Author Topic: Your world?  (Read 3189 times)

Offline bestial warlust

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Your world?
« on: November 20, 2014, 02:53:41 PM »
I'm interested in hearing some highlights from other peoples settings. I must confess I haven't run a game, and even that was a short game, for a few years. However I am putting a setting together and I hope to run it at some point in the future. So do you stick by any of the novels? make changes? Does Harry exist in your world?

What I've got for mine so far. It will be set in Portland with a dark tone. The WC doesn't have a strong hold there and something dark has been infecting the area for a while. As for Harry and the books. Well he's a fictional character that exists as one of the best selling novels much to the dismay of the White Council and other supernaturals. It seems that this popular series of books (and soon to be movie releases) are highly accurate books on teaching mortals a lot of highly guarded secrets.

The majority of readers don't realize this, though there is a small sub section that is a lot more clued in. So far the Council and others haven't been able to find out who or track down this Jim Butcher guy giving away of of this information. Not for lack of trying and finger pointing of course. Each group pf supernaturals is placing blame on a "mole" existing in each others organizations.

So what have you changed or retained?

Offline Taran

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Re: Your world?
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2014, 03:57:39 PM »
hah, hah...that's awesome.

I take the novels and use them as a very rough frame-work.  Just as a setting and background.

The games I tend to run are roughly around the Vampire War but I don't worry about characters from the books.  If someone wants to be a Winter Knight - even though the novels have a Winter Knight during the same time-line - I let them.  The PC becomes the Winter Knight.  I guess it's Alternate Universe stuff.

I never introduce characters from the novels.  Although, the main entities like Mab and Titania exist, obviously.

In my Montreal Game, I have the Red Court and Fomor working at the same time.  The local wizards pretty much annihilated Reds from the city and there only a few RCV's left, ...but they keep their heads low, so they have a hard time stirring up trouble.  That's left the Fomor an opportunity to start working covertly since Montreal is the biggest in-land port in or the world and the Seaway Valley is a major waterway into the continent and the Fomor want to control well, they have other reasons...which are spoilerish to my players.

I don't read much of the Words of Jim stuff, so I figure I'm probably not always accurate to the setting.   But I don't think it matters much.  I've read all the novels, so it's close enough. I figure and as long as there's a consistent plot and the players are enjoying it, I don't think it matters.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2014, 04:02:27 PM by Taran »

Offline blackstaff67

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Re: Your world?
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2014, 06:14:06 PM »
We're set in the Michiana area (northern Indiana/southern Michigan).  A bit of hope set against darkness, the Fomor plague Chicago and the shores of Lake Michigan.  The near junction of Illinois, Indiana and Kentucky had been overrun by Outsiders and been barely quarantined by the military.  One PC (Bearer of Excalibur) has been hailed by the Fae as the High Queen after grueling trials; said Queen has also taken of Scion of Ares as a consort.  The Spring Knight PC in the group released Ebola on the world.  'Gentleman' Johnny Marcone has acquired the Horn of Gideon--no one knows how and he ain't telling.  A reformed(?) Kemmlerian mage has joined the group; he also wears the hat of the Autumn Knight.  The Scion of Artemis (aka Amazon) has acquired a minor Greek deity (Mellinoe?) has an Enemy.  National Guard and Army forces have given the area a military character.  Finally, after a horrific trial that included self-mutilation, one of the founding wizards of the  group disrupted a massive Darkhallow meant to let Outsider gods into our reality.  For his self-sacrifice, he was rewarded(?) with tutelage by the Gatekeeper--now has Aspects Gray Council Wizard and Junior Achievement Gatekeeper.     

For the record, the Government is still trying to keep it hush-hush.  We're running at 15-16 Refresh, been running for two years now.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2014, 01:16:37 PM by blackstaff67 »
My Purity score: 37.2.  Sad.

