Author Topic: Request A Character  (Read 179521 times)

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Request A Character
« on: October 31, 2014, 09:25:38 PM »
I feel like making some characters.

Give me something and I'll make a character around it. That something can be a High Concept, a fictional character, a picture, an apex skill and a template, three Aspects and two Powers...or pretty much anything else. I'm not picky.

Obviously I reserve the right to refuse requests, but I don't expect to actually do that.

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2014, 12:05:45 AM »
I don't exactly have a particular idea in mind that needs fleshing out, but if you want something to do, I love random trope characters. They are quite a challenge, depending on how well the tropes fit together or not. Let's go with 5 tropes:

Never Found The Body
Black Cloak
Weaksauce Weakness

I find those rather promising.
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Offline gojj

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2014, 04:00:54 AM »
I'm curious how you would build a Submerged Batman. Now Batman himself is obviously way above the Submerged power level, but I'm curious what aspects of his character you would keep and what you would downgrade or do away with.

Also interested in your take on what Indiana Jones based in the Dresdenverse would look like (any power level).

Just to be clear, I'm suggesting a Batman-like and Indiana Jones-like character, you don't have to actually and try to build those two specifically if you find it too limiting aspect-wise.

This should be fun, I like seeing what you come up with when you do these.

Offline blackstaff67

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2014, 04:52:45 AM »
A White Council Hawaiian Wizard that just paid her debt to the Summer Fae and has now moved to the rather inland continental U.S.A.
My Purity score: 37.2.  Sad.

Offline g33k

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2014, 07:44:53 AM »
The prior Blackstaff... the one replaced by Ebenezer.

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2014, 12:57:45 AM »
I am kind of enjoying the parasyte anime so I suppose it would be cool to stat migi and shinshi basically Shinshi is a normal high school and Migi is his a shape shifting sentient parasite arm ( basically an intelligent natural weapon). 
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I think.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #6 on: November 02, 2014, 03:29:11 AM »
Starting with the old Blackstaff. Far as I know the story never said anything about them, so I made a character up.

Not sure exactly what the staff should do, but I figure 3 Refresh is probably a good cost for it.

Sonia Di Caprio (Deep One)

Sonia was fascinated by chronomancy since the day she discovered it. She studied it her whole life, delving ever deeper into its mysteries. And naturally, she found the Laws of magic really amazingly inconvenient. She was always more of a theorist than anything else, but even so she frequently found the Sixth Law tying her hands.

So when Sonia was old and powerful, and the Council needed a new Blackstaff, it seemed natural to give her the job. Few wizards actually like the idea of being Blackstaff, so finding someone both qualified and enthusiastic was rather fortunate.

As her term as Blackstaff showed, there are some downsides to enthusiasm. Frankly, she was a bit scary. The Council was considering replacing her when she died of old age. Or of "old age". There might have been some funny business there.

Sophia's speciality within chronomancy was speeding up her personal passage through time, letting her move ridiculously quickly.

High Concept: Master Chronomancer
Trouble Aspect: Blackstaff Of The White Council
Other Aspects: Endless Curiosity, Scares Even The Senior Council, Faster Than Time
Epic: Lore, Athletics
Fantastic: Conviction, Discipline
Superb: Intimidation, Alertness
Great: Scholarship, Contacts
Good: Deceit, Presence, Endurance
Fair: Empathy, Rapport, Investigation, Resources
Average: Survival, Stealth, Performance, Burglary
Evocation [-3]
Thaumaturgy [-3]
The Sight [-1]
Soulgaze [-0]
Wizard’s Constitution [-0]
Refinement [-17]
Self-Sponsored Magic (Time Manipulation) [-2]
Mythic Speed [-6]
Supernatural Recovery [-4]
The Catch (Age and other things that don't go away given time even for Wizards) [+2]
Item Of Power (Blackstaff) [-3]
Evocation (Air, Fire, Earth, Water, Spirit, Self-Sponsored Time): +1 spirit power, +2 spirit control, +3 time power, +4 time control
Thaumaturgy: +1 crafting frequency, +2 crafting strength, +3 transportation and worldwalking complexity, +4 chronomancy control, +5 chronomancy complexity
Foci: golden wand (+3 offensive time power), silver wand (+2 offensive time control), bizarre clockwork device (+5 chronomancy complexity)
Enchanted Items: robes (armour 5 against physical attacks, 4 times per session), 3 potion slots (power 9, 2 uses/session)
Total Refresh Cost:
Refresh Total:

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #7 on: November 02, 2014, 03:46:05 AM »
Here's the Hawaiian wizard:

Akamai Mahelona (Submerged)

Akamai doesn't want trouble. He's totally unambitious, perfectly satisfied to do nothing all day. Unfortunately, life doesn't let him sit idle. He's the kind of guy who takes it personally when he sees a friend in trouble. And he has a lot of friends.

