Author Topic: Request A Character  (Read 180148 times)

Offline khadgar4606

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #420 on: November 05, 2018, 02:12:22 PM »
A 5e thread was trying to stat out Conan the Barbarian.  Have you done him yet?

Adventured into his 60s
Never encountered a man stronger than himself
Was an excellent leader?
An Wilderness Survivalist
Killed two Frost Giants by himself.
Good at climbing and sneaking and sometimes compared to a cat

I think he might be a Pure Mortal

This is a quote from the other thread:
you know connan is kinda like papa raith. come to think of it white court vampire is perfect fit for some one like connan the barbarian with only addition to common vampire powers is nice will power fueled resistance to magic and you only need the skills to finish him.

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #421 on: November 05, 2018, 02:15:57 PM »
I’m not sure Connan ever fed on emotions.  If anything, his discipline is quite low.    The only similarity I see is that they are both old and became kings.

Offline khadgar4606

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #422 on: November 05, 2018, 05:11:20 PM »
I’m not sure Connan ever fed on emotions.  If anything, his discipline is quite low.    The only similarity I see is that they are both old and became kings.
consider they both slept with numerous woman and actually enough one night stands so they dont develop long term commited relationship. So connan dont know the true love drawback of white court vampires all he knows how to fight and how to lay woman.( well to not quote thomas but bellit technically jumped on connans bone in middle of crowd) so my theory kinda stands. and lets not consider in this very own threat i  post sanch's aestas raith build who used outsiders help to eat her demon. in connans case he honed his will enough due slave training and combat his demon technicly never get the chance to kill by feading or one of his old training rapes killed the partner so he turned with out knowing and thinked demons hunger is his desire to adventure.

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #423 on: November 05, 2018, 05:13:51 PM »
Agreed, White Court vampire template does not fit with Conan in the slightest.

He's never shown manipulating emotions, or feeding on them. He's never shown to have supernatural power of any kind.

At most you've got circumstantial evidence that Conan kinda liked sex, which only puts him on even ground with like 99% of basically all of humanity.

So, no, your theory doesn't stand.
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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #424 on: November 06, 2018, 02:13:13 PM »
Well, they're both hypermasculine. But as far as my limited knowledge of Conan goes, they're otherwise dissimilar.

Speaking of limited knowledge, I'm not sure what Aspects Conan should have. But for the stuff you listed, I think I'd want these stats:

Superb: Weapons, Might
Great: Athletics, Intimidation, Survival
Good: Endurance, Presence, Stealth
Fair: Alertness, Discipline, Empathy
Average: Conviction, Investigation, Deceit

Brute Force (Might): Conan can use Might to attack unarmed.
Imposing Demeanour (Intimidation): Conan can use Intimidation for the social defence trapping of Rapport.

He should probably have more stunts but I'm not sure which ones. Maybe some straightforward numerical enhancers for Weapons; I'm not sure how tough the "frost giants" he fought were, but killing two of them sure sounds impressive.

He probably doesn't want too too many stunts, though; there's something to be said for having a ton of Fate Points when you want to be better than everyone at a whole bunch of different things. Presumably he can really pour on the invocations when he needs to break a bull's neck.

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #425 on: November 06, 2018, 02:19:55 PM »
Maybe a stunt to improve grappling and lifting/breaking things.  Or something that lets Might modify certain skills like rapport or presence.  Some people call him a thief but he’s the type to bash open a door than to pick a lock. 

Lots of Fate points would definitely help him and would explain a lot.

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #426 on: November 06, 2018, 03:14:46 PM »
I know in the books he can basically climb anything.

Also, definitely has No Pain, No Gain, because he's capable of taking a lot of punishment.

Not sure if it's an aspect or a stunt, but in a few stories he deliberately puts his back to a wall to keep from being surrounded and is, if not invincible, then at least very hard to attack in that position.
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Offline SunJester

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #427 on: November 07, 2018, 03:10:49 PM »
I am getting ready to run DFRPG and one of my players is considering playing a character modeled after Irwin Pounder. 

So, I was wondering if you might stat up Irwin as well as Strength of a River in His Shoulders (so I can see what the full power version of a forest person looks like).

Some of the issues we have been discussing for his character is whether the magical abilities are natural and therefore come as a result of the Choice or if they are acquired abilities that not all forest people have.

We have also been wrestling with what an appropriate Catch is for the Toughness and Recovery.

Your help is appreciated!

Offline Branagon

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #428 on: November 08, 2018, 09:08:22 PM »
I've got a character concept.
It's a Ukrainian Ex-Mobster named Kristof who fled to Toronto becoming a taxi driver.
One day an Orthodox monk got in the back of his car and was killed getting out of the car at an old house by a red court vampire. His blood got all inside the car, so it's a holy relic. God has plans for Kristof, but all he wonders is why it is always his cab that gets the weird passengers. How would you build this character? I'd appreciate a high-refresh character. I'm not sure if he's a True Believer or a Pure Mortal.
I have a set of aspects.

