Another question, if I may.
Supernatural Sense [-1] indicates that it can be taken multiple times, each time for a different sense. And it has two mutually exclusive optional trappings, each at an additional cost.
Strange Senses [-1] (Define a small set of up to three thematically related senses.)
Broad Senses [-2] (You have up to a dozen senses.)
If I take Supernatural Sense, then add Strange Senses for a total of [-2], then from the way things are written, I gather that if I wanted to add another trapping of Strange Senses, I would have to add another instance of Supernatural Sense, define a different sense, then add the Strange Senses trapping to that.
And I'm assuming the same for Broad Sense. In other words, I can take Supernatural Sense multiple times, each time defining a different sense, but for each instance of Supernatural Sense, I can only add one instance (not multiple) of Strange Senses or only one instance (again, not multiple) of Broad Senses.
Am I interpreting this correctly?