So he's gotten trouble. He got out of it by trading favours to faeries when things got really bad. But he's done with that! He paid his debt to Summer by building a new volcano for them, and now he's moving to the mainland in search of a more peaceful life. He probably won't find it, though, unless he learns how to ignore people in trouble.

High Concept: Wizard Of The White Council
Trouble Aspect: Too Heroic To Relax
Other Aspects: Everybody's Buddy, Just Moved, Master Of Earth And Stone
Superb: Rapport
Great: Lore, Conviction, Discipline
Good: Presence, Empathy, Contacts
Fair: Resources, Deceit, Alertness
Average: Endurance, Scholarship, Athletics
Friends Everywhere (Rapport): Use Rapport instead of Contacts for Knowing People.
Evocation [-3]
Thaumaturgy [-3]
The Sight [-1]
Soulgaze [-0]
Wizard's Constitution [-0]
Refinement [-1]
Evocation (Fire, Earth, Water): +1 earth power, +1 earth control
Thaumaturgy: +1 terramancy complexity, +1 terramancy control
Foci: staff (+1 offensive earth power and control)
Enchanted Items: amulet of lucky escapes (4-shift block against attack, one use/session), 3 potion slots (power 4, 1 use/session)
Total Refresh Cost:
Refresh Total:

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #8 on: November 02, 2014, 04:05:44 AM »
Now for the trope-bag.

John Jameson (Feet In The Water)

John Jameson died last year. He just vanished while out sailing, never to be seen again.

This posed a problem for his teenage daughter Susan, a minor talent specialized in the construction of golems. John's will names his brother Reggie as executor, giving him authority over his estate. Reggie is not a nice man. She refuses, absolutely refuses, to be put at his mercy.

So she hatched a scheme. Since she was young, grieving, and prone to zany schemes even at the best of times, her plan was a bit crazy. She would produce a cloth golem that would impersonate her father, preventing anyone from noticing his death.

Surprisingly, this actually worked. Mostly because her father's ghost showed up to pilot the golem. The golem has to dress like a Ringwraith to avoid being found out, but so far nobody has made the leap from "truly bizarre fashion choice" to "actually a ghost controlling a magical man made out of cloth". It helps that he's not married and works from home as a poet.

High Concept: Ghost-Possessed Cloth Golem
Trouble Aspect: Impersonating Himself
Other Aspects: Not The Zippers!, I Love My Daughter/Creator, Poet
Great: Performance, Might
Good: Endurance, Deceit
Fair: Fists, Driving
Average: Presence, Conviction
Totally Alive (Deceit): +2 to pretend he's not a ghost-possessed golem.
Brute Force (Might): Use Might to attack by swinging around heavy objects.
Semi-Animate [-1]
Inhuman Strength [-2]
Supernatural Toughness [-4]
The Catch (being unzipped) [+3]
Total Refresh Cost:
Refresh Total:

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #9 on: November 02, 2014, 06:12:24 AM »
I would like to do Indiana Jones and the protagonist of Parasyte, but the truth is I don't know much about either. I have a passing familiarity with each character, but neither is clear in my mind.

Could someone help?

Batman (Submerged)

I had a lot of trouble picking an apex skill. Fists, Resources, and Investigation all seemed appropriate. Honestly, I picked Fists arbitrarily.

High Concept: The Goddamn Batman
Trouble Aspect: Pretty Much Nuts
Other Aspects: The Wayne Estate, Legendary Superhero, World-Class At Everything, The Bat Family, Crazy Prepared
Superb: Fists
Great: Athletics, Resources, Investigation
Good: Endurance, Conviction, Might
Fair: Discipline, Alertness, Scholarship
Average: Presence, Driving, Lore
A Darker Hero (Fists): Use Fists to brush people off or threaten them with physical harm while in costume.
Armed Arts (Fists): Wield bat-weapons with Fists.
Beat It Out Of Them (Fists): Use Fists to interrogate people.
Like A Ninja (Athletics): Use Athletics instead of Stealth as long as it's dark and there's stuff to jump over.
Bruce Wayne (Resources): Use Resources instead of Deceit to maintain secret identity.
Lush Lifestyle (Resources): May be assumed to own things with value up to Resources.
Windfall (Resources): Spend a Fate Point for +4 to a Resources roll.
Where Does He Get All These Wonderful Toys (Resources): Use Resources + 1 to Declare the existence of a convenient bat-gadget.
Crazy Prepared (Investigation): Use Investigation for knowledge of heroes and villains, and to Declare preparations against them.
Scene Of The Crime (Investigation): Investigate a crime scene at +1, one time increment faster.
Mental Fortress (Discipline): +2 to defend against mental attacks.
Total Refresh Cost:
-9 (Pure Mortal)
Refresh Total:

PS: I once wrote up a "full" version of Batman in a thread about a custom Power. You can see it here, in the third spoiler.
PPS: Taran, I'll PM you soon.

