Other Jimness > Cinder Spires Books

Timing Question

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I know, I know. Was just trying on these here smartypants. :) Also, "ma'am" would be correct, "man" not so much.


--- Quote from: Spot on December 18, 2014, 06:01:45 PM ---He's finished the book now and submitted it for editing/publishing things. We should have it in our grubby paws in another month and a half or so.

Other than that, does it really matter what happened? :)

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Four to six months would be my guess.

Google says May 7th, 2015.  And Google is never wrong. 

This is the point in the process where dates like that have a slightly improved chance of being right.


--- Quote from: slayn on December 20, 2014, 01:22:31 AM ---Four to six months would be my guess.

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Yes, you're right. 4 to 6 months sounds correct, 2 months not so much. In my defense, I was undercaffeinated. ;D

--- Quote from: Griffyn612 on December 20, 2014, 02:06:16 AM ---Google says May 7th, 2015.  And Google is never wrong. 

--- End quote ---


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