Author Topic: Supervillains/vidgelante team for Worm  (Read 11459 times)

Offline Tirs

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Supervillains/vidgelante team for Worm
« on: October 12, 2014, 09:54:09 PM »
I finished the concept of team, but still not sure about stats of some members. What do you think?

Title: The Pack
Numerous: 5 active members
Activity: racketeering, extortion, blackmail. Also they "taxing" of others gungs, who want to work within their territory
The banch of young capes, who considering themselves as "Robin Hoods" (in their territory, nobody can sell drugs and guns teens and involve them in prostitution, their victims - unscrupulous businessmen, part of the money they spend on charity).


The leader, bad-ass normal (of DC Red Hood-level, as I see his stats)
The Flayer
Main Aspect: Surrogat father of his team
Problem aspect: Nouble monster
Other aspects: I'm the less evil!, Street-Smart, Coldblooded
Fists: Superb (+5)
Athletics: Superb (+5)
Alertness: Great (+4)
Weapons: Great (+4)
Guns: Great (+4)
Stealth: Great (+4)
Scholarship: Great (+4)
Investigation: Good (+3)
Contacts: Good (+3)
Driving: Good (+3)
Might: Good (+3)
Intimidation: Good (+3)
Might: Good (+3)
Survival: Good (+3)
Burglary: Fair (+2)
Craftsmanship: Average (+1)
Deceit: Fair (+2)
Discipline: Great (+4)
Endurance: Great (+4)
Intimidation: Good (+3)
-Acrobat: Gain +1 on Athletics when using it to survive a fall. Also, gain +1 to attempts to dodge ranged attacks (throwing and guns), so long as you describe it colorfully.
-Fleet of Foot: When sprinting (page 212), gain a +2 to Athletics.
-Fast Reload: Provided that you have a supply of ammunition, reloads are rarely an issue. You take no penalty when reloading as a supplemental action (page 213); if you’re in a race to see who reloads first, or anything else having to do with your speed or ability to reload, gain a +1 on the roll.
-Scene of the Crime (Investigation):  Gains +1 to his roll and arrives at his findings one step faster than usual on the time table when investigating a crime scene.
-Linguist: You may speak (and read) additional languages as if your Scholarship score was 4 higher than it is. You may take this stunt multiple times, adding four more each time. Up to half of the languages you speak may be obscure, rare, or dead, provided you can establish an opportunity to study them.
-Killer Blow: Add 3 to the damage of a Fists attack on a successful hit, once per scene, for a fate point. This stacks with any other damageincreasing stunts for Fists.
-Leadership: When you talk, people listen. When using Presence to command a group, gain +1 on the effort. Further, your efforts to coordinate a group are efficient, moving one time increment (page 315) faster than normal.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2014, 11:49:35 PM by Tirs »
RPG of my dreams: vampires from True Blood, mages from Dresden files, werewolves from Mercy Thompson and fairy from... Hm,I shall think.

Offline Tirs

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Re: Supervillains/vidgelante team for Worm
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2014, 10:26:32 PM »
The big guy (Brute, Shaper, maybe Mover)
The Wendigo
Main Aspect: Loyal
Problem aspect: There's only one Big wolf in Brockton Bay! (Hookwolf is personal arc nemesis)
Other aspects: I was born for fight, Problem child, I like city life
Alertness: Good (+3)
Athletics: Good (+3)
Fists: Good (+3)
Endurance: Great (+4)
Intimidation: Good (+3)
Schoolarship: Average (+1)
Survival: Fair (+2)
Lore: Average (+1)
Deceit: Average (+1)
Might: Good (+3)
Weaponry: Average (+1)
-Echoes of the Beast [–1] (wolf)
-Beast change [–1]
-Inhuman everything [-8]
Human form affecting:
-Supernatural everything [-16]
-Claws [-1]
-Hulking Size [–2]
-Good Arm: Thrown weapons normally have a range of only one zone. With this stunt that range extends to two zones.
-Juggler: Throwing deadly items around is just par for the course for you. Catching them is, too. Even bare-handed, you may use your Weapons skill to defend against a thrown attack, allowing you to catch the item if you succeed on the
defense. In addition, you may use your Weapons skill instead of Performance in order to entertain an audience with your juggling.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2014, 10:28:33 PM by Tirs »
RPG of my dreams: vampires from True Blood, mages from Dresden files, werewolves from Mercy Thompson and fairy from... Hm,I shall think.

