Author Topic: Parallel Fiction  (Read 22582 times)

Offline iago

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Re: Parallel Fiction
« Reply #15 on: June 13, 2006, 09:49:52 PM »
Hypothetical questions of an important nature:

If I were going to run a play by post or instant message based roleplaying game somewhere online, using the Dresden world would it be legal to do so?

How about using the characters from the books?

This has become somewhat of a grey question and I'm sincerely hoping it can be answered with a simple yes or no and put to rest.

Thanks for any help.

Your best bet would be to ask the question more directly to the Butchers.  Try hitting this web address with your question:
Fred Hicks
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Re: Parallel Fiction
« Reply #16 on: June 14, 2006, 01:51:05 PM »
Also, in case you didn't know, there will be a MUSH based off the game system. This doesn't preclude you doing your own game, if the Butcher's approve, but it's something you can play later, when it goes online. :)
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Offline taralon

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Re: Parallel Fiction
« Reply #17 on: June 19, 2006, 08:25:52 PM »
I don't see the whole 'anthology while the series is being written' would be too much of an issue.  After all Eric Flint is basically doing this with the 163x series and the Grantville Gazette anthologies. 

What it requires is that the author retain absolute editorial control over the anthology.  It also requires that the stories contain at best side characters with only mentions of the main characters, and either be only fringely associated with events in the mainline series or not at all. 

It is done, and has been done many a time.  Witchworld is one.  Grantville Gazette is another.  The Friends of Darkover series were for a short time a third. 

Its just not done that often, mainly because most writers don't want the hassle, and would rather be writing themselves, rather than editing... 

Offline rdonoghue

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Re: Parallel Fiction
« Reply #18 on: June 20, 2006, 02:57:07 AM »
Legal Shmegal.  I dream of a wolrd where Jim has that kind of _time_. :)

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Re: Parallel Fiction
« Reply #19 on: July 25, 2006, 01:28:10 AM »
Heh, while I'm all for the "Star Trek" style "let people write whatever they want but don't make it all canon" thing... I submit the following as an example of how horribly, horribly wrong that can go.

Star Trek meets X-Men

The very concept makes me shudder. Granted I haven't read it, but just ick... And do we really want "Harry and Harry: Dresden teaches at Hogwarts" or "The Wizard at the End of the Universe: Harry Dresden meets Marvin the Paranoid Android"... scary ideas.

On a related note, KnightKD, did you ever get a response from the Butchers about your question? I'm actually pretty curious myself, since any game run using the new system would technically be fiction set in the Dresden universe.

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Re: Parallel Fiction
« Reply #20 on: July 25, 2006, 03:41:24 AM »
Heh, while I'm all for the "Star Trek" style "let people write whatever they want but don't make it all canon" thing... I submit the following as an example of how horribly, horribly wrong that can go.

Star Trek meets X-Men

The very concept makes me shudder. Granted I haven't read it, but just ick... And do we really want "Harry and Harry: Dresden teaches at Hogwarts" or "The Wizard at the End of the Universe: Harry Dresden meets Marvin the Paranoid Android"... scary ideas.

Wow. I find myself terrified and horribly curious/fascinated by those suggestions.  ;) :D
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Re: Parallel Fiction
« Reply #21 on: October 09, 2007, 08:15:14 PM »
I cannot conceive of a legal environment in which such a project even has the barest breath of hope of happening.

Actually, it's not especially difficult legally. Jim absolutely can't read some random fanfic sent to him in an e-mail, no argument. But I don't think that's what Squidnurse is proposing. His idea, I think, can be more easily compared to that of a TV show.

Let's say you want to get a job writing for "Chuck" (first thing comes to mind). You can't just send a script to them, obviously; they can't read it, and you'd be lucky if they even opened it before trashing it or sending it right back to you. But, if you sign a release that says, basically, "I understand you could be working on something similar to what I'm sending you, and I really can't do a lot if you produce something like this later," (you can, of course, try, but it's an uphill battle) you can (though a lot of places don't really do that and you need an agent even to get to that point). Granted, most shows aren't reading scripts for their show, but it's somewhat less a legal concern and more a creative one, as the "Chuck" people are going to be a hell of a lot more picky about a "Chuck" script than they're going to be on one for... "Reaper".

So it's easy enough for Jim to be more or less legally secure in reading a story set in the Dresdenverse. In terms of the logistics of such a project, it's still not so completely unwieldy. Jim could furnish the equivalent of a TV show bible with the general rules of how magic works in the universe, some non-essential background on the Vampire and Fairy Courts, etc. (obviously, he couldn't throw out anything actually necessary to the story of the Dresden Files). So that's the general guide for submissions.

The problem arises in the spirit of the proposed project. Letting new writers get a foot in the door. I mean, that means a lot of unadulterated crap is going to get submitted. The simplest way to cull most of the crap herd is to require a short synopsis (one page should do). Many will likely ignore the rule and get cut by default while others will have to admit in about the first line that they've included Harry or Murphy or Kincaid as a main character (*snip*). After the easy cuts of the blatantly non-compliant, you take the best of the synopses (obviously, some perfectly compliant stories will still just not be good enough) and request the full stories. Which get cut again in a similar way (though, obviously fewer cuts for being completely off-base and more for just not being very good). Jim's publishers could get it down to, say, thirty of the best stories and submit those to him, and he'd make the final cut, possibly tweak or provide notes to get the stories into full compliance with canon, and you publish (ideally, paperback and halfway between main Harry releases).

The real question isn't legal, and it's not even really how to do it. It's a cost and creative question. Would the money and effort spent doing this make it worthwhile? And then, the creative question, would Jim even want something like this out there? If it turned out it'd make money and Jim were on board, then the legality of it is really fairly easy to work out.

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« Last Edit: October 09, 2007, 08:20:03 PM by ryan786i »

Offline iago

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Re: Parallel Fiction
« Reply #22 on: October 09, 2007, 08:21:25 PM »
Well, maybe so.  All the same, it's out of scope for the RPG board, and on top of that, terribly unlikely.

I think this topic's run its course.  Consider it closed.
Fred Hicks
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