Offline Jabberwocky

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Re: Your world?
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2014, 08:09:15 PM »
Prague, Czechia. My players haven't read anything by JB (in fact, neither have I ;D) so I'm free to incorporate or change whatever I like. It's some kind of an alternate reality and the existence of Harry Dresden is unimportant because the events will be almost certainly different. From JB's characters I used Bianca but I changed her a lot. Her name in my game is Bianca da Santa Clara and she's much older, more experienced and generally more dangerous in a subtle and manipulative way. The PCs are currently working for her. I have already my plans for the Red Court, Black Court and White Court, and the Wizard Council. Prague's Warden is secretly a Lawbreaker.

The numerous towers of Prague create a powerful pattern (albeit damaged) that might potentionally make chronomancy possible. In fact, it already had. The source of this energy might be a fallen angel and a fallen demon (I haven't finished this entry, yet) who had crippled each other a long time ago and since then they both lie buried under the city and try to influence its inhabitants (we do have an area called Anděl/Angel and a quarter called Ďáblice/She-Devil here).

The summary of the PC's actions can be found here. TL;DR version: The PCs started investigating something similar as Harry did in Storm Front and during the investigation they met Bianca who manipulated them into helping her against one of her rivals. Currently they investigate a case of a missing boy and it has led them into Prague's National Theatre where they got confronted with the ghosts of the fire of said theatre from 1881.

For more information use the links in my signature or ask :)
A Hundred Towers? – Our Prague campaign.
Dramatis personae – Cast of characters, both PCs and NPCs.

Offline Ulfgeir

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Re: Your world?
« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2014, 09:20:58 PM »
The campaign I play in (which is set in Boston), started after the the events in Changes, and thus the Red Court had been all but exterminated. We have met Carlos, and a number of members of the Senior Council (including The Merlin, and Ebenezer),  my character and another character has met Mab. Yet another has met Lara and some of her family during dinner (he dated one of her sisters). Can't remember if Thomas & Justine was included in that, but I think they were.

We haven't met Dresden, and haven't heard of his actions.  Hopefully we will meet some other characters from the books.

Here is a link to the webpage for our campaign. We were four players that started writing chronicles (we each got an extra refresh for that). Two of us wrote in English and the other two in Swedish. One of the players writing in Swedish stopped writing.

I have not lost my mind, it is backed up somewhere on disc...

Offline bobjob

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Re: Your world?
« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2014, 11:04:11 PM »
I've run two games in DFRPG, one around a table and another here on these boards.

The first game was set in Austin, Texas and took place before the Vampire Wars. I kept that one mostly canon for the most part. Harry exists in Chicago as a lone practitioner. There is a Warden of the Southern US in Dallas, Texas who showed up occasionally as the situation demanded it. One of my players was the great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great Grandfather of Ancient Mai. He was a Wizard of the White Council and bound to a Phoenix who represented Yang. His enemy was a Sorceror who was bound to the Dragon Yin. The only time the two of them were on the same plane of existence is when it was time to determine which would be dominant. They would fight and the loser would be temporarily banished to an area of the NeverNever until the time for the next fight. Technically he was over 1200 years old, but because of his special pact with Yang, he would not die of natural age.
Another player wanted to play a Knight of the Cross so I used the Legend of the 4th Nail to give him a sword without changing the backstory for the canon world too much.  Then there was the quarter angel, quarter demon, half human who was destined to be the mother to the anti-christ. Oh yeah, and the son of a malk who became a Fairy Knight.

I also fleshed out Alternate Fae Courts from before the Fairy War (not the Changing of Seasons War that goes on every year, but the big war that banished the Fomor). The Shen in my game were a smaller court of Asian Fairies whose mantles passed through specific blood lines and were thus much easier to wipe out. A Shen Princess allied herself with the Seelie Court and after the first adventure had taken of residence in Austin. The Kong Apes didn't make an appearance, but it was mentioned by a Warden friend that it wasn't the first time the Shen had been encountered. Then there was the Chinese liquid metal demon, the Amtgard Spring War that turned into a Showdown with the Erlking, Dracula, the demon prince that almost managed to control the world because of the particular wording of an End User Agreement with Michael Dell (I mean honestly, who ever really reads those things). I had a lot of fun with that game.