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Re: Supervillains/vidgelante team for Worm
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2014, 10:56:51 PM »
The smart guy (Tinker)
Main Aspect: Ambitious scientist
Problem aspect: Diffident
Other aspects: I hate bullies, No more nerd, Changed man
Schoolarship:Great (+4)
Lore: Fair (+2)
Fists: Fair(+2)
Weaponry: Average (+1)
Guns: Good (+3)
Discipline: Fair (+2)
Might: Fair (+2)
Endurance: Good(+3)
Conviction: Average (+1)
Discipline: Fair (+2)
-Item of power [–3] (hi-tech armor, implanted in the body)
Armor (supernatural), speed, strenth (inhuman), fly, flying drones (3 at the same time, their efficiency more or less equal to average gunfighter), different bugs and scanners.
-No pain, no gain
-Linguist: You may speak (and read) additional languages as if your Scholarship score was 4 higher than it is. You may take this stunt multiple times, adding four more each time. Up to half of the languages you speak may be obscure, rare, or dead, provided you can establish an opportunity to study them.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2014, 11:22:46 PM by Tirs »
RPG of my dreams: vampires from True Blood, mages from Dresden files, werewolves from Mercy Thompson and fairy from... Hm,I shall think.

Offline Tirs

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Re: Supervillains/vidgelante team for Worm
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2014, 11:22:15 PM »
The lancer (Stranger)
Main Aspect: Tough girl with golden heart
Problem aspect: Former Drug User
Other aspects: Tsundere, Street-Smart, Moves Like a Ninja
Alertness: Good (+3)
Athletics: Good (+3)
Deceit: Fair (+2)
Endurance: Fair (+2)
Fists: Good (+3)
Guns: Average (+1)
Conviction: Fair (+2)
Presence: Fair (+2)
Stealth: Greate (+4)
Weapons: Good (+3)
-Inhuman Speed [–2]
-Cloak of Shadows [–2] (double bonuses)
-Incite Emotion (lust) [–2]
-Blend In: You blend into a crowd easily. If there’s a crowd to hide in, you gain +2 to your Stealth rolls. This is particularly useful when Shadowing someone on foot.
-Stay Close and Keep Quiet!: When sneaking around with a group, you are able to use your
Stealth skill to complement everyone else’s Stealth skill as they roll to stay hidden and quiet, provided they stay nearby and follow your instructions. Failure on either of these points means they lose the benefits. If you have any aspects specific to your ability to sneak around, your companions may invoke those aspects for their benefit as well.
-Swift and Silent: When Skulking, any difficulty increases due to fast movement are reduced by up to two.
RPG of my dreams: vampires from True Blood, mages from Dresden files, werewolves from Mercy Thompson and fairy from... Hm,I shall think.

Offline Tirs

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Re: Supervillains/vidgelante team for Worm
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2014, 11:48:17 PM »
The chick (Blaster, Breaker)
Main Aspect: Don't-Look-At-My-Tits-I-Have-A-Mind
Problem aspect: Don't know real life
Other aspects: Reachgirl, Loyal, I require my adventuries!
Alertness: Fair (+2)
Athletics: Fair (+2)
Deceit: Good (+3)
Endurance: Average (+1)
Fists: Average (+1)
Conviction: Good (+3)
Presence: Good (+3)
Resourses: Good (+3)
Discipline: Average (+1)
Empathy: Good (+3)
Scholarship: Fair (+2)
Lore: Average (+1)
  -Evocation [–3] (her abilities let her to manipulate energy and materials, yep, it's work like this)
-Blessed Words: The strength of your faith alone allows you to give others pause. You may use your Conviction skill to perform a block in physical conflict, potentially preventing someone from making a conflict action against you.
-Personal Magnetism: You have a calm confidence that others find appealing. When rolling Presence to establish a “passive” reaction to you (Charisma), make the roll at +2.
-Windfall: You’re occasionally able to tap into more Resources than usual, such as cashing out stocks or receiving a periodic disbursement from a trust fund. Once per adventure, you may spend a fate point to make a single Resources roll at +4.
RPG of my dreams: vampires from True Blood, mages from Dresden files, werewolves from Mercy Thompson and fairy from... Hm,I shall think.

