I hope this doesn't devolve as the topic of nerfing/buffing magic seems to do often.
It shouldn't since it's a discussion about a house-rule and not a discussion about whether or not they should be nerfed. Our group has already made that decision.
This. I. like. Absolutely sensible rule.
First, I don't think your math is correct.
That may be true. It often isn't and my kids were getting off the bus as I was typing. So let's figure it out.
Before you use your Foci you would have 18 potential Foci Slots. Five Foci slots devoted to Crafting Strength and now you have 13. That's not including any other Specializations you might take and those are less efficient for these purposes but I think a laser-focused crafter would go for the extra boost anyway.
Let's repost this first:
[-3] Thaumaturgy (Divination +1)
[-7] Refinement
-Enchanted Items (28 Slots):
Total item slots: 32
-Iron Man Armor (Iron Man): 8 Block or Armor:4 1 shift duration, 3 times per session (6 slots)
-Weirding Module (Dune): 5 shift Thunder area attack, 3 times per session (4 slots)
-Type-2 Phaser Pistol (Star Trek): 7 Shift Fire attack, 3 times per session (4 slot)
-ACME Magnet (Looney Tunes): 5 shift Disarm Maneuver, 3 times per session (2 slots)
-Lightsaber (Star Wars): 9 shift Weapon attack, 3 times per session (6 slots)
-Neuralyzer (Men In Black): 5 shift mental attack, 1 times per session (1 slot)
-Ghost Goggles (Ghostbusters) 7 shift Alertness Replacement, 1 time per session (3 slot)
-Hoverboard (Back to the Future) 7 shift Athletics replacement for movement, 1 times per session (3 slot)
-3 Potion slots: Power 5 (3 slots)
EDIT: I did make a mistake on the items because I forgot to account for the original enchanted item, so I had 9 slots too many. Corrected. I did a quick fix so those items aren't really ideally set up.Pretty sure my math is right here:
- Thaumaturgy gives 2 focus items
- 7 refinements gives 14 focus items.
- 16 focus items.
That's 32 enchanted item slots.
If that is correct, then my item list is correct.
Now, if I use Crafting Foci for power, I'd use 2 refinements to give me a +4 crafting power focus item. I'd use my bonus specialization to give me an additional +1 for a total of +5 crafting Power.
That leaves me 5 refinements and two focus slots from thaumaturgy: 12 slots =24 enchanted item slots.
That's those same 9 items at Power 10, leaving me with 15 enchanted item slots to boost each one to 3 uses and 6 to 5 uses
Edited more math.Second without the assumption that you can use two foci at the same time, how does this compare to other casters who's magic refreshes on the scale of scenes as opposed to sessions? Or Resources heavy characters who can acquire a nearly infinite amount of gear. Lesser modifications would, in fact make a difference, just not as much as your original idea.
I hope you took a close look at the homebrew character sheet. It gets multiple 8 shift attacks and has a total of 10 different abilities useable multiple times. That's within the power of a submerged party. They get refreshed every session. I count 18 charges + 3 potion slots.
The average wizard can cast 4 spells in a fight before taking consequences. That means, in a session, you'd have 5 different encounters in a single session to get more mileage than the crafter.
Resource heavy characters can't get weapon 10 items. Grenades and missiles cap out around weapon 5 or 6. At higher refresh, a crafter is looking at weapon 12 items which widens the gap even more. So, I think we've kept a crafter viable.
Specializations don't use offense/defense limitations only focus items do that, so it would still be 3 specialties.
I knew this. I just missed the mistake when I posted.

However, if you wanted more, you could split the focus item limit into focus item power and focus item control giving 4 specialties. This broadens the pyramid, but can make it difficult to have equal power and control limits on your focus items. This would likely cause you to split power and control focus items for the same element rather than simply grouping them into one.
That seems complicated
Overall though, I think you should be careful with the idea of adding this to the pyramid and giving Focused Practitioners specializations. Currently, specializations are twice as efficient as as focus items and can't be lost. Focused practitioners are forced to use focus items because they can't purchase specializations. I'm not positive about the math on this, but it may be more efficient to just use their refinements to purchase specializations and ignore the focus specializations except to bolster the pyramid and boost the elemental specializations and thus resorting only to focus items after they maxed out their pyramid. In a way this almost obsoletes focus items except where they're free.
You might consider separating the focus specialization from the pyramid and specializations in general and just allow spellcasters to use refinement to boost their focus item limit. It's a much simpler solution and changes the RAW less.
This is a good idea. Would you get 2 focus boosts/ point of refinement? It seems fair a good way to do it.