The second game I'm running is set in World War 2 Europe. It's just starting out really (only been going on for a year in PbP) and is focused primarily in the Haute-Marne Prefecture of France. I'm planning on branching that out into a series of missions across Europe and Africa working for the Allies, but for now they've had an investigation into why there have been dozens of demonic possessions going on.
The entire Red Court was taken down by the new Winter Knight? From the lowliest pawn all the way up to the King? *puts on sunglasses* Knight to G7. Check mate.

Shale Buckby

Offline bestial warlust

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Re: Your world?
« Reply #6 on: November 21, 2014, 01:21:41 AM »
Interesting stuff so far thanks for sharing!

Offline Jabberwocky

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Re: Your world?
« Reply #7 on: November 21, 2014, 11:02:11 AM »
The second game I'm running is set in World War 2 Europe.

Then this could be of some interest to you. I'm also planning on using it in my game somehow.
A Hundred Towers? – Our Prague campaign.
Dramatis personae – Cast of characters, both PCs and NPCs.

Offline Shaft

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Re: Your world?
« Reply #8 on: November 27, 2014, 03:16:04 AM »
I'm part of a game set in Montreal (not the same one as Taran).  It's an alternate reality from the main Dresden-verse. In this game, Montreal is a gateway to the Supernatural world where passage to the Never Never is a little easier. It's also a "front line" in the battle between the Winter and Summer Courts, as exhibited by its extreme shifts from very hot summers to very cold winters.

The Winter Court is very powerful in Montreal: the Levesque family, cousins to the Raithes with Emotion control over Lust, have put their stamp on the city for over a century, making it the sin city of the North, littered with strip clubs, a loose alcohol and drug culture and corrupt businesses/government and institutions. 

Robert Levesque, the patriarch has kept the various signatories in line with a box of secrets that he  uses to blackmail pretty much every faction of note.  However his power is countered by the Brotherhood of the Silver Cross, the occult arm of the Roman Catholic Church.

The player characters are:

-Gail Armstrong, a Warden of the White Council, currently here as a punishment for insubordination.  Replacing the previous warden who disappeared mysteriously;
-Francis the Gargoyle, stone by day, warrior by night, just like the cartoon. An ally to the Catholic Church where he spends his days as a statue on the roof of St Patrick's basilica.
-Pamela Isley, a Dryad and daughter to the local Summer Duchess.  She has powerful pheromones as well as Sponsored Magic from Summer over plants. She's also a biologist. Inspired by the Batman villain Poison Ivy.
-Carey Stafford- A super, natural coroner. A Pure Mortal who is a CSI as well as a Superb forensic doctor.  He's very willing to go in the field to learn the truths about the corpses he keeps learning about.
-William "Tango" Downey- (my character) A SWAT cop, recently come into the know.  He's tech savvy (computer hacking, demolitions), and unbelievably irreverent at times. Stafford and Downey are part of a very small police unit in the know.
Players who guest star or have retired are:
-Mathieu Darque, a Dwarven blacksmith from Norse mythology with a checkered past who can craft magical items with Thaumaturgy
-Aldric Van Helsing, grandson of the original vampire hunter
-Thomas Mánagarmr, an Einhenjar warrior who wields Esperacchus (again, this is an alternate reality)
-Dubois, a hellfire using sorcerer who is hiding out from the White Council in the employ of the White Court and managing a strip club for them.

The main antagonists, in addition to Robert Levesque are:
-his daughter Rachelle,
-some Red Court lackeys that mostly lick the boots of the White Court,
-a Black Court Nosferatu who hates all the other Black Court vampires and has declared Montreal a "no Black Court" zone (aside from him),
-a Winter Court Baron called the Ganconer who seduces women before killing them,
-a Summer Duchess who's the mother to one of the PCs (not a villan, but certainly a complication),
-a motorcycle gang run by ghouls,
-a Haitian mortal crime boss in the know with a lawbreaking voodoo priest on his staff
-a White Court Wild Card based on the Joker who has lust, rage and fear control (and is the bastard son of Levesque)
-a Jade Court family based on Pennanggalan and/or Manananggal mythology, where the vampires can detach their head and organs from their bodies and feast on human organs
-and a mirror demon that wants to destroy reality as we know it.

Overall it's a lot of fun.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2014, 03:42:42 AM by Shaft »