
what would u be the RPG?

Wizard(EX:Harry duh!!)
98 (37.1%)
Supernatural entity(EX:demon,summer knight,etc)
62 (23.5%)
Gifted mortal(EX:ectomancer, Knight of the cross,etc
85 (32.2%)
19 (7.2%)

Total Members Voted: 255

Author Topic: What would u be?  (Read 102506 times)

Offline Metroanime

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Re: What would u be?
« Reply #30 on: October 18, 2006, 08:08:02 AM »
First impulse, without reading it, and providing with MY schedule (i work in a hospital) i can find a gaming group again...

if being descended from a dragon ain't happening, wyldfae changeling. Maybe half-ogre or something. The whole conflict of the dual nature, the desire to be oneself and not ally with either Court, and to play 'free agent' in this sort of setup... it has possibilities for RPing.

if descended from a dragon (maybe an oriental one is less humanivore than the western ones shown? certainly there are legends about such in Japan) IS possible, it would be preferred. my first magazine articles selling were to Dragon - and i've got warm-and-scaly feelings for them ever since.

Offline Kali

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Re: What would u be?
« Reply #31 on: October 18, 2006, 12:02:58 PM »
Gifted mortal.  But not uberpowered, something low-key.  The challenge of knowing about the supernatural world and surviving in it without being all kaboomy is fascinating to me.  It's why I usually played mortals back when I was MUSHing on White Wolf games.

Maybe someone who has a single talent, like Wizard Sight.  And she's learned a few tricks that anybody, with or without power, can do (ref: Dead Beat scene with the chalk... hint enough but non-spoilery enough?).

Dang, when's that MUSH opening?
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Re: What would u be?
« Reply #32 on: November 02, 2006, 06:00:07 AM »
My current nifty character concept for the RPG builds on the story of the Black University.  I think it's in the Blue Fairy Book.

Anyway the story is as follows: Somewhre there is a school that teaches every art, science, and science that has ever been learned by man.  This school is underground and has no light.  Books line all the walls and the way the students is able to read is whenever they open the books the letters on the page themselves glow with a flickering hellish light.   Each student is admitted entry into the school on the condition that he understands the last person to complete their studies and leave the school each year will belong to the master of the school (usually understood to be Satan) and be used in whatever way he see.

One year the student to finish last ran with the others up the tunnel leading out into the sun and when the master of the school grabbed his ankle he kicked at the hand freeing himself he just managed to escape shouting back "There is one other who left after me!" refering to his shadow.  And so he was able to escape but no longer had a shadow.

Anyway, the way that translates into the character I want to play is: A runaway probably from somewhere in the 1920s ends up attending the University.  The University itself is in the never-never.  He studies and learns, arrogant as he is he waits to go last having planned for this.  And he escapes using the shadow trick.  What he discovers though is a lot of time has passed while he was studying and the world has changed.   

To complicate matters he'ld have been tainted by black magic, probably a decently strong wizard whose specialty is evocation.   He'ld also know of the white council and as a result he'ld keep his head low and go out of his way to avoid using magic whenever possiable so as not to draw attention to himself.

aka The Scholomance. A variation on that theme would be that the Tenth Person has to stay and train the next class. The post is then passed on and on. He would be hunted because he upset the rule. (Just a thought.)

I would be a person who falls between the cracks. He comes from a long line of wizards, but he isn't a wizard himself. His family have been in the magic game for many generations, but occasionally, one is born without the means to do magic. He was this generations, but to make up for it, he is a weirdness magnet. In his travels, he's picked up a few things, like one of the Cait Shee, think Mouse, but only feline. Some powerful members of both Fairy Courts owe him some big favors, think something along the lines of the Unraveling. The best way to think about him is to combine the character of Hurley from Lost with the main character from the canceled FOX series, Strange Luck, with a bit of that character from the Donald Duck comics who is extremely lucky; he won the Lottery, and is pretty much set for life. He thinks that he might be a living embodiment of "What goes around comes around". Fate sends him out on missions from time to time, and he might set off a series of events that would take down a group of Red Court Vampires, or cause a dragon to be slain.
Clarke's Third Law: Sufficently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

Niven's Converse to Clarke's 3rd Law: Sufficently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from science.

