Author Topic: Bad-ass normal supervillain for Worm (statting)  (Read 1564 times)

Offline Tirs

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Bad-ass normal supervillain for Worm (statting)
« on: October 08, 2014, 09:03:17 AM »
So, I read Worm (web-novel) and I understand, how gret this setting can be for RPG. If i use Fate-system, which stuts must have young villain-boss with the following traits?
-IQ 200+
-Physical peack of human
-Strategic genius
-Natural leader
-High-level fighter (firearms, fists, mellee)
-Talented investigator
 -High aspect: I'm the less evil!
 -Problem aspect: Nouble monster (must be kind and honest with friends, must be extremly cruel with enemies)
 -Other aspects: Big bad wolf, Surrogate father for his gang, Anarchist
P.S. Nickname of villain - Flayer.
RPG of my dreams: vampires from True Blood, mages from Dresden files, werewolves from Mercy Thompson and fairy from... Hm,I shall think.

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Re: Bad-ass normal supervillain for Worm (statting)
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2014, 07:27:09 PM »
Not sure how well that sort of thing fits into the Worm-verse. Worm characters tend to have fairly realistic levels of competence before you take powers into account.

But hey, it's your game.

Anyway, you're gonna need some more positive Aspects. It's not really possible to be amazing at everything just through skills and stunts. So if you'll need some way to feed Fate Points into the things you're meant to be good at.

Once you've dealt with that, you might be able to manage it with something like this...

Superb: Scholarship
Great: Fists, Athletics, Contacts
Good: Endurance, Might, Presence
Fair: Alertness, Intimidation, Discipline
Average: Conviction, Empathy, Stealth
Anything That Comes To Hand (Fists): Spend a Fate Point to wield a specific weapon with Fists for the rest of the scene.
Natural Leader (Presence): +1 to lead, leadership is 1 time increment faster.
Organizational Resources (Contacts): Use Contacts instead of Resources to represent money from the organization he leads.
Strategic Genius (Scholarship): Use Scholarship +1 to make Declarations and Assessments related to strategy.
Scientific Investigation (Scholarship): Use Scholarship for the Examination trapping of Investigation.

Offline Tirs

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Re: Bad-ass normal supervillain for Worm (statting)
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2014, 08:14:37 PM »
Grazie mille :)
RPG of my dreams: vampires from True Blood, mages from Dresden files, werewolves from Mercy Thompson and fairy from... Hm,I shall think.