First off,
Thank you everyone who messages me or posted here, I truly appreicate it and think you are all the sweetest ever.
Now that my head is a little more in the game and I have been fed some amazing ideas I feel a bit more ramped up. I was feeling a lot of pressure after my first game went off really well and they wanted a quick turn around on another.
So I am still struggling with my "bad guy" concepts but I have 48 hours to produce, or Ill make somethng up on the fly depending on how the players are reacting.
So my Chromonacer - she has traveled back in time to stop something that happened in her time line, the characters at this point believe it is some ritual which is based around Harry Carpenter. I am going to play with that, while working with the characters it seems due to a time lapse and slightly messed up spell the whole coming back in time did not go over so well and our time traveler has lost her memory for why she is here. She however remembers she is the gate keepers neice, has a piece of paper in her pocket telling her she needed to be a cafe and whom to meet there at what time. to play with this. I am going to use the first game (which is really the second) to mess with the chaacters. Our Harry Dresden wannabe is going to have to face that even though he is a warden and wants to uphold this priveldge as he sees it he will have to take place in some risky business that may having walking the line of breaking laws. Our trusty teen PI who is devoted to our wannabe is going to have to really find herself over the series and break free from leaning on his expertise and ideas. Now enters Chromo- she may find out that she has come back in time to stop her two new team mates from stopping her in the future from helping the ritual. Of course by this time she will have probably developed a good relationship with them from different adventures they will go on.
Its going to be a topsy turvy mind spinning series of games but I have a vision and knowing the players they will really direct a lot of what I am hoping to see come out of the series

I think with the way these players interact I am going to do 2 week spreads between games. they are very devoted readers and players so this should be a lot of fun. I can not wait to play Friday