Offline Tirs

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Re: Supervillains/vidgelante team for Worm
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2014, 11:49:55 PM »
So, what do you think?
RPG of my dreams: vampires from True Blood, mages from Dresden files, werewolves from Mercy Thompson and fairy from... Hm,I shall think.

Offline PirateJack

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Re: Supervillains/vidgelante team for Worm
« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2014, 02:36:45 AM »
Well, a lot of this depends on what you want these characters to do. Are they to be recurring villains? Mooks to be beaten then never seen again? The power level of the game is important as well because all of those +3 stats are usually what I give my mooks in a Submerged game. There to provide manoeuvres so that the real bad guys can hit hard, then be smashed into the floor by the PCs.
Quote from: JoeC
"Why are you banging your head against the wall?
'cause it feels sooooo good when I stop..."

Offline Tirs

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Re: Supervillains/vidgelante team for Worm
« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2014, 11:22:50 AM »
Actually, now I just want to knowif this guys can be powerfull enough to considering as A-list of Brockton Bay gungs? Can they sit on the same table as Kaiser, Coil and others, when they prepared to fight against ABB?
RPG of my dreams: vampires from True Blood, mages from Dresden files, werewolves from Mercy Thompson and fairy from... Hm,I shall think.

Offline PirateJack

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Re: Supervillains/vidgelante team for Worm
« Reply #8 on: October 13, 2014, 01:26:10 PM »
Not a chance. Like I said, the effective skill levels of these guys puts them pretty firmly on the mook side of the equation. They'd get stomped into the ground and would not get back up.

If you want these guys to be on par with Lung, Kaiser and the likes, consider upping the skill cap to Fantastic (+6) and giving them 17 refresh/45 skill points. Put their primary skills in the +4/+5/+6 region and then laugh your way home. Also, if you could give a brief description of each power, that would help a lot.

More specifically:

Jasper: Evocation is good, but give her a bunch of Refinements to go with it. Blessed Words doesn't really fit in with the Worm setting because faith isn't a power unto itself.

Serpent: If you're looking for real stealth consider taking Displacement/Invisibility, available on the wiki. Core concept is good with speedster/stealther, just needs some more versatility behind it, and probably some combat stunts.

Hammersmith: Items of Power and Enchanted Items are your best friend here. Ritual (Crafting) + IOP Strength/Toughness/Speed powers work very well. Just be aware that Tinkers should always stick to their specialisation when building stuff. You may also want to consider some stunts that let you use his Scholarship as an attacking stat for the Drones.

Wendigo: This guy could stand toe to toe with Kaiser if he had his skill levels increased a bit. The powerset is good and would work great in combat. Just buff his skills some and you're golden.

The Flayer: As a setting note, Worm doesn't really do Badass Normals, but it's an interesting idea. You should also consider kitting this guy out in some Hammersmith made Tinkertech, because he's looking mighty squishy for a close combat specialist. The first brute that comes along would wreck him like he was made of paper.
Quote from: JoeC
"Why are you banging your head against the wall?
'cause it feels sooooo good when I stop..."

Offline Tirs

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Re: Supervillains/vidgelante team for Worm
« Reply #9 on: October 13, 2014, 03:30:34 PM »
Thank you. I will think a bit.
P.S. Also, I mean not to stomp Empire88 or ABB, but to have the same respect in Brockton bay criminal society, as The Undersiders. But them also must be considering asmore dangerous and cruel, than Undersiders.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2014, 03:34:25 PM by Tirs »
RPG of my dreams: vampires from True Blood, mages from Dresden files, werewolves from Mercy Thompson and fairy from... Hm,I shall think.

