Author Topic: What's happening in your game then?  (Read 5544 times)

Offline Baron Hazard

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Re: What's happening in your game then?
« Reply #15 on: July 30, 2014, 08:25:29 PM »
So, I may be coming up to run the second arc shortly soon here. For the first arc (which was admittedly some time ago):

First off, my GMing style for a game like Dresden Files is I created several plot lines and events happening in Seattle, and than kind of let the players choose what to focus on, Those tend to become more pronounced and the others still occur (and the players will need to deal with whatever fallout their prioritization caused if any) and maybe a few drop off completely.

In this game, (about the same time as Storm Front) the characters investigated around abit and then latched onto the "Fae Weirdness" going on (however other events going on Seattle: Third Eye being peddled by a Samoan Gang of Hexensharks. House Skavis was buying and remodeling a series of free clincs and rehab centers (under the umbrella of the "Skavis Community Betterment Foundation"). Red Court was nipping around the edges.)

Piecing together information, the PCs discovered that freehold of Fae had formed in Seattle. The leader of the Freehold was a Minotaur (heavily inspired by Nathan Fillion and Nathan Fillion based roles), who had gained posession of a Svartalfar artifact named Oathbreaker, that could sever any oath. He quickly learned this included the oaths binding a fae to their court, freeing them. He settled in Seattle forming his own Demesne inside of a Indoor Public Storage Facility (because Minotaurs and mazes xD.) Not only was he providing a free hold for fae that wanted to be unbeholden to summer or winter, but he was also helping to care for mortal homeless and downtrodden. (two of his changeling agents were thief/Robin Hood urban legends in Seattle, stealing to provide for the swelling numbers.These two were based hevaily on Locke Lamora and Jean Tannen)

The Problem is both Queens refused to stand by this affront to their authority, also both wanted access to such a powerful relic, the consequences of which were terrifying to contemplate, as either Queen could theoretically be forcibly unbound from their court, taking that power with them, drastically changing the balance of the Courts and probably destroying the Earth (this was before certain reveals in Cold Days that make that even WORSE.) The minotaur in his freehold however sought to not use the artifact as a weapon but simply to do his own thing and live his own life in peace and offer that opportunity to others.

The PCs found and met the Minotaur and after talking to him and seeing what he was building, hated to admit they liked him, they began to discuss ways to save him, as terrible summer and winter storms slowly swept towards the city from both sides.

I was quite proud of my players for coming up with the plan they did, they would establish the minotaur as a freeholding lord of the Unseelie Accords, affording him consideration and at least some protection. The White Council wizard decided to sign for the White council, but that left 2 more signatures required. The were-rat procurer of artifacts and knowledge, cryptically told them they only needed 1 more, and refused to answer who his second signatory was. Trusting in each other they weighed several options before they Decided on Skavis. (they'd already butted heads with Skavis previously, and he'd even attempted to hire the Wizard as a "consultant" so they had an in)

They made their way into Skavis' corporate headquarters when the two storms colided. As sleet and snow and hail and rain pounded the city, bursts of hurricane like winds roared, and Winter and Summer came into open conflict in the streets of Seattle in Broad Daylight.

The PCs managed to convince Skavis to sign on, citing Self Preservation. Thus led to that Elevator scene. All the PCs standing in an Elevator around an ally that should be a big bad, armed with a broadsword and shotgun. Upon exiting the building, the first thing they encounter were Elder Gruffs fighting Greater Ogres, it got even worse when the PCs discovered while the two courts were fighting there was a standard running order. As soon as they were seen, both Gruffs and Ogres abandoned their battle and turned towards the PCs together.

They engaged, but things werent looking good. The torrential downpour greatly impeded the Wizards power, and the rest weren't exactly physical power houses. Skavis however didn't get to be the head of a White Court family by collecting stamps and burning through some reserves he handled as many Gruffs and Ogres as the rest of the PCs combined.

This led to a scene later, where he sensed prey and flipping a car found two children huddled hiding under it filled with despair. He smiled that predatory smile and stalked towards them. The party devolved, the Red Court infected Agent of St. Giles already incredibly unhappy to work with a vampire tried to shoot the Skavis, but his attempts were thwarted by his teammates.