Offline sam

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Re: What would u be?
« Reply #33 on: November 27, 2006, 04:16:19 AM »
my charicter concept runs as follows. both my parents were wardens. they were also fairly bissness sauvy individuals and with such long lives and a little bissness senes it doesnt take much to make a lot of money. they always figured that i would also have magical abilitys so they home schooled me in everything including magic, strategy, and martial arts. however between the home schooling and always moving because of bissness i dident develope any real relationships outside my family untill i came into my powers at the age of 15. my first freind was a femal fey of the winter court i meet in the swiss alps durring winter. she was young as such things are figured amongst the fey and she wanted to prove her abilitys to the other fey to do this she had decided to trick me into a bargain for my magic to this end she spent every bit of time i was away from my parents with me. just like many chilldren of that age i was convinced we were falling in love but i knew from my studies that it was dangeros to give or reiceve gifts from the fey so i dicided make a bargain with her. the bargain i offerd her was if she gave me her love in return i would give her that wich was most preciose to me. being a fey and young she imediatly assumed that power was the most preciose posseson to everyone and as that was what she wanted immediatly excepted the deal. when this happend it immedaitly made changes to both of us intwining our powers our souls and thoght process the univers and our own powers altered us. taking parts from one and placing them in the other and altering the rest of us to be more akin to the other making me no longer completly human and her no longer completly fey so that an impossible love would work. what all of the conciqinces of this deal are or will be neither of us know. initialy she fled but later returned because she couldent stay away either of us without the other is incomplet at best. shortly aftere this my parents died in a car accident( i know very cliche) and was sent to study under there freind Pietrovich of Archangel in Russia. i found that i reacted well to the cold and harshenss of both russia and my new teacher as to wether this was because of the changes brought on by the deal i made or not is up for debate but what is not in question is that i progressd rappidly at my new home. my greatest strenghths quickly proved to be ice, artificing, summoning, and commbat magic. i beggan to have great difficulty controling fire however to a deggre were the slightest attempt would either completly fell or cause me great pain. my girlfrend ( the fey i made the deal with i call her amber for short) taght me to accesses the now fey like parts of me and through them to accesses winter ice and the power that comes with it. when Archancel was attacked i was away dealing with some of the bissness issues that my parents had left me in china. i arrived back shortly affter the attack to be the first person to see what the red court had done to my new home. it filled me with a cold calculating implacable rage and i quickly relised that we had to have been betrayed. since the only pepole who can bettray you are pepole you trust that made everyone who i might have gone to for help suspect so i gatherd up all of the books and training matterials i could find as well as anything i could find that seemed powerfull or usfull and left since then i have been training with my girlfreind constantly to hunt down the red court and the traitor. maybe they overlooked me or maybe they dident consider a merre aprintice worth much attention but wichever it is soon they will learn the harsh leasons that can be taght by a long hard russian winter. ha and i came up with all that while i was sitting here.

p.s. excuse the gramer and spelling

Offline prime_spirit

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Re: What would u be?
« Reply #34 on: November 27, 2006, 05:16:35 AM »
If I were a wizard, I'll be a Blackstaff masquerading as a Warden, quietly looking for White Council traitors.

If I were a supernatural entity, I'll be a summer fae of the trees, skilled in the matters of nourishment and healing.

If I were a gifted mortal, I'll be a teenager with a strange condition where my subconcious controls more of my magic, meaning I'm more powerful when I'm asleep, and I didn't even know I could cast magic.

If I were a mortal, which I already am, ...

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Offline Lord Nedd

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Re: What would u be?
« Reply #35 on: November 27, 2006, 05:51:56 PM »
Good grief. 


What I really like about Harry is not only that he is a wizard, but more importantly is that he is a problem solver.

I would likely be a wizard of low to moderate strength, but with high power connections and access to hard to find information.  I would have contacts with the Venatori and the Order of the St. Giles as well as other secret Brotherhoods.  I would have some contacts within Nevernever as well.  I would be a researcher, in some real sense.  I wouldn't really be a good field op (which Harry is undeniably).  I would be content digging up stuff to just know it or to help who ever was contracting me.  I would likely work with the White Council (because, lets face it, bad guys have a tendancy to kill off their researchers to keep the knowledge to themselves).  Given the current state of things, I would have to be underground and rather miserable in my newly given grey cloak.
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Offline Sūlien

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Re: What would u be?
« Reply #36 on: November 27, 2006, 09:59:16 PM »
Good grief. 


What I really like about Harry is not only that he is a wizard, but more importantly is that he is a problem solver.

I would likely be a wizard of low to moderate strength, but with high power connections and access to hard to find information.  I would have contacts with the Venatori and the Order of the St. Giles as well as other secret Brotherhoods.  I would have some contacts within Nevernever as well.  I would be a researcher, in some real sense.  I wouldn't really be a good field op (which Harry is undeniably).  I would be content digging up stuff to just know it or to help who ever was contracting me.  I would likely work with the White Council (because, lets face it, bad guys have a tendancy to kill off their researchers to keep the knowledge to themselves).  Given the current state of things, I would have to be underground and rather miserable in my newly given grey cloak.