Offline PirateJack

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Re: Supervillains/vidgelante team for Worm
« Reply #10 on: October 13, 2014, 05:45:54 PM »
Yeah, Worm has a generally higher power level than regular DFRPG games because the powers don't correlate with skill points. In the Dresdenverse knowledge is power, whereas even the stupidest people can become world class heroes/villains in Worm.
Quote from: JoeC
"Why are you banging your head against the wall?
'cause it feels sooooo good when I stop..."

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Re: Supervillains/vidgelante team for Worm
« Reply #11 on: October 13, 2014, 07:24:11 PM »
If you want these guys to be on par with Lung, Kaiser and the likes, consider upping the skill cap to Fantastic (+6) and giving them 17 refresh/45 skill points.

I wouldn't go that far. I've got Lung down as a Submerged character, and if I wrote up Kaiser I'd probably put him on the same level. Both slightly in the negatives, Refresh-wise.

I optimize a lot more than Tirs, though. You won't catch me putting Killer Blow on a character. So maybe he ought to use a higher level for similar characters.

But yeah, these guys don't have the skills to compete. A character with Fair or Good combat skills is not going to get far against someone with a Superb fighting skill.

The total skill count isn't really the issue. The cap and the way the skills are distributed matter more.

PS: Who are these people? They don't seem to have any backstory written out...

Offline Tirs

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Re: Supervillains/vidgelante team for Worm
« Reply #12 on: October 13, 2014, 07:59:41 PM »
I can't write their backgrounds if it will intresting for, but I'm still not sure about some moments.
RPG of my dreams: vampires from True Blood, mages from Dresden files, werewolves from Mercy Thompson and fairy from... Hm,I shall think.

Offline AWorldWithoutShrimp

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Re: Supervillains/vidgelante team for Worm
« Reply #13 on: October 14, 2014, 08:36:06 PM »
To be honest, based on how they're described I wouldn't rate these guys too highly on the Brockton Bay tier list, if you will. Being a badass normal just doesn't really cut it in the highly lethal and high-powered Wormverse, and none of the others are particularly intimidating when compared to people like Skitter, Imp, Regent, Vista, Lung, Clockblocker, or Purity, to name a few. As Vista put it, Brockton Bay capes are some real [censords].

I'd strongly consider taking another look at the badass normal. Story reasons for all capes having powers aside, even the most preptime'd of preptimer normals cannot compete with a decent Tinker in the Wormverse, let alone the stronger capes. If you want Wormverse A-listers, you can't really have a normal. Remember, capes aren't just there to fight other capes. Both heroes and villains serve as the first and last line of defense against Endbringers and S-level threats, and a normal can contribute absolutely nothing to that kind of fight.

You might be able to sell these guys as scarier than the Undersiders within your story because the Undersiders pull their punches like crazy, but in an actual head-on fight they'd definitely get wrecked.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2014, 09:09:58 PM by AWorldWithoutShrimp »

