I agree with the OP, but getting some of the others to agree with will not work. Most of the long time players think the fate rules are good rules.
They do not reflect with any accuracy, what wizards can do in the dresden world, not even close. If you look you can find me posting similar arguments that you have posted. Most of the responses i get are of the kind that will force your characters refresh so high that he becomes unplayable. It is always yes you can do it but add some refresh. Before you know you have a a 15-20 refresh character just so he can do some of the stuff in game that dresden(who i think is a lousy wizard) can do. dont even try to do what the merlin can do.(if you recall he tossed up a ward on the fly that held off the entire red court, i think that included the King but cant remember. In any case it was truely impressive.)
The listing of the Merlin in the rulebook is an acknowledged low-balling of him. He's probably easily throwing around 15 shifts at the least for his evocations.
There really isn't anything I can think of that Harry does that the rules don't account for somehow.
Examples include the alphas, non magical people learning to do one spell that harry dresden cant do and you could never do with thaumaturgy or evocation in game in any meaningful way without spending at least 8 refresh to get something good out of it. And yet in all the games i've played in all the books i read in all the movies I watch wizards can almost always shapechange. No with Fate rules.
I don't see how a bunch of other settings are at all relevant for Dresden.
People can fly just by training really hard in DBZ. That doesn't mean it is or should be possible in Dresden.
With this rule you can do some of the stuff carlos did in white knight and still take things down, still have enough umph to keep going when your wounded or out of stress. He nailed crap loads of uber ghouls he finished them off killed them outright in some cases wounded and tired. One uber ghoul would give an in game wizard crap loads of trouble.
That was
after Carlos had a chance to get a look at them, and you forget that Carlos's first attack against them totally failed to stop one.
You seem to be confusing the narrative and the mechanics again. Carlos sending a bunch of rapid-fire blasts at a bunch of ghouls is not him throwing a dozen Weapon:2 spells each. It's him throwing one large zone attack and narrating it as the rapid-fire blasts.
Over all I think the magic mechanics need a complete rewrite for the game. Fate rules are a mistake for the dresden world. Way to limiting, not in what you can do but how often you can do it.
I disagree, and I think you're completely off base here. The fate rules as written are damn near perfect for the kinds of things we see Harry do.
There seriously is maybe one, two fights in the entire series where Harry uses more than three or four spells; and when he does, he outright says he's leaning on outside sources.
In the end as the OP has noticed if you dont like the rules you will be told to play a different game, which in the end I did. Its sad really one of the best urban settings ever created is saddled with the worst rule set I have ever encountered.. We can only hope when the license runs out another group will get a shot at recreating the world and rules.
What's this "we" business? I really do not comprehend your issues with this system. It's a pretty solid emulation of the things Dresden can do, and that he can't do things that wizards do in other settings is irrelevant.
thats the thing, tthere is nothing in the rules that would ever allow that or could. if you tap an outside force its good for maybe 2 shifts of power not near enugh to pull off what he pulled off on his last legs. remember Lara was running on empty too. Now if the GM and players want to invent outcomes then you really dont need rules, jus tsit down with a couple of beers and talk. But that isnt fun cause in the end just doesnt work.there is no limit to what you can invent. Fate is too much 4 drunk guys making up a story and not enough guide lines that allow the fun to happen the way you imagine it should. I want to know how I can pull it off within the rules.
Okay, it seems you have misunderstood what happened in that scene, mechanically.
Harry does not tag the aspect for a 2-shift spell. He tags the aspect and takes two shifts of stress off the spell he's using. Which means he can do a spell that would normally fill up his second stress box -- in Harry's case, with his improved shield bracelet and all, is at the very
least 7 or 8 shifts. An 8 shift spell to, basically, move a bunch of zones really fast. Not a two-shift spell.
Or he tagged the aspect to say, "Okay, Lara rolled an 8 to place the maneuver, so I'm going to tag that and say it's an 8-shift spell."
There are a whole lot of things you can do with Fate that you don't seem to be aware of.