Author Topic: Request A Character  (Read 179517 times)

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #165 on: June 20, 2015, 03:15:53 AM »
I think it works. What about the switching personalities by switching the hearts thing, though? Is that a more complex transformative thaumaturgic spell? A taken out result?

Forgot he could do that. But I figure a multi-target mental take-out ought to suffice for that.

Where are these rules? All I can think about is the stuff about the speed potion, with its strength providing the shifts for sprinting. Is it the same, with the strength being how many shifts of power you desire and the Discipline roll being the targeting roll?

Page 282. They seem entirely focused on getting yourself around, though. I guess I'll have to write up my own forcible movement rules.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #166 on: June 20, 2015, 08:44:56 PM »
Here's Trafalgar Law. This time there are actual spoilers in the spoiler tag, so click with care.

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Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #167 on: June 22, 2015, 02:23:14 AM »
And here's Harry and Molly. Not my finest creations, to be honest. I'm not gonna re-read entire novels just to get them right, though. So we'll all just have to live with their not-so-goodness.

Obviously these are spoilery. Considered making a new thread in the spoiler board, but these small on-topic spoilers are exactly what we have spoiler tags for.

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« Last Edit: June 25, 2015, 05:06:22 PM by Sanctaphrax »

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #168 on: June 22, 2015, 02:32:01 AM »
That's it for this thread, at least for now. If someone chimes in with info about Van Helsing or Kirei Kotomine, I'll make those characters. Apart from that, it's time for this thread to go back to sleep.

If you're reading this and you have a moment of spare time, please tell me what you think of (any of) the characters I've posted. I'm not picky about feedback: content-free praise and random insults are both fine by me. But this sort of thing is a lot more pleasant when it's not totally solitary.

Offline Saracen

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #169 on: June 22, 2015, 01:33:24 PM »
I liked them all, especially the aspects. With Harry, there could be so many it's hard to narrow it down to just seven, but the ones you picked are nice. A couple of points, though:

Harry: You listed Scholarship twice. Also, Longtime Hero sounds weird under Conviction. Wouldn't it be better under Lore?

Law: do you think the "can't swim" factor should be handled simply as a compel of the aspect The Op-Op Fruit? Personally, I would use Limitation or Uncontrolled Power (and would with all Devil Fruit users).

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #170 on: June 22, 2015, 08:12:27 PM »
I liked them all, especially the aspects. With Harry, there could be so many it's hard to narrow it down to just seven, but the ones you picked are nice.

Glad to hear it!

Harry: You listed Scholarship twice.

Fixed. Thanks.

Also, Longtime Hero sounds weird under Conviction. Wouldn't it be better under Lore?

Lore? What does Lore have to do with anything?

Conviction's not a perfect fit, but since meeting heroes and monsters is a direct result of his convictions it seemed at least reasonable.

Law: do you think the "can't swim" factor should be handled simply as a compel of the aspect The Op-Op Fruit?


Personally, I would use Limitation or Uncontrolled Power (and would with all Devil Fruit users).

Wouldn't work. Neither Limitation nor Uncontrolled Power has any effect on mundane abilities like swimming.

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #171 on: June 23, 2015, 07:09:26 PM »
If you're reading this and you have a moment of spare time, please tell me what you think of (any of) the characters I've posted. I'm not picky about feedback: content-free praise and random insults are both fine by me. But this sort of thing is a lot more pleasant when it's not totally solitary.
Im really liking the work you are doing, and in a broader sense the sort of exploratory creation that this thread is inspiring.  So both for the work and for leading the discussion:  I salute you.    :)
<(o)> <(o)>
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“We’re all imaginary friends to one another."

"An entire life, an entire personality, can be permanently altered by just one sentence." -An Accidental Villain

Offline Saracen

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #172 on: June 24, 2015, 10:00:10 AM »
Lore? What does Lore have to do with anything?

Well, it's a knowledge skill, at least. And you can argue it comes from his experience with the occult, beside simple academic research and study.

Wouldn't work. Neither Limitation nor Uncontrolled Power has any effect on mundane abilities like swimming.

Fair enough. I guess I thought that, since the drawback to Devil Fruits is pretty big, it deserved some kind of refresh rebate, and that's why I looked at Limitation or Uncontrolled Power.

