Author Topic: Request A Character  (Read 179801 times)

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #210 on: August 17, 2015, 01:08:44 AM »
How's that?

I had a player who focused heavily on evocation attacks. As a result, their evothaum ended up better than their actual thaumaturgy. It was kinda weird in play, and made an extremely-powerful character even stronger.

A few stunts, and that's it other than the spear Gáe Bulg (which I'd model with Natural Weaponry) and Warp Spasm.

I don't know much about this guy, but why would you use Natural Weaponry to represent a spear? Wouldn't an IoP or an item with an Aspect be more appropriate?

Offline dragoonbuster

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #211 on: August 17, 2015, 04:56:37 AM »
I don't know much about this guy, but why would you use Natural Weaponry to represent a spear? Wouldn't an IoP or an item with an Aspect be more appropriate?

Yeah--case of poor abbreviation. I'd set it up like this:

Rebate +2
It Is What It Is: Weapon 3 spear -0
Never Far from Reach -1
Selective Area Weaponry -2
True Aim -1

EDIT: Added True Aim and corrected Selective Area Weaponry costs.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2015, 07:02:36 PM by dragoonbuster »
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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #212 on: August 17, 2015, 09:46:23 PM »
Double post. Edited the IoP above, some. Then I decided to give a shot towards a full char build for the original NPC concept:

If people are still doing requests than I would like to see the mythological version of Cu Chulainn, and more specifically I want to see how the Warp Spasm would impact the character. Use whatever Refresh level you think is necessary.

Hard to judge Power Level of the great heroes of the Ulster age, but given the legends of him killing hundreds of men on his own, etc...I'm going with Scuba Diving.
Scuba Diving (45 skill points, 17 refresh, skill cap fantastic)
You're one of the best in the world at what you do. Faerie Queens, Vampire Kings, and Senior Council members know who you are.

Also, just a note, I prefer the translation of the ríastrad of "Torque" to "Warp Spasm", because based on the description of what happens to him it sounds like his whole body is being twisted. Anyway:

Name: Cú Chulainn
High Concept: Ulster Champion
Trouble: Destined For A Short But Famous Life
Other Aspects: Culann's Hound, Born With the Ríastrad, Trained By Scáthach, Champion of the Cattle Raid of Cooley and Bricriu's Feast

+6 Might, Weapons
+5 Endurance, Fists
+4 Presence, Intimidation
+3 Athletics, Rapport
+2 Survival, Conviction, Discipline
+1 Scholarship, Lore, Stealth

Stunts: -2
- Footwork (Weapons)
- Riposte

Powers: -7
-2 Inhuman Strength
-2 Inhuman Toughness
-2 Inhuman Recovery
+3 The Catch: Consuming Dog Meat
+1 Human Form: Ríastrad/Torque/Warp Spasm
-2 Supernatural Toughness (Ríastrad form)
-2 Supernatural Strength (Ríastrad form)
-1 IoP: Gáe Bulg (Trained By Scáthach)
   [-0] It Is What It Is: A magical barbed "belly spear", Weapon: 3
   [-0] Indestructable
   [+2] Rebate
   [+1] Barbed Death: If this weapon is used to take an opponent out, it always kills.
   [-1] True Aim
   [-2] Legendary Weapon: This weapons attacks inflict +4 Weapon Damage
   [-1] Ritual Throw: The Gáe Bulg is intended to be thrown ritually from the space between the big and second toe for maximum effect, and only used as a last resort, as it invariably kills all but the toughest opponents. You must invoke this IoP's Aspect for effect when throwing it. When this weapon strikes, it must be cut out of the target with a supplemental action before it can be used again (if the victim manages to survive the initial throw, 4 shifts or more worth of consequences must be taken/inflicted to remove the weapon). All Ritual Throws with the Gáe Bulg are made at +4 to strike.

Starting Refresh: 17
Refresh Spent: 9
Final Refresh: 8

I had a player who focused heavily on evocation attacks. As a result, their evothaum ended up better than their actual thaumaturgy. It was kinda weird in play, and made an extremely-powerful character even stronger.

