I enjoy(ed) both the show AND the books. Yep, there are differences, but not really major ones, IMO. Heh. I can name a number of TV series (and movies) that should have been labeled "Inspired by" the books they were based on, as there were so many differences that if some of the characters hadn't had the same names as those in the books, a lot of people never would have realized there was a connection. Then there are others where the producers, etc. only took aspects of the books and concentrated on them when they made their films, not only completely changing the focus of the story but in most cases destroying some decent books. (The "Starship Troopers" movies come to mind, on a whole bunch of levels.) So, yeah, the TV series wasn't exactly like the books - but I expected that. And they were a lot truer to the original material than I expected.