Author Topic: Another help question(new to GM of the DFRPG)  (Read 3388 times)

Offline Specko19

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Another help question(new to GM of the DFRPG)
« on: November 28, 2014, 05:30:49 AM »
I am sure I will get the hang of all of this sooner or later, I am really pushing for the sooner.  I truly appeciate everyones help and feed back.

Game series plot is that a Chronomancer has traveled back one year, however the spell went wrong and she does not know why she is there but was smart enough to leave herself at least one clue on who to meet.  After meeting up with the team she will begin to bond with them to later find out in the story line she is actually there to stop them from stopping her.  She is working with the Order of the Blackened Denarius to find a new coin.

The first story takes place just after they have helped save Harry Carpenter who had gone missing, they are now trying to track down the people who took him and the why.  The team really wanted me to write in that it was the red court but some very helpful outside sources pointed out that with the redcourt going away maybe to make a different focus so I have chosen the Order of the Blackened Denarius with a small role of mischievious actions played by the red court to throw them off.

I am giving them this game to play out their characters and really get to know them, I am interested to see where they take it and if they will or will not find combat as I have a few ideas for both roads, however I am already starting to build the platforms for the next few games and I am thinking about bring Harry into the game as one player has created a Harry Dresden fan boy who happens to be a warden.  This warden is going to end up either breaking a low or coming very close and I feel bringing Harry into give him a wake up call or even, depending on how the player responds, bring him in all together.

What I am needing help with however is creating a new Blackened Denarius, I am falling short on how I would build one and what it would look like for such a game.  I am trying to make it as realistic to the books as my husband is a huge fan of Harry and of Jim Butcher(in short I am massivly critiqued every game and have high expectations to uphold) so any thoughts and help in building my end game villian would so helpful. 

Thank you everyone who replies in advance, as a reader I feel a little nervous not knowing which avenue to go with this :D

I think its the pressure, hehe
« Last Edit: November 28, 2014, 05:36:34 AM by Specko19 »

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Re: Another help question(new to GM of the DFRPG)
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2014, 06:05:28 AM »
Hang on hang on.

You need a new Blackened Denarius? What kind of BD? Big and scary? Sneaky and scary? Friendly and scary? Other?

A little bit more information would be appreciated is all.

Offline Specko19

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Re: Another help question(new to GM of the DFRPG)
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2014, 06:21:21 AM »
I appreciate you calling me out for more information, my writting buddy is usually my husband but is now playing so cant really help much as he likes the surprise of what I write.

The idea is through out the game series they will find out that their partner was(in the future they are working towards) trying to aquire another coin, this coin will hold me new semi badass Villian which will become my end game villan.

I have an idea of a BD that is out for vegance for being lost for so long, someone who is sly and sneaky that earn a persons trust but when brought to battle can throw a pretty wicked punch.  Little magic ability but more a brute and intelligent.

Sdfds68 i appreciate the questions and the prodding I really do as I am a bit lost on how to get my thoughts out.  I have never been much of a forum person, so I am pretty new at this :/ and a bit awkward at it too.

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Re: Another help question(new to GM of the DFRPG)
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2014, 08:21:00 AM »
Don't worry about it, everybody has to start somewhere.

So if you're looking for somebody who's both strong and smart, it'd be good to start with an appropriate High Concept. To tie that in with the search for vengeance, the High Concept could include a reference to revenge, or if you feel like it the revenge thing could be the villains' trouble.

Now, since this is a main villain and a fallen angel to boot, there's no need to stay away from really over the top aspects. For example,  an ok High Concept could be AN UNSTOPPABLE EVIL. But that's a little generic. What would be really good is if the things you already know about the character could be tied into the characters' history. Like, if this Denarian is famous for causing massive amounts of violence, a good high concept might be THE SLAYER OF CITIES, to show that the Denarian is someone to feared and never underestimated, as well a terrible, evil, no good bad guy.

So the real question is, what's up with this guy? Where did they come from? Why do they do what they do? What have they done so far that's really impressive and dramatic?

If you can think of answers to those questions, you'll have the outline you need to turn your character concept into aspects.

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Re: Another help question(new to GM of the DFRPG)
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2014, 02:13:21 PM »
I was thinking of your Denarian from the other thread when you were asking about your chronomancer.  I'm throwing this question out here for anyone to answer:  What if this Denarian also had some Time-Travel powers.  Maybe just enough to give your chronomancer some problems.  Some kind of spell-caster?

Considering what Denarians are, it might not be a good idea.  I'm just throwing it out there.  Maybe someone else on the forum can pipe in on it.

Offline Haru

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Re: Another help question(new to GM of the DFRPG)
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2014, 03:07:14 PM »
I am trying to make it as realistic to the books as my husband is a huge fan of Harry and of Jim Butcher(in short I am massivly critiqued every game and have high expectations to uphold) so any thoughts and help in building my end game villian would so helpful. 
Let him create the Denarian.

That's one of the greatest strength of this game, I think, that it's not only easy but very rewarding to distribute things like this among the players and not only have the GM create everything. I just had that happen in my pbp here on the board, a player suggested to add a new faction, and I let him create the NPCs for it. Turned out really great. It might look like a lazy way to do things at first, but I don't think that's the key benefit of doing things like this. If you let the player create the nemesis for his character, you get a far better connection between the two, and the player will be far more invested in things as well. And, of course, one less thing you might be critiqued for. You'll reserve to veto of course, but even a rough draft from a player is great to see where they want to see things go.
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Offline Taran

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Re: Another help question(new to GM of the DFRPG)
« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2014, 03:55:15 PM »
Let him create the Denarian.

That's one of the greatest strength of this game, I think, that it's not only easy but very rewarding to distribute things like this among the players and not only have the GM create everything. I just had that happen in my pbp here on the board, a player suggested to add a new faction, and I let him create the NPCs for it. Turned out really great. It might look like a lazy way to do things at first, but I don't think that's the key benefit of doing things like this. If you let the player create the nemesis for his character, you get a far better connection between the two, and the player will be far more invested in things as well. And, of course, one less thing you might be critiqued for. You'll reserve to veto of course, but even a rough draft from a player is great to see where they want to see things go.

And that NPC he just created is kicking his characters butt!  :D

Offline Haru

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Re: Another help question(new to GM of the DFRPG)
« Reply #7 on: November 28, 2014, 04:01:11 PM »
And that NPC he just created is kicking his characters butt!  :D
That's the sweet sweet icing on the cake. ;D
“Do you not know that a man is not dead while his name is still spoken?”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Offline Specko19

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Re: Another help question(new to GM of the DFRPG)
« Reply #8 on: November 28, 2014, 04:28:57 PM »
I do enjoy that idea, I may get the basis of the BD together befor eI let them play with the concept too much, again one of the main things they really like is she surprise which is where a lot of the pressure comes from, the critique probably isnt as bad as I think it is, im just a nervous wreck.

I used to GM our Shadowrun games and they where awesome i havnt Gm'd Dresden minus game one and it went off so well that they wanted me to write another game on the spot and have been emailing me all week in anticipation to come over tonight about how excited they are.

On a side note: my 14 yr old niece is playing and my 7 year old is a returning guest star, for his 8th birthday party he is having a dresden game :D

proud mom lol

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Re: Another help question(new to GM of the DFRPG)
« Reply #9 on: December 04, 2014, 01:44:59 AM »
@Haru wins the thread!