That is kinda weird. I'm thinking that I like this approach the most:
- if your evothaum opens up new possibilities for an evocation element you use, then it can make sense to allow evocation Specializations and Foci to apply.
- if your evothaum doesn't really fit into an evocation element you use, then you should use Thaumaturgy specializations and foci....but you pick whether they apply as offensive or defensive foci for the purposes of evocation

When I have OP spellcasters I've found I just have to up my own game as a GM. Perfect? Nah, but oh well. I look at 'em like a challenge now. And if they scene-steal too much, talk to them honestly about the role of the spotlight.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2015, 09:48:24 PM by dragoonbuster »
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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #213 on: August 18, 2015, 12:54:05 AM »
I'd handle this the same way, minus the summoning rules.

If you have an ancestor spirit like Sir Stuart, make it an Aspect you can invoke. AS far as multiple ones, I'd say it's possible but unlikely, given the nature of how ghosts are created and stick around in Dresden...of course, a sort of "Spirit Council of Elders" is a really cool concept.  If you have refresh to burn you could make them an Item of Power.

Instead of Summoning Rules, I note that Mort gets tired when he directs ghosts on-the-fly and the prevalence of thaumaturgic-level magic with the speed/method of Evocation. This tells me that you can pretty easily model what he does as Ritual: Ectomancy, and Superior Ectomancy, effectively using "Ectomancy" as an evocation element in combat. Availability of ghosts to do this is handled simply with compels.

Spinning off the idea of a "Spirit Council of Elders," here's how I might build a "21st Century Shaman" ectomancer at Chest-Deep:

Hey, thanks! I hadn't considered a council of elders but that opens up so much stuff for backstory construction, the ancestors in Mulan come to mind, haha. Thanks everybody for the resources and advice!

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #214 on: August 18, 2015, 03:19:51 AM »
+6 Might, Weapons
+5 Endurance, Fists
+4 Presence, Intimidation
+3 Athletics, Rapport
+2 Survival, Conviction, Discipline
+1 Scholarship, Lore, Stealth

Stunts: -2
- Footwork (Weapons)
- Riposte

Isn't he supposed to be really good at jumping? I vaguely remember something about a "salmon leap".

If I were you I'd drop Fists, give him a stunt to attack unarmed with Might, and raise Athletics to Superb. Maybe add in a jumping stunt or Power too. You can probably do without Footwork if you do that.

-1 IoP: Gáe Bulg (Trained By Scáthach)
   [-0] It Is What It Is: A magical barbed "belly spear", Weapon: 3
   [-0] Indestructable
   [+2] Rebate
   [+1] Barbed Death: If this weapon is used to take an opponent out, it always kills.
   [-1] True Aim
   [-2] Legendary Weapon: This weapons attacks inflict +4 Weapon Damage
   [-1] Ritual Throw: The Gáe Bulg is intended to be thrown ritually from the space between the big and second toe for maximum effect, and only used as a last resort, as it invariably kills all but the toughest opponents. You must invoke this IoP's Aspect for effect when throwing it. When this weapon strikes, it must be cut out of the target with a supplemental action before it can be used again (if the victim manages to survive the initial throw, 4 shifts or more worth of consequences must be taken/inflicted to remove the weapon). All Ritual Throws with the Gáe Bulg are made at +4 to strike.

I dunno about this. Stuff like Barbed Death should usually be Compel-based. And while 1 Refresh for +2 stress is fine by me, 2 Refresh for +4 stress seems a bit iffy.

As for Ritual Throw, I'm really not sure how to judge it. But it seems worryingly strong.

Offline dragoonbuster

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #215 on: August 18, 2015, 04:04:41 AM »
Isn't he supposed to be really good at jumping? I vaguely remember something about a "salmon leap".

If I were you I'd drop Fists, give him a stunt to attack unarmed with Might, and raise Athletics to Superb. Maybe add in a jumping stunt or Power too. You can probably do without Footwork if you do that.

I didn't see any "salmon leap" but I am definitely no expert. Those are all good optimizations.

I dunno about this. Stuff like Barbed Death should usually be Compel-based. And while 1 Refresh for +2 stress is fine by me, 2 Refresh for +4 stress seems a bit iffy.

As for Ritual Throw, I'm really not sure how to judge it. But it seems worryingly strong.

NPCs get to have powers that PCs don't. I'd never give this to a PC. It's definitely overpowered.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2015, 06:30:10 PM by dragoonbuster »
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Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #216 on: September 22, 2015, 05:44:44 PM »
I just wanted to thank you for writing these up at my request.  I've been busy lately, but I will comment on them in more detail.