Offline blackstaff67

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #10 on: November 02, 2014, 12:18:33 PM »
Here's the Hawaiian wizard:

Akamai Mahelona (Submerged)

Akamai doesn't want trouble. He's totally unambitious, perfectly satisfied to do nothing all day. Unfortunately, life doesn't let him sit idle. He's the kind of guy who takes it personally when he sees a friend in trouble. And he has a lot of friends.

So he's gotten trouble. He got out of it by trading favours to faeries when things got really bad. But he's done with that! He paid his debt to Summer by building a new volcano for them, and now he's moving to the mainland in search of a more peaceful life. He probably won't find it, though, unless he learns how to ignore people in trouble.

High Concept: Wizard Of The White Council
Trouble Aspect: Too Heroic To Relax
Other Aspects: Everybody's Buddy, Just Moved, Master Of Earth And Stone
Superb: Rapport
Great: Lore, Conviction, Discipline
Good: Presence, Empathy, Contacts
Fair: Resources, Deceit, Alertness
Average: Endurance, Scholarship, Athletics
Friends Everywhere (Rapport): Use Rapport instead of Contacts for Knowing People.
Evocation [-3]
Thaumaturgy [-3]
The Sight [-1]
Soulgaze [-0]
Wizard's Constitution [-0]
Refinement [-1]
Evocation (Fire, Earth, Water): +1 earth power, +1 earth control
Thaumaturgy: +1 terramancy complexity, +1 terramancy control
Foci: staff (+1 offensive earth power and control)
Enchanted Items: amulet of lucky escapes (4-shift block against attack, one use/session), 3 potion slots (power 4, 1 use/session)
Total Refresh Cost:
Refresh Total:
This is almost spot-on to what I had in mind.  With only rather minor tweaks, this character will fit seamlessly into the group.  My compliments.
My Purity score: 37.2.  Sad.

Offline gojj

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #11 on: November 04, 2014, 02:48:25 AM »
I would like to do Indiana Jones and the protagonist of Parasyte, but the truth is I don't know much about either. I have a passing familiarity with each character, but neither is clear in my mind.

Could someone help?
Quick disclaimer, this summery is based off of the first three movies (Raiders of the Lost Ark, Temple of Doom, and Last Crusade) and from memory.

Indiana Jones (Henry Jones Jr.) is a vigilante archeologist. He locates rare and valuable archeological artifacts and retrieves them so they may be placed and preserved in a museum. He travels the entire world in search for these artifacts and is no stranger to risking his life to ensure their safety. When he isn't searching the world for rare artifacts, Indiana Jones teaches archeology at the local university. On several occasions, Indiana Jones has had to confront Nazi's, racing them to secure important religious artifacts.

Due to both his natural intelligence and his extensive knowledge of ancient artifacts, occult societies and the field of archeology in general, Indiana Jones is quite adept at avoiding the ancient booby traps that guard the artifacts he seeks. He is also extremely proficient at using a whip. He uses it to trip up enemies, disarm them, and to cross otherwise impossible distances. He also carries his trademark hat and a standard revolver to use in life threatening circumstances.

Indiana Jones thinks fast and frequently improvises. He is not easily intimidated and does not hesitate to throw a punch when he deems it necessary. He also frequently gets into trouble where women are involved. Unlike his father, Indiana Jones is not a religious man, despite coming into contact with multiple religious artifacts and witnessing their powers. Indiana Jones has faced many near death experiences over the years, and luckily his knack for getting out of trouble just exceeds his knack for getting into it.

His mannerisms are actually fairly similar to Han Solo from Empire and Jedi (they are played by the same actor, so I guess this isn't too surprising), so you can use that as a baseline.

Some quotes from the movies that I really like (some from memory, some from IMDB):
"It belongs in a museum!" | "Nazis. I hate these guys." | "X never, ever, marks the spot." | "I'm like a bad penny, I always turn up." | "I hate snakes Jock, I hate 'em!"

Hopefully this gives you a good enough idea of the character to get going. I would highly recommend watching Raiders of the Lost Ark, Temple of Doom, and The Last Crusade if you get the chance.The first and third are the best, but all three are very fun movies.

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #12 on: November 04, 2014, 02:56:54 AM »
A White Council wizard in good standing, who is currently employed by a mob boss. He's a strict adherent to the Laws of Magic, if not exactly in the laws of the United States.
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Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #13 on: November 05, 2014, 06:12:54 AM »
I actually have seen the movies, just not recently. And I don't have a good memory for film.

Anyway, I'll get those two done sometime tomorrow.

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #14 on: November 05, 2014, 06:57:01 PM »
A terramancer, aquamancer and pyromancer at Submerged level with Channelling and Ritual of their respective elements but the remaining -5 refresh taking other powers to represent the expression of their magical abilities. I worked out an aeromancer like:

[-2] Channelling: Air
[-2] Ritual: Aeromancy
[-2] Inhuman Speed
[-1] Fleet of Foot
[+1] Human Form:
[-3] Gaseous Form

If three are too much just pick one.