir

-6   Mythic Strength: +12 to Lift,  +3 to Grapple, 4 stress hit when grappling, +6 Damage w/Fists/Wpns
-4   Supernatural Toughness
-2   Inhuman Recovery
+1   Catch: Drain Powers
+2   Item of Power: Mjonlir
-3   Flight @ Mythic Speeds (built like Wings + ability to move 3 zones free)
-3   Wpn 4, Ranged (Thrown or Lightning Bolt, built like Breath Weapon w/+2 dmg boost)
-4     Sponsored Magic (Odin, used for Storm related effects)

-22 Refresh Cost

Stress: Physical OOOO[OOOO] armor 2 +1 Mild Consequence, Mental OOOO +1 Mild Consequence, Social  OOOO
« Last Edit: March 07, 2015, 03:33:24 AM by Shaft »

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Re: The Avengers, written up for Dresden
« Reply #10 on: March 06, 2015, 06:37:17 AM »
I haven't seen any of the movies, but I can look over the stats on a mechanical level tomorrow.

There was a big thread that I can find that had a whole slew of superheroes, but I can't find it.

Dunno exactly which thread you mean, but here are some superhero stats:,21533.msg1110061.html#msg1110061,43164.msg2093158.html#msg2093158,26217.0.html,34313.msg1620175.html#msg1620175

There's also my Worm thread, but that's a bit different.

Offline Shaft

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Re: The Avengers, written up for Dresden
« Reply #11 on: March 06, 2015, 11:30:05 AM »
I haven't seen any of the movies, but I can look over the stats on a mechanical level tomorrow.

Thanks!  I was hoping you'd do that.  I suspect that my Hulk build needs close inspection since I may have gotten some of the mechanics wrong.

Offline Taran

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Re: The Avengers, written up for Dresden
« Reply #12 on: March 06, 2015, 02:42:29 PM »
Dunno exactly which thread you mean, but here are some superhero stats:

I seem to remember one where people were statting out various versions of Batman...I think Iron man, superman and the Hulk were also on that thread.

Belial's version of Batman...maybe I'll search for that.

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Re: The Avengers, written up for Dresden
« Reply #13 on: March 06, 2015, 02:43:29 PM »
I envisioned Iron Man's repulsors as being built like the Breath Weapon Power, which uses Weapons.
There's nothing stopping you from having Breath Weapon use guns instead.

Because a Weapons rating that high for Tony makes no sense -- you've never seen him use a sword or any kind of melee weapon, have you? Everything in his armor is long range, projectile weapons.

And Steve is a soldier, him having no Guns rating at all just doesn't make sense -- I know he relies mainly on his shield and his fists now, but he's definitely trained with firearms.
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Offline Taran

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Re: The Avengers, written up for Dresden
« Reply #14 on: March 06, 2015, 02:45:05 PM »
Here it is:  But it's only Batman....none of the other guys.,19290.msg858415.html#msg858415

There's nothing stopping you from having Breath Weapon use guns instead.

Because a Weapons rating that high for Tony makes no sense -- you've never seen him use a sword or any kind of melee weapon, have you? Everything in his armor is long range, projectile weapons.

And Steve is a soldier, him having no Guns rating at all just doesn't make sense -- I know he relies mainly on his shield and his fists now, but he's definitely trained with firearms.

These are good points