Author Topic: Orlando for the DFPG  (Read 2650 times)

Offline JGray

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Orlando for the DFPG
« on: July 01, 2014, 01:14:03 PM »
I'm setting up my DFRPG campaign and we've decided to use Orlando, FL for the location. My players have deferred to me when it comes to city creation - I'm keeping them in the loop and taking suggestions but I'm doing most of the heavy lifting here. I thought I'd post what I have so far and get ideas/feedback if possible. Thank you.

Orlando, Florida - the City Beautiful

Theme #1: The city's economy is forever entangled with Disney and the other theme parks. This has resulted in rapid expansion of Orlando from a sleepy town to a major city but it has also trapped much of the population in the service industry - low paying jobs serving pushy and often cranky outsiders. Disney and the parks are the biggest part of Orlando's identity as a city and yet it has very little control or input into them and, like every other large chain, the parks run right over local businesses.

Aspect: Addicted to the Dream

  • Jim Obaya, Frustrated Detective - Everytime he comes up against Disney in an investigation he loses.
  • Lady Shade, Modern Day Fagan- Organizes the pickpockets who prey on the tourists.

Theme #2: There are hundreds of lakes in the Orlando area and much of it is swamp land with streams that feed the lakes. Add to that the sudden, localized, flash thunderstorms that pop up almost every day and magic becomes problematic. Long term spells or spells cast over a distance are difficult at best.

Aspect: Magic Always Dies

  • George P. Colby the Third, Spiritualist Wizard - His grandfather founded an island commune of psychics and minor talents in Orlando years ago as a place to research the phenomenon of running water grounding out magic. George inherited the community and the experiments after grandpa died in an explosive lab accident.
  • Kate Cicero, Mistress of Transformation - Kate is a renegade sorceress taking advantage of the large amount of running water in the area. She specializes in transforming people into animals against their will and Orlando is a good place to hide from the Wardens. Scrying magic is hard there. Most of the magic wielding bad guys we see in the books are necromancers or mind manipulators or flat out killers. I thought it would be interesting to see someone who specialized in breaking one of the other laws.
  • Adam, Monster Turned Leader - Adam may be the original Frankenstein's Monster. After decades of wandering he has decided to organize those like him - those who have been created and given life but not born. He searches out and brings golems, intelligent constructs and living statues to Orlando to live together in what he hopes will be peace.

Threat: Tourism in Orlando is at an all time high but so is crime. Wages are stagnant for much of the population while the rich just get richer. The weather's growing hotter and more extreme every year and, despite being inland, the hurricanes are starting to have an impact. Many of Orlando's residents feel like their pushing Sisyphus's boulder uphill and they have to wonder: what's the point of even existing?

Aspect: Summoning the Final Maelstrom

  • Niles the Nihilist, Everybody Wants to End the World - A guy with some magical talent who has learned to tap into the depression and ennui of the city. He's hoping to use that power to summon the mother of all hurricanes to destroy the city. Why? Because he wants to prove nothing actually exists.
  • Mary, Cheerful Ghost... or Maybe Something More? - Seemingly the ghost of a young Victorian girl who haunts the area around Hamburger Mary's eatery. Unlike with many ghosts, seeing Mary makes people smile.

What is the Supernatural Status Quo?
The two largest supernatural factions in Orlando are the Summer Court and the Court of Veils (a small group of dream eating vampires). House Skavis of the White Court nibbles around the edges, unknowingly encouraging the Niles the Nihilist, an idealist who wants to prove reality is a lie by destroying the city. The Red Court hides, building a power base right under everyone's noses (for the purposes of our game the vampire war never happened) and the Winter Cout of the fae is content with causing mischief wherever they can. The White Council's only presence in Orlando is a grumbling lab rat of a wizard while the mysterious Adam makes everyone nervous as he brings more and more of his "people" to the city.

What is the Mundane Status Quo?
The city lives in a co-dependent relationship with Disney. Because of Disney the city has grown tremendously but also because of Disney, Orlando doesn't have the resources it needs to deal with being so large. The wealthy know about the problems in the abstract but because they don't see them directly the problems don't get solved. The city government is making an honest effort to bring in more industry and higher paying jobs but for every hundred of those created there are thousands of low wage service sector positions made. There's growing discontent which translates into both a higher crime rate and a higher suicide rate.


An island commune of roughly 30-40 psychics (some with genuine abilities) founded long ago by a wizard named George P. Colby. He wanted a peaceful place to work on his experiments looking into the phenomenon of how running water grounds magic and found minor talents made excellent lab assistants. The original Colby died in a lab accident but his grandson is carrying on the experiments. Some of the island's residents still assist him but most go out into the city by day to earn a living in Orlando's many fortune telling shops.

Aspect: Real Magic Hiding in Plain Sight

The Face: Moondove, Grandmotherly hippie psychic - An empath and holdover from the 60s, Moondove is mother hen to the rest of the psychics on the island. She also make sure George interrupts his experiments long enough to eat and sleep.