Edit - Oh yeah, about Law, we kind-of forgot about Armament Haki. Inhuman Toughness could partially cover it, and you mentioned wanting to avoid giving him Inhuman/Supernatural Strength, but what about it being a catch to any Devil Fruit? Maybe a comprehensive custom power could be created, a somewhat watered-down toughness, strength and thematic holy touch all rolled into one?
« Last Edit: June 24, 2015, 11:57:11 AM by Saracen »

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #173 on: June 25, 2015, 01:45:38 AM »
Im really liking the work you are doing, and in a broader sense the sort of exploratory creation that this thread is inspiring.  So both for the work and for leading the discussion:  I salute you.    :)

Thanks, it's very kind of you to say so.

Well, it's a knowledge skill, at least. And you can argue it comes from his experience with the occult, beside simple academic research and study.

Eh. Sounds tenuous to me.

I could rephrase the Stunt as applying to people who share his convictions or are inimical to them. It's basically the same, effect-wise, but maybe it sounds more Conviction-y?

Edit - Oh yeah, about Law, we kind-of forgot about Armament Haki. Inhuman Toughness could partially cover it, and you mentioned wanting to avoid giving him Inhuman/Supernatural Strength, but what about it being a catch to any Devil Fruit? Maybe a comprehensive custom power could be created, a somewhat watered-down toughness, strength and thematic holy touch all rolled into one?


Apart from piercing Devil Fruit defences, Armament Haki mostly just feels like a flavour for normal abilities.

I have Strength...because of Haki! I have Toughness...because of Haki! I have really high Weapons....because of Haki! And so on.

I guess it might be worth making the defence-piercing thing into a Power, but I'm not sure exactly how to do that. It's not absolute, so it doesn't just satisfy The Catch. There should be some kind of test, to see if your Haki is strong enough to trump a given defence. But how to represent that?
« Last Edit: June 25, 2015, 01:49:22 AM by Sanctaphrax »

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #174 on: June 25, 2015, 07:07:00 AM »
I have a complex Npc concept that i would love to see your take on.
The character is a genius who wages war against both crime and later "evil" monsters, not with overt force, but with strategy and cunning. some one who could possibly beat Sherlock Holmes at chess. The only power he has are purely mental he would have accelerated perception and edict memory. His religion ,as far as he is concerned, is preparedness and efficiency. He would give Batman a run for his money when it comes to weapons, armor and gadgets.His mental prowess makes him a master of manipulation, he rarely looses debates and has accumulated the wealth required to even economically attack entire factions.Think batman and Sun Tzu with just a hint of Ironman. As such it would be a lovely chance to illustrate your optimization formula, Varying power levels would be most helpful.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2015, 07:39:55 AM by S1C0 »
Vae Victus

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #175 on: June 25, 2015, 09:24:04 AM »
I could rephrase the Stunt as applying to people who share his convictions or are inimical to them. It's basically the same, effect-wise, but maybe it sounds more Conviction-y?

It still doesn't sit right with me, but better for sure.


Apart from piercing Devil Fruit defences, Armament Haki mostly just feels like a flavour for normal abilities.

I have Strength...because of Haki! I have Toughness...because of Haki! I have really high Weapons....because of Haki! And so on.

I guess it might be worth making the defence-piercing thing into a Power, but I'm not sure exactly how to do that. It's not absolute, so it doesn't just satisfy The Catch. There should be some kind of test, to see if your Haki is strong enough to trump a given defence. But how to represent that?

I'd say simply with Armor vs. Weapon rating based on Presence (or Conviction, although I think it fits less).

I don't think there ever was an instance where someone with Armament Haki active didn't manage to touch a Logia user, so I guess I would start with something like:

1. Haki downgrades the Toughness Power of a Devil Fruit user by one level (Immunity to Mythical, Mythical to Supernatural and so on).

Then I would probably treat it as Weapon rating:

2. Haki gives your attacks a Weapon rating equal to half your Presence skill value, rounded down.

Finally as Armor, with the caveat that you're not trying to dodge when you're using it that way (I can't remember anyone trying to dodge and still applying Haki to protect themselves):

3. You may decide to roll Endurance to defend yourself from a physical attack. If you do, Haki acts as Armor:X, where X is equal to half your Presence skill value, rounded down (maybe not halved? Or rounded up?).

It should probably come as a limited resource, though, both for balancing reasons and because it looks like you can "run out" of Armament Haki. But using Fate Points seems to be too limiting. Stress boxes, maybe?