I love that!  Let me guess, you really like the Dr. Daniel Jackson and Rupert Giles characters from Stargate and Buffy, respectively?   ;D  They're geeks after my own heart (I love reading and researching).
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Offline Lord Nedd

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Re: What would u be?
« Reply #37 on: November 28, 2006, 02:31:57 AM »

I have never seen an episode of Buffy.

I had real etymological problems with Stargate as well as problems with taking it seriously given that it was produced by Studio Canal (sort of the French TNT-Independent Cable Channel) and blanked most of the film the first time around.  I recently saw it again after a few years of hiatus and it isn't that bad.

I am an engineer by education, and a retired VG developper by choice.  I just gravitate to problem-solving I guess.

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Offline Sūlien

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Re: What would u be?
« Reply #38 on: November 29, 2006, 06:29:32 PM »

I have never seen an episode of Buffy.

I had real etymological problems with Stargate as well as problems with taking it seriously given that it was produced by Studio Canal (sort of the French TNT-Independent Cable Channel) and blanked most of the film the first time around.  I recently saw it again after a few years of hiatus and it isn't that bad.

I am an engineer by education, and a retired VG developper by choice.  I just gravitate to problem-solving I guess.

Ah, okay.  I know what you mean, because I tend to be very critical of the inaccuracy of some historically based films, and I'm not even going to go into the stupid crime scene series on the networks (they are worse than the regular cop shows).  ::)
Be the kind of woman who, when her feet hit the ground in the morning, the Devil says, "Oh crap, she's awake!"

"A government is a group of people usually notably ungoverned."
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Offline Lord Nedd

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Re: What would u be?
« Reply #39 on: November 29, 2006, 06:59:21 PM »

I have never seen an episode of Buffy.

I had real etymological problems with Stargate as well as problems with taking it seriously given that it was produced by Studio Canal (sort of the French TNT-Independent Cable Channel) and blanked most of the film the first time around.  I recently saw it again after a few years of hiatus and it isn't that bad.

I am an engineer by education, and a retired VG developper by choice.  I just gravitate to problem-solving I guess.

Ah, okay.  I know what you mean, because I tend to be very critical of the inaccuracy of some historically based films, and I'm not even going to go into the stupid crime scene series on the networks (they are worse than the regular cop shows).  ::)

As an aside, my wife, a doctor, has enjoyed the episodes of House, MD, that we have been able to see.  Eerily, most of the cases she can nail down within about 20 minutes into the show as she has had them. 

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Offline jtaylor

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Re: What would u be?
« Reply #40 on: November 29, 2006, 09:05:02 PM »
Yes, I know CSI is pure fantasy, but they shows are fun to watch if you ignore the details and just roll with it.
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Offline Lord Nedd

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Re: What would u be?
« Reply #41 on: November 29, 2006, 10:18:18 PM »
Yes, I know CSI is pure fantasy, but they shows are fun to watch if you ignore the details and just roll with it.

Kinda like the WWF, then?  Neh?
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Offline Sūlien

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Re: What would u be?
« Reply #42 on: November 30, 2006, 04:47:08 AM »
Yes, I know CSI is pure fantasy, but they shows are fun to watch if you ignore the details and just roll with it.

Kinda like the WWF, then?  Neh?

Actually, the World Wildlife Federation (WWF) won their lawsuit against that fellow who owns the wrestling teams.  The wrestling federation (or whatever it is) goes by something else now.

As far as the marshmallow fluff TV shows go, I'll go all the way and just watch "The Gilmore Girls" (what can I say, I like my marshmallow truly fluffy).  If I want forensics, I'll watch the real thing on the geek TV channels (which I much prefer).  Gary Dourdan is a good actor and a gorgeous man, but even he can't draw me into that show (or any of the spin offs).
Be the kind of woman who, when her feet hit the ground in the morning, the Devil says, "Oh crap, she's awake!"

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Offline waywardclam

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Re: What would u be?
« Reply #43 on: November 30, 2006, 06:13:02 AM »
The WWF wasn't forced to change its name, just its website.

They changed to WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) because Vince McMahon decided he wanted the company's name to match its website, and he couldn't have WWF.com anymore...
But MAYBE Lasciel will try to tempt Harry with the prospect of redeeming HER.
Wouldn't *that* be a powerful scene?

Offline Lord Nedd

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Re: What would u be?
« Reply #44 on: November 30, 2006, 07:00:22 AM »
The WWF wasn't forced to change its name, just its website.

They changed to WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) because Vince McMahon decided he wanted the company's name to match its website, and he couldn't have WWF.com anymore...

Thanks for my back, wwc!


Definitely TMA.
Cerebrum! Ceterus niveus caro!
-words to live by for the Erudite Zombie.