Disney World
The world's most famous theme park and, though the Imagineers (probably) don't know it, the home to Summer power in Orlando. Disney is the perfect home for the Summer fae - magic is everywhere and the park is full of dreamers and, yet, everything is perfectly controlled down to what sorts of birds are in which section of the park.

Aspect: A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes

The Face: Princess, Disney Enamored Summer Rep - The representative of the Summer Court in Orlando is a Sidhe who adores Disney. Each day he dresses up as a different Disney Princess and wanders the park. If you wish to do business you must figure out which Princess he is and find him.

Moon Tree
Located on the grounds of the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex, this tree was grown from a seed that traveled to the moon and back. It has become the home of a group of very odd wee folk.

Aspect: Out of this World

The Face: Zeebork R9, "Alien" Pixie - Leader of a troop of wyld fae who believe themselves to actually BE from the moon. Or at least enjoy pretending that they are.

A theater that specializes in providing entertainment to Orlando's small but growing Indian community. In addition to showing Bollywood movies on the screen, the theater regularly shows live performances on stage.

Aspect: A Touch of India in Florida

The Face: Akshay Patel, Court of Veils Organizer - The most powerful member of the Court of Veils (dream eating vampires) in Orlando, Akshay doesn't so much lead his fellow vampires as he organizes them to make sure they socialize and band together against outside threats. His main focus is the White Court and the occasional Black Court troublemaker. He has no idea the Red Court is growing right under his nose.

Skyhouse(tm) Orlando
A 23 story, self-sustained luxury apartment complex complete with gas pumps in the garage, a restaurant, bodega and hair salon on the first floor and gym and pool on the roof.

Aspect: Upscale Home of Evil

The Face: Biff Holloway, Yuppie Red Court Vampire - The spearhead of the Red Court's efforts to gain more power in Florida. Biff has chosen Skyhouse, Orlando's newest and most exclusive luxury apartment complex as the base of his efforts. He is slowly addicting residents to his saliva and pulling them under his sway. He hopes to use this to prove his worth to the court and gain a noble title and the right to reproduce.

That's all I've written up so far. I'm in the process of creating more. Please let me know what you think. I appreciate any and all feedback. Thanks!
Ray of Sunshine , a Dresden Files RPG Campaign.

Occult Orlando, setting for Ray of Sunshine.

Offline narphoenix

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Re: Orlando for the DFPG
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2014, 01:49:03 PM »
Oh. My. God. This is perfect. Give me your city making talent. Please.

Paranet 2250

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Offline bobjob

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Re: Orlando for the DFPG
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2014, 02:11:19 PM »
This is fairly amazing work. Bravo.

Did you ever take a look at the (N)everglades sneak peek from the upcoming Paranet Papers? It might give you additional ideas for your campaign.
The entire Red Court was taken down by the new Winter Knight? From the lowliest pawn all the way up to the King? *puts on sunglasses* Knight to G7. Check mate.

Shale Buckby

Offline JGray

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Re: Orlando for the DFPG
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2014, 09:03:26 PM »
narphoenix: Thank you for the compliment. You are free to borrow any of this for your own games as desired.

bobjob: Thanks! I have read the (N)everglades sneak peek. It has some interesting bare bones stuff there but most of it (including the most traditional locations of the Fount) are south of Orlando. I'll be including the Everglades, though, in my campaign.

Actually, I've got four more locations (for a total of nine. A complete sheet) to add:

Kush Hookah Lounge
A sleek, very indie hookah lounge. The owner creates the fifty or so tobacco blends himself. They also offer a selection of local microbeers. The lounge is private and you need an actual password to get in. It also happens to be accorded neutral grounds and a popular spot for the younger talents of the area.

Aspect: Hip Accorded Neutral Grounds

The Face: Gary Schwatz, Tobacco Artist - Gary is a clued-in mortal. He has no magic himself but enjoys spending time with those who have the spark and he, quite frankly, likes the elitism that being an invitation only accorded neutral ground location gives him. He's a specialist when it comes to the blending of flavored tobaccos.

The Book Worm
A used bookstore stand located in one of the smaller, dumpier flea markets in the area. There's no occult specialty bookstore (that doesn't order most of its stock from Llewellyn) in Orlando so the Book Worm is the best place to find real lore books in the city.

Aspect: Diamonds in the Rough

The Face: Edwina Spenser, Half-gruff book lover - Edwina loves books (to read and, occasionally, to eat). She does not, however, love being tied down to a long-term lease. Having her little store in a local flea market is the perfect compromise. She gets to find and share rare books and her out of the way location means that only real book lovers come to buy from her.

Orlando Sewers
The tunnels beneath Orlando. Many of them are too small for a normal sized human to travel through. Many open up into natural caverns or underground streams and rivers. They can be the perfect place for monsters to hide during the day. Sewer workers have one of the most dangerous jobs in the city.

Aspect: Here Dwell