The Wizard, feeling his talents useless under this downpour, offered another way to help. He offered himself to Skavis, Skavis fed thoroughly, though stopped before he died, and after a moment he got shakilly to his feet. and the group moved on. It was a great scene ducking and dodging Fae when they could, fighting them when neccessary. Making hard choices, such as living a group of victims to the mercies of several dozen malks and stealthing by.

One of my favorite scenes of this whole arc was when Dragomir Thesius (Pure Mortal P.I.) heard a scream and tore off after it, he found a woman trapped on top of a car, surrounded by a clacking horde of Shellycobbs. Quickly Dragomir worked out a plan with the resident chi-empowered speedster, who drew the shellycobbs away. Dragomir ran up to lead the damsel to safely, she hurled herself at him, as she thanked him, she turned out the Naiad and attempted to draw him in with her siren song. Dragomir maintained a coolhead and iron will as he played along with it, pretending to be entranced. and as they kissed, he drew his 45 with steeljacketed rounds put several into her stomach. it was just PERFECT.

Anyway, the group ran afoul of Ronald Reuel the Winter Knight, there was alot of pagentry and double word play. But basically he managed to concede that Neither queen should get Oathbreaker (and his vested interest is, Knight or not hes mortal and rather attached to this world) if he took them prisoner, he would grant them safe passage. It was very clearly stated, that as they were taken into his custody, they offered him no promise of hospitality or safe passage.

He lead them safely through the city, until a group of Red Court Vampire assassins descended into the fray. And then a stab of fear shot through the heart of the RC Infected as he heard the steady *THOOM THOOM* of a mighty heartbeat echoing through the streets. As the Devourer roared into view, the party split, the Speedster and RC Infected leading the Devourer on a merry chase through Seattle away from the rest.

The Winter Knight held steady against the Rampires, but it was obvious this was a perfect time to leave his custody as he "was busy." and the Storage facility wasn't far now.

The finale ended up the Wizard lost an eye (a Red Court Vampire wayleighed him and as he lay stunned, it reached down and plucked out his eye, and ate it directly in front of him/Extreme Consequence), in a show of unusual bravery the Were-rat in Rat form dropped from a nearby tree taking out the Rampires eye before scurrying under a car to safety.

Eventually, the Wizard and Were-rat made their way into the storage facility with the Skavis, The Wizard and Skavis signed, and the Wizard looked at the were-rat questioningly. The Were-rat smiled and withdrew a silver leaf pin (very early in the game, he secretly did a favor for summer (screwing over the rest of the PCs and the plot in the process) naming him esquire of summer and providing him one boon.

He summoned Aurora and bid her sign the document.

She probably should have prioritized, Court Business (such as the Gruff did in SmF) but it was such a ballsy move I had to let it pass.

The team that had took the devourer on a merry chase, managed to kill it mostly through  immense amounts of C-4 and dropping multiple buildings on it.

The Wizard was free'd from his Doom of Damocles for his heroic efforts.

Currently what is still unknown to any of the players, is that the Wizard's mentor is Black Council mastering mind magic, and that the PC is so loaded up with mental traps and spells. I cant wait xP

The next arc, will involve them taking a vacation to Las Vegas (where the Rat Pack is Black Court Scourge that secretly runs Las Vegas, I saw the idea posted here a while ago and just loved it.) The Wizard has been looking for his parents, in the first arc he discovered they were members of the Venatori Umbrorum.

A lead of where they are, will bring the PCs to Las Vegas where they learn that his parents are Blampires.

As for theme/plot. Ferrovax was having a supernatural auction of some of his treasure (the Were-rat was there keeping tabs), one piece of treasure was an Urn belonging to one of the Jade Court 'Dragons' (one of the 5 rulers of the Jade Court), as this piece is displayed, all hell breaks loose and it is stolen.

The Jade Court blame everyone and are coming in force to Las Vegas, The Black Court seeks to defend their territory. Ferrovax is roaring for vengeance.

Big Mess. The PCs better clean it up or alot of people are gonna die xP