
what would u be the RPG?

Wizard(EX:Harry duh!!)
98 (37.1%)
Supernatural entity(EX:demon,summer knight,etc)
62 (23.5%)
Gifted mortal(EX:ectomancer, Knight of the cross,etc
85 (32.2%)
19 (7.2%)

Total Members Voted: 255

Author Topic: What would u be?  (Read 102525 times)

Offline Ghoulfish

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Re: What would u be?
« Reply #15 on: July 18, 2006, 10:39:10 PM »
Supernatural Entity, hello they can deal major pwnage and they look reeely cool

That's about my only reason - who cares about morals

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Offline Ryan Carpenter

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Re: What would u be?
« Reply #16 on: July 19, 2006, 06:38:05 PM »
I'd have to be a Knight of the Cross.  Nobody can mess with Mike.
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Offline squidnurse

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Re: What would u be?
« Reply #17 on: July 23, 2006, 04:52:49 PM »
Suppose I'd be a Gifted Mortal.  If that's the category that fits the idea of a Norte Americano relief worker in Central America who doesn't believe in any of the local mumbo-jumbo until a Chupacabra attack in the Highlands wipes out most of the other aid workers.  Later he's gifted with a jade pendant from a Mayan medicine man that curses/blesses him as a were-jaguar which enables him to go fang-to-claw with the Red Court's minions on their own ground, during which time he encounters members of the Fellowship of St. Giles...

...not that I've really thought about it.  ;)
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Re: What would u be?
« Reply #18 on: July 26, 2006, 08:33:01 AM »
I would go with wizard, but instead of playing a wizard with tons of magic I would play someone really skilled with magic, but without much raw power. It would make spellcasting a lot more interesting, instead of summoning a huge fireball my character would have too find a way to work around his lack of brute force power, perhaps using a wind spell to pull all of the hydrogen in the air together with a bunch of oxygen and adding a tiny bit of heat to make an econo fireball, or If he was really mad pulling a tiny bit of the tritium and deuterium out of the air and compressing it....

Offline Qualapec

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Re: What would u be?
« Reply #19 on: August 02, 2006, 07:15:01 AM »
Wizard.  ;D I like the idea of doing what Harry does, mixing blowing the forces of darkness three-quarters of the way past hell, and doing private investigations for money.


Offline Psychomancer

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Re: What would u be?
« Reply #20 on: August 02, 2006, 09:55:10 AM »
Well, the way things are going (and if I can corral my friends into the game) I'll be playing as...the GM. 
Why you may ask?  For one thing, I am the only one who has read all the Dresden Files books.  Yes, it's true.  Everyone else is either waiting their turn for the library copies, or illiterate.
Next off, I don't mean to brag here, but  I am the best GM out of all my usual gaming friends.  I really get a kick out of setting up scenarios and adventures for the PCs to mash their way through.  I like having something to do. I like coordinating stuff between characters. 
And finally, it has been established among my group that all things modern, urban, or post-fantasy are to fall into my realm and mine alone.  Because I'm the only one who can get it right.
So there it is.  I won't get to play a wizard of the White Council.  Nor a canny member of the Venatori Umbrorum.  Not a divine retributor.  Nor even the merest of mortals.  Nope, mine is the role of the amazing all-powerful, all-knowing, all-singing, all-dancing guy at the top.
But I really would like to play that Venatori guy.  He sounded like fun.   :(
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Offline thomasfan

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Re: What would u be?
« Reply #21 on: August 07, 2006, 03:25:17 AM »

I'd either be a vampire of The White Court, like Thomas, or a fey of The Summer Court! 

Offline Douglas

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Re: What would u be?
« Reply #22 on: August 15, 2006, 12:14:05 AM »
It really depends on what's available.

My First Idea for a character was a Secular knight, a guy who follows some of the old precepts of the code of chivalry without all the Knights Templar-lite trappings of the religious orders.   I wanted something closer to feudal knights than the Orders, the kind of guy who defends his "fief" (a group of people who supported him and need him to fight the things they the cops don't face) from foes, and go on the occasional quest beyond that.  Human, but with a real appreciation of the importance of oaths and loyalty (the "Old World" element Harry talks about) that he shares with many of the creatures that confront him

What I'm not sure about is whether the guy would qualify as a mortal or a gifted mortal.  I've got the basic idea down but he could be anything from a vanilla human to a Lycanthrope who happens to only have a group of humans as his 'pack'.

Offline LoVeBoOkS

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Re: What would u be?
« Reply #23 on: August 15, 2006, 05:54:47 PM »
I've fantasized about being a witch/wizard/sorceress all my life. No way would I pass up the chance to be one here...although in all honesty I'd probably have the most fun being a fledgling wizard who still manages to magically screw up enormously while performing a rediculously easy spell

lol dont feel bad i would be too. and i might not neccesarily use my powers for ALL good lol

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Re: What would u be?
« Reply #24 on: August 30, 2006, 04:03:45 AM »
*stares at list*  Um...


I dunno what to choose!   :(  Haven't even considered what I'd play and I don't even know if I'll ever be able to gather enough people together where I'm at to play the game (I can figure up maybe 3; 5 or 6 at the most).

*sigh*  Eventually I'll figure out what to play...

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Offline Spray

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Re: What would u be?
« Reply #25 on: September 19, 2006, 04:54:46 PM »
i think i would like to stick with being a mortal, although it would have to be one of the knights of st lazareth or summin like that as although i would be a mortal, they recieve some awsome training in both medievil style weapons and guns etc also having an awareness of the world of magic etc if not being able to use it himself.... other than that i guess i would have to go wit being a wizard for obvious reasons lol, although being GM is cool, i av done a lot of DMing in D&D and can certainly see why it can be good fun
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Re: What would u be?
« Reply #26 on: September 22, 2006, 08:43:10 PM »
Since I'll end up being the gamemaster, I will be all of the above.... and unfortunately none of the above at the same time  :(

Offline Jrais

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Re: What would u be?
« Reply #27 on: October 03, 2006, 06:07:27 AM »
Odd as it may seem I'd have to go with either a Marcone style mobster or a really strong-willed human with Denarrian....I just love walking that thin line
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Offline Sūlien

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Re: What would u be?
« Reply #28 on: October 03, 2006, 11:30:10 PM »
Probably a shapeshifter, like the Alphas.  That would be interesting, especially if cats were allowed.  Talk about your intelligence operative.  ;)
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Offline the_ed_3

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Re: What would u be?
« Reply #29 on: October 04, 2006, 12:17:32 PM »
i would have to say i'd pursue the title of a knight of one of the fae courts, preferably winter.  i like the cold, the chicks seem more... erotic, and to be able to have mega power in both the mortal world and nevernever would be a definite plus.
The Ed.
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