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #176 on: June 25, 2015, 05:03:30 PM »
I have a complex Npc concept that i would love to see your take on.

It's on the list. I'll get to it if and when I start doing requests again.

It still doesn't sit right with me, but better for sure.

Okay, I'll change it.

I'd say simply with Armor vs. Weapon rating based on Presence (or Conviction, although I think it fits less).

I don't think there ever was an instance where someone with Armament Haki active didn't manage to touch a Logia user, so I guess I would start with something like:

1. Haki downgrades the Toughness Power of a Devil Fruit user by one level (Immunity to Mythical, Mythical to Supernatural and so on).

Then I would probably treat it as Weapon rating:

2. Haki gives your attacks a Weapon rating equal to half your Presence skill value, rounded down.

Finally as Armor, with the caveat that you're not trying to dodge when you're using it that way (I can't remember anyone trying to dodge and still applying Haki to protect themselves):

3. You may decide to roll Endurance to defend yourself from a physical attack. If you do, Haki acts as Armor:X, where X is equal to half your Presence skill value, rounded down (maybe not halved? Or rounded up?).

It should probably come as a limited resource, though, both for balancing reasons and because it looks like you can "run out" of Armament Haki. But using Fate Points seems to be too limiting. Stress boxes, maybe?

I dunno about using Presence. Some haki users have awesome Presence, like Whitebeard and Hancock. Others have solid Presence, like Law and Vergo. And others have unexceptional Presence, like Zoro and Sanji. I can't think of a better skill, though. So maybe it'd be better not to link it to a skill at all, or to make it its own skill.

Pretty sure the Admirals have no-sold Haki-infused attacks. That could be represented by them making their defence rolls, though. Alternately, maybe their own Haki protects them from other people's.

The attack-tanking idea sounds like a pretty good one to me.

There's an existing custom Power, Supernatural Martial Arts, which lets people spend mental stress for combat bonuses. Maybe it could represent Haki, or at least parts of it.

Offline Saracen

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #177 on: June 25, 2015, 10:16:24 PM »
Maybe make Haki a Presence trapping that you can boost with stunts. Zoro and Sanji's Haki, for  example,  got higher after the timeskip when their refresh presumably was raised and  they could purchase a relevant stunt.

I don't understand what you mean in the second paragraph. As for Supernatural Martial Arts, it looks overly complicated for what I had in mind. Also much more costly than what the manga would suggest.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #178 on: June 26, 2015, 12:56:23 AM »
Maybe make Haki a Presence trapping that you can boost with stunts.

I don't want to give everyone Haki, and I don't want social skill to inherently carry combat awesome with it.

I don't understand what you mean in the second paragraph.

I'm pretty sure that people have used Haki and completely failed to touch the Admirals. But that could be because the Admirals had "defence rolls" higher than the relevant "attack rolls", or because the Admirals have Haki-related "Powers" that provide Haki defence.

As for Supernatural Martial Arts, it looks overly complicated for what I had in mind. Also much more costly than what the manga would suggest.

I suspect you're looking at the other Supernatural Martial Arts, because the one I meant is quite simple and couldn't be less costly: it's 1 Refresh.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2015, 12:43:53 PM by Sanctaphrax »

Offline Saracen

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #179 on: June 26, 2015, 11:39:44 AM »
I don't want to give everyone Haki, and I don't want social skill to inherently carry combat awesome with it.

You don't have to give everyone Haki. You need to purchase a stunt to add a new trapping to a skill, so that's what would have to happen for a character to get Haki. 

I'm pretty sure that people have used Haki and completely failed to touch the Admirals.

In the sense that their attack still went through their incorporeal form? Or that they missed?

But that could be because the Admirals had "defence rolls" higher than the relevant "attack rolls", or because the Admirals have Haki-related "Powers" that provide Haki defence.

Or, if Haki does downgrade Toughness Powers, their resulting Mythic Toughness (plus the roll) was still enough to protect them effectively.

I suspect you're looking at the other Supernatural Martial Arts, because the one I meantis quite simple and couldn't be less costly: it's 1 Refresh.

That's the one I was looking at, actually. With costly, I meant in terms of stress. Yes, consequences are a thing, but still. As written, the power doesn't even allow mental/physical Toughness powers to help, and with how much Haki is throw around by New World users, I don't think you can justify it.