Ex-Mobster in a Holy Cab
Invoke: Do something a mobster would do, have access to the cab. Compel: Get into the kind of trouble mobsters do.
God's Plan, Not Mine
Invoke: Have his plans go wrong, in a good way. Compel: Have bad things happen to him, that God would like.
There's Something in the Trunk
Invoke: Have something, like a gun, in the trunk. Compel: Have something be in the trunk when you need the space, "There's something in the trunk!!"
The Hitman is Now the Mark
Invoke: To act like a hitman Compel: To be hunted by his old boss, to end up fleeing from a fight.
We Don't Drive That Way Here
Invoke: To drive really well or do something else while driving. Compel: To not fit into Canadian society or get along well with other cabbies.
A Monk Remains
Invoke: To use the holiness of the Cab or to act like a Monk. He's the Monk that Remains. Compel: To have Orthodox authorities come to possess the Cab, or needing to prevent it from being desecrated.
There's Always Family
Invoke: To have an old family friend when needed. Compel: ... or that needs help.


p.s. feel free to critique the aspects.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #429 on: November 09, 2018, 07:16:45 PM »
Maybe a stunt to improve grappling and lifting/breaking things.  Or something that lets Might modify certain skills like rapport or presence.  Some people call him a thief but he’s the type to bash open a door than to pick a lock. 

Lots of Fate points would definitely help him and would explain a lot.

If we're looking at stunts for grappling and lifting/breaking, it might be better just to buy Strength.

Not sure what a social Might stunt would look like. Seems kind of odd to use Might-modifies instead of just giving +1.

I know in the books he can basically climb anything.

Also, definitely has No Pain, No Gain, because he's capable of taking a lot of punishment.

Not sure if it's an aspect or a stunt, but in a few stories he deliberately puts his back to a wall to keep from being surrounded and is, if not invincible, then at least very hard to attack in that position.

I figure Great Athletics is good enough for that.

Nah, you don't need that specific stunt to take a beating and keep on ticking.

Maybe +2 to defence rolls when outnumbered?

I am getting ready to run DFRPG and one of my players is considering playing a character modeled after Irwin Pounder. 

So, I was wondering if you might stat up Irwin as well as Strength of a River in His Shoulders (so I can see what the full power version of a forest person looks like).

Some of the issues we have been discussing for his character is whether the magical abilities are natural and therefore come as a result of the Choice or if they are acquired abilities that not all forest people have.

We have also been wrestling with what an appropriate Catch is for the Toughness and Recovery.

Your help is appreciated!

I remember very little about Irwin and River Shoulders. I have some ideas for the Forest People in general, but no idea how to go about those two in particular. What do we know about them, again?

As for Catches and the like, your guess is as good as mine.

I've got a character concept.
It's a Ukrainian Ex-Mobster named Kristof who fled to Toronto becoming a taxi driver.
One day an Orthodox monk got in the back of his car and was killed getting out of the car at an old house by a red court vampire. His blood got all inside the car, so it's a holy relic. God has plans for Kristof, but all he wonders is why it is always his cab that gets the weird passengers. How would you build this character? I'd appreciate a high-refresh character. I'm not sure if he's a True Believer or a Pure Mortal.
I have a set of aspects.

Ex-Mobster in a Holy Cab
Invoke: Do something a mobster would do, have access to the cab. Compel: Get into the kind of trouble mobsters do.
God's Plan, Not Mine
Invoke: Have his plans go wrong, in a good way. Compel: Have bad things happen to him, that God would like.
There's Something in the Trunk
Invoke: Have something, like a gun, in the trunk. Compel: Have something be in the trunk when you need the space, "There's something in the trunk!!"
The Hitman is Now the Mark
Invoke: To act like a hitman Compel: To be hunted by his old boss, to end up fleeing from a fight.
We Don't Drive That Way Here
Invoke: To drive really well or do something else while driving. Compel: To not fit into Canadian society or get along well with other cabbies.
A Monk Remains
Invoke: To use the holiness of the Cab or to act like a Monk. He's the Monk that Remains. Compel: To have Orthodox authorities come to possess the Cab, or needing to prevent it from being desecrated.
There's Always Family
Invoke: To have an old family friend when needed. Compel: ... or that needs help.


p.s. feel free to critique the aspects.

I like the sound of the character. Aspects sound solid, too.

I'd definitely go for some True Faith. Guide My Hand seems super appropriate. The cab could be an Item of Power, too. Not sure what Powers would work for it, though.

Conviction needs to be high, and Driving is another obvious choice. Beyond that, seems pretty open.

Here's one way to go, at Submerged:

Superb: Conviction
Great: Driving, Rapport, Guns
Good: Presence, Empathy, Contacts
Fair: Intimidation, Athletics, Discipline
Average: Endurance, Fists, Alertness
Chat Up (Rapport): +2 Rapport when "interviewing" a passenger.
Monkish Demeanour (Conviction): Use Conviction instead of Deceit to put on a nonthreateningly saintly act.
Holy Cab (Driving): +2 to Driving when using the holy cab in a morally upright way.
Guide My Hand [-1]
Righteousness [-2]
Total Refresh Cost:
Refresh Total:

Offline Ghostfreak

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #430 on: November 13, 2018, 03:51:30 PM »
Oberyn martell from a game of thrones. He is a dornish prince who favors the spear and specializes in poisons. Which he puts on said spear. I would really love to see you bring him to life.

Offline Mr. Death

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #431 on: November 13, 2018, 05:11:27 PM »
Oberyn martell from a game of thrones. He is a dornish prince who favors the spear and specializes in poisons. Which he puts on said spear. I would really love to see you bring him to life.
Aspect: "Doesn't like helmets."
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Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #432 on: January 08, 2019, 08:51:54 AM »
Got started, lost my work halfway through, set it aside, forgot about it.

But I'm back now. How's this?

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Offline khadgar4606

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #433 on: January 08, 2019, 06:37:16 PM »
okay here is the idea self-cursed loup-garou shaman who refers his curse as his blessing. similar power level to winter knight Dresden.

Offline Ghostfreak

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #434 on: January 09, 2019, 07:48:21 PM »
Love the write up for the red viper, very accurate and to the point. Good job! Your effort is always appreciated.