
what would u be the RPG?

Wizard(EX:Harry duh!!)
98 (37.1%)
Supernatural entity(EX:demon,summer knight,etc)
62 (23.5%)
Gifted mortal(EX:ectomancer, Knight of the cross,etc
85 (32.2%)
19 (7.2%)

Total Members Voted: 255

Author Topic: What would u be?  (Read 102300 times)

Offline Slife

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Re: What would u be?
« Reply #120 on: June 07, 2007, 06:56:36 PM »
What about an entity, that doesn't mind humans, but scares the s##t out of other supernatural entities? Some ordinary looking John Q. Public that scares the Erlking, Mab, the Summer Queen, the Vampire Courts, and gives wizards the heebe jeebies, but doesn't do a thing to low level practioners, or mainstream humans.
Like someone who's incredibly antimagical?
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Offline The Corvidian

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Re: What would u be?
« Reply #121 on: June 08, 2007, 02:20:27 AM »
Like someone who's incredibly antimagical?

Could be, but I was thinking of something along the lines of an entity that has spent millenia in the human realm, and has decided that the nasties have to leave them alone.
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Offline Hope

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Re: What would u be?
« Reply #122 on: July 31, 2007, 05:14:27 PM »
What about an entity, that doesn't mind humans, but scares the s##t out of other supernatural entities? Some ordinary looking John Q. Public that scares the Erlking, Mab, the Summer Queen, the Vampire Courts, and gives wizards the heebe jeebies, but doesn't do a thing to low level practioners, or mainstream humans.

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Offline Haru

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Re: What would u be?
« Reply #123 on: August 05, 2007, 07:01:24 PM »
I'd like to play a wizard who specialised in the creation of magical items and potions, can do a bit of thaumaturgy but sucks at evocations completely, so his magic always needs time to be prepaired.
This means that for every spell he wants to cast he needs a carefully prepared gizmo, that contains the spell he wishes to cast. I can see the first one allready: a key that you turn in midair so it opens a door to the nevernever.
Of course most such items need to be recharched after they are used, and in the wrong hands they might even be dangerous, but thats where the fun is, I guess.
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Offline skaerber

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Re: What would u be?
« Reply #124 on: September 08, 2007, 02:33:04 AM »
I'd with something like (if possible) a half-dragon or the werebear version of a loup garou.
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Offline The Architect

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Re: What would u be?
« Reply #125 on: September 08, 2007, 04:24:45 AM »
Assuming the game were delivered into my hands right this minute (Get a move on Fred) I'd have to go with an (Almost) Gifted Mortal. Dan Russell, aka Russell the Hustle, a cop (or ex-cop depending of the game) with a checkered and starred history. Bounced from department after department for his unorthodox methods, hired by department after department for his conviction rate. Russell makes deals. All sorts of deals. A bust for Attempted Murder may get written up as Aggravated Assault if the suspect can help Russell close a Homicide case. 'Got a friend in prison looking at parole? Tell me who knocked over the liquor store on 5th St. and I'll do what I can for your buddy.' Russell has contacts with criminals and cops and government agents across the country, so when he ran into the Jeebie-makers of the Nevernever, what does he do? What he does best, he made deals.

Sort of a bright reflection to Marcone.
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Offline Jaroslav

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Re: What would u be?
« Reply #126 on: September 27, 2007, 06:44:23 AM »
Does anyone now know if your character is limited to only those beings that have a soul? I was just thinking of how cool it would be to play a ghost or pixie, and was wondering if the book came with rules for playing such beings.
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Offline Suilan

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Re: What would u be?
« Reply #127 on: September 27, 2007, 10:48:38 AM »
I will be the GM. No other Dresdenite but me among the lot. If I could be a player, I'd be a wizard. Although playing a fairy might be fun too. How to get by without ever being allowed to tell an outright lie, ha! That'd be a challenge. So I guess fairies are going to be involved in the first game I'll master.  :D
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Offline John P.

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Re: What would u be?
« Reply #128 on: October 25, 2007, 04:21:58 PM »
I would probly wind up running the darn game ,but if I could talk some else into it (Read Coerce!) I would like to be a PI wizard like Harry-However with my "great" dice rolling ability  , I would most likey wind up as Toot Toot!

Offline John P.

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Re: What would u be?
« Reply #129 on: October 25, 2007, 04:22:50 PM »
I would probly wind up running the darn game ,but if I could talk some else into it (Read Coerce!) I would like to be a PI wizard like Harry-However with my "great" dice rolling ability  , I would most likey wind up as Toot Toot!

Offline Torvaldr

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Re: What would u be?
« Reply #130 on: October 27, 2007, 08:49:39 PM »
My first choice isn't there. I want to be an Outsider so I can hunt down and exterminate the Merlin. Short of that, I would be a Wizard with an Anti-Merlin (Langtry) complex. Not necessarily anti-White Council. Just anti-Langtry. Couldn't handle being a Warden either. I am not sure I could have set my feelings aside like Harry did when he was conscripted. I did find it fascinating that after he became a Warden he started defending them and their actions. Like when he said, "There is no easy way to do their job." Understand though that it is not being the Warden itself that would be my problem. The issue is I could NEVER stand to be under the Merlin's (Langtry) orders.

Did I mention I do not like Langtry? I am certain there is more to him than the actions and qualities I have seen so far that make me despise him so much. And we will likely find them out as the series goes on. But just talking about him gets my blood boiling.
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Offline harleshade

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Re: What would u be?
« Reply #131 on: October 27, 2007, 11:36:58 PM »
At first thought I would say, without a doubt that I would want to play a wizard. But after thinking about it more I know myself well enough to know that I'd be running two characters anyway, so I thought about it and realized that A "Gifted" Mortal would be just kick ass. I mean look at Michael and of course Fix. I count the Summer Knight because they make it quite appaerent that he is human just "gifted" with the powers of Summer. But of course because it's the Dresden Files game, I would make my second toon a Wizard, hmmmm, maybe a Ramirez-type.

Offline Diesel

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Re: What would u be?
« Reply #132 on: October 29, 2007, 02:59:52 AM »
My first choice would be a young White Council wizard that spends the majority of his time experimenting with new ways to use magic but has to perform favors for other Council members (so he doesn't get busted by the Wardens for no reason) and vanilla humans (so that he can continue to live in relative anonymity). Almost even with it though would be a diluted version of Kincaid filling a similar role to what Harry does.

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Re: What would u be?
« Reply #133 on: October 30, 2007, 07:46:06 PM »
All of the Above! Why settle for one?
Maybe re-create my old favorite Were-Rat...SHINY!
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Offline Torvaldr

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Re: What would u be?
« Reply #134 on: October 31, 2007, 01:52:53 AM »
Were-rat? There rat. Why you talk so funny?  ;)
Hugs are my second favorite thing in the world. The first involves hugging, but is more vigorous.