Not to nag, but...I'm curious about what you were going to say.

Offline Trum4n1208

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #217 on: October 07, 2015, 03:53:55 PM »
Howdy. Need a character for a Las Vegas setting, Paranet Papers. We're doing a lower refresh game, feet in the Water: 6 Refresh, 20 Skill Points, Skill Cap at Great. 
Name: Dan Hollander
Basically, I'm envisioning either a vanilla mortal, or maybe a minor talent who is kind of like a modern Old-West type of guy, thinner and wiry, wears cowboy boots, a light leather fringed jacket, has a .45 Colt on his hip (Colt M1917, my personal favorite revolver from the 20th century). Has had some experience with the super natural world. Maybe works as an investigator, and not at all a bad guy. If this were traditional D&D, he'd be Chaotic Good.

I can make the guy, but I'm a little press for time, so I figured if you could help me come up with something, and I can tweak it as need be.

Thanks a ton!
Current Character: Alex Sharps, Sorcerer for Hire in the Big Easy

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #218 on: October 08, 2015, 12:25:46 AM »
This thread isn't active at the moment, but as it happens I have some old cowboy stats that you might find useful.

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To raise him to Feet In The Water, add a Great skill and an Average skill. Investigation and Lore might be appropriate, going by your description.

Not sure why the skill changes twice for the lasso stunts, but you can safely ignore that.

Offline Trum4n1208

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #219 on: October 08, 2015, 12:46:39 AM »
Fair enough, thank you. How does one handle 'signature' weapons, so to speak (Harry's .44, Murph's P90?) For this guy, I envisioned the .45 and a large caliber lever gun if he actually had the time to prepare for a fight. Would that just be an aspect?
Current Character: Alex Sharps, Sorcerer for Hire in the Big Easy

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #220 on: October 08, 2015, 01:01:19 AM »
Yeah, an Aspect is usually a good way to go. A stunt giving +2 stress with your weapon of choice is good too, if you ask me.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #221 on: December 31, 2015, 06:58:27 AM »
Bringing this back for another go. Here's the unfulfilled request list.

I have a complex Npc concept that i would love to see your take on.
The character is a genius who wages war against both crime and later "evil" monsters, not with overt force, but with strategy and cunning. some one who could possibly beat Sherlock Holmes at chess. The only power he has are purely mental he would have accelerated perception and edict memory. His religion ,as far as he is concerned, is preparedness and efficiency. He would give Batman a run for his money when it comes to weapons, armor and gadgets.His mental prowess makes him a master of manipulation, he rarely looses debates and has accumulated the wealth required to even economically attack entire factions.Think batman and Sun Tzu with just a hint of Ironman. As such it would be a lovely chance to illustrate your optimization formula, Varying power levels would be most helpful.
If you're still doing this, I'd love a Booker DeWitt from Bioshock Infinite, or Joshua Graham from Fallout New Vegas.
An artificial angel. One of ten created angels created by increasing the amount of one of the 10 Sephirot in the souls of infant children. This particular one has an abundance of Keter.
since you did Rorschach, could you do Ozymandias cause he was my favorite out of the watchmen.
If theres a Watchman theme going, Id be really curious to see a swipe at Mr Manhattan, mostly just to see how you'd scale his powers.

Most of these I can do. But I know nothing about Booker DeWitt and Joshua Graham. Can someone fill me in?

New requests are also welcome, though I can't promise I'll accept them.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #222 on: December 31, 2015, 11:52:01 PM »
Fake angel, Dr. Manhattan, and Ozymandias here.

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As always, feedback is more than welcome.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #223 on: January 03, 2016, 09:43:12 AM »
Wow, forum's gotten quiet. Last time I brought this thread back, there were requests all over the place.

Anyway, here's the anti-crime genius.

That's all I can do, unless I get more requests or some backstory on the remaining requests.

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Offline regitnui

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #224 on: January 03, 2016, 04:03:52 PM »
Phreddie Lamar; African-American gang leader who knows just enough about the supernatural to get into real trouble but is regarded as a curiosity and fool by those actually in the know.

John Clarke; a minor official at the UNHQ who inherited the duty of keeping the original of the Unseelie Accords safe from everyone, including Mab.
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