Offline Tirs

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Re: Supervillains/vidgelante team for Worm
« Reply #14 on: October 16, 2014, 04:36:48 PM »
So, edition version with backstory.
NOTE: English isn't my Native language, and an American reality I know mostly from movies. So, their stories can be strange.
The Flayer
Skills: as it was cuz I already spend more then 45 skill points.
The Flayer
Superb: Fists, Athletics
Great: Alertness, Weapons, Guns, Stealth, Scholarship, Endurance, Discipline, Intimidation, Presence
Good: Investigation, Contacts, Driving, Might, Survival, Rarrort
Fair: Deceit, Burglary
Average: Craftsmanship, Perfomaces
-Martial Artist: As a result of advanced training, you are able to recognize many styles of martial arts, using Fists as a knowledge and perception skill focused on unarmed fighting. This enables you to make assessments and declarations
related to fighting styles and fighting culture using your Fists skill. This stunt may be used as a prerequisite for other Fists stunts.
-Lethal Weapon: Your hands are lethal weapons. When using Fists to strike an unarmored opponent, you are considered to have Weapon:2.
-Acrobat: Gain +1 on Athletics when using it to survive a fall. Also, gain +1 to attempts to dodge ranged attacks (throwing and guns), so long as you describe it colorfully.
-Fleet of Foot: When sprinting (page 212), gain a +2 to Athletics.
-Paranoid? Probably.: Gain +2 to Alertness when rolling against surprise.
-Riposte: On a successful defense with Weapons, you may sacrifice your next action to turn that defense into an immediate and automatically successful attack.
-Fast Reload: Provided that you have a supply of ammunition, reloads are rarely an issue. You take no penalty when reloading as a supplemental action (page 213); if you’re in a race to see who reloads first, or anything else having to do with your speed or ability to reload, gain a +1 on the roll.
-Blend In: You blend into a crowd easily. If there’s a crowd to hide in, you gain +2 to your Stealth rolls. This is particularly useful when Shadowing (page 143) someone on foot.
-Leadership: When you talk, people listen. When using Presence to command a group, gain +1 on the effort. Further, your efforts to coordinate a group are efficient, moving one time increment (page 315) faster than normal.
-Linguist: You may speak (and read) additional languages as if your Scholarship score was 4 higher than it is. You may take this stunt multiple times, adding four more each time. Up to half of the languages you speak may be obscure, rare, or dead, provided you can establish an opportunity to study them.
-Scene of the Crime: You have a practiced eye when combing over a crime scene. In such a circumstance, you gain +1 to your Investigation roll and arrive at your findings one step faster than usual on the time table (page 315).
-No Pain, No Gain: You can take a bunch of punishment before it starts to add up. You may take two additional mild physical consequences.
-Supreme Concentration: Your Discipline is considered to be Fantastic whenever Discipline
would restrict, complement, or otherwise modify another skill. This has no effect on your actual Discipline rating when the skill itself is being rolled.
-Bend and Break: When successfully breaking an object using your Might, increase the effect (stress, usually) by two steps.
-Takes One to Know One: You may use Deceit instead of Empathy to catch someone in a lie.
-Shake the Tail: When you are the one being followed in a car-chase, you have a real talent for sudden turns and daring maneuvers to shake off your pursuers. Gain a +2 to Driving in such a case.
Backstory: Nick van Dongen never want to be a villain. His father was the policeman, who was killed on duty, while his mother was early retired cape (she was crippled by supervillains). She was sure that the son would inherit her abilities, that why the boy spent his childhood between schoolbooks and gymroom without any silly things which children call hobby. From an early age he was trained by the best masters, which the mother could find, preparing to become a hero. By age 15, Nick could serve in SWAT - he was strong and skilled enogh for it. He was also very smart, and graduated from high school by his 15. But as time passed, and the ability and did not show up. Even in very stressful situations, which have been staged for him by his mother, he stiil be human. Later, the psyhologist explain to women,   that a possible cause was the education of Nick - if he had some hidden powers, he could not open them in a trigger situation, because subconsciously used to rely on the skills acquired. It was just a theory, but the woman was broken - it turned out that she had destroyed the future of her son, thus depriving him of his childhood. Old injuries made ​​themselves felt, and soon she died.
Nick got a pretty good heritage, but he was squashed. He was alone, no superhero bunch was ready to accept the teen without  powers, and he actually didn't want to join to heroes. He didn't tell his mother, but he understand, how this system work. Status quo is the God, nobody will break the balance, etc... He was dissapointed though he understood to go from other side...
Appearance: Middle height, slim, athletic build. Brown hair, gray eyes.
Suit - black, on the basis of uniform SWAT, with Kevlar inserts. Mask - black, free (like the mask of Grifter or Ultim-Hawkeye) . Sometimes wears Kevlar helmet.
P.S. It's the first back story, I can put another.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2014, 03:33:42 PM by Tirs »
RPG of my dreams: vampires from True Blood, mages from Dresden files, werewolves from Mercy Thompson and fairy from... Hm,I shall think.