So, the players decided they wanted to take a road trip to Las Vegas to get away from some heat in their hometown. The group consists of a Wizard in a Midlife Crisis (he came to magic late in life and is sort of having a second youth), a Rabble Rousing Sorcerer, a "Good ole Boy" ex-cop Alchemist, a Nixie-Blooded Changeling, and a Ghost Speaker Musician.
This happened just after I read the Las Vegas preview chapter from Paranet Papers, so I was like "Sweet, I'll just use this stuff". We're set back
before the Red Court War, so not only are Red Court vamps still around, they're not even at war with the White Council. So The Dragon is definitely still large and in charge in Las Vegas.
Anyway, they mess around in the casinos and such, and then one of them ran into a human trafficking situation. The group managed to, through some subterfuge, arrange a meet with the human traffickers to try and rescue a girl... Turns out the guys they met with were Red Court Vampires, and the group opened up on them. The Alchemist killed one RCV, and the second managed to flee the scene.
These guys are chest-deep, so two RCVs was a hard fight, so they all evac'd pretty quickly - calling the cops (who, incidentally, showed up to react with shock at the corpse of the one RCV in the middle of the street), getting medical attention, etc, and then crashing back at their hotel for the day.
So, the subterfuge they used to meet up with the human traffickers did involve the wizard giving his real name (or, like, a portion of it, not the whole thing) to the traffickers. And he'd also, upon first coming to the strip, antagonize Big Cory...and told Cory his name in a "You'd better remember me" kind of way. And he used the same name to check into the hotel. So presuming there is any flow of communication amongst the various vampires underneath the Dragon, it seems by the time evening comes again, there's a good chance the Dragon will know:
a) There's a Wizard in town named Don Black.
b) This people baited two RCVs into meeting him, and one of his associates killed a RCV.
c) They called the cops before doing anything to get rid of the RCV corpse.
d) They are staying at Circus Circus.
Now, from how the Dragon is described in the Paranet Papers, it seems he isn't going to care too much about someone just mucking stuff around...but you go killing a member of the Red Court, you freak out the cops... I dunno, it seems some action has to be taken.
It would seem the logical thing would be to have the PCs woken up by a knock at their door, and have some goons from the Dragon want to escort them into a meeting with either the Dragon or one of his subordinates. And then have the Dragon demand weregild or payment of some type... Presuming the PCs don't turn it into an "Escape from Las Vegas" scenario, which is fine, too.
But I have no clue what types of demands the Dragon might make, etc.
Anyway, so if you've got any ideas - on what the Dragon might demand or some other way the scenario could play out - I'd love to hear them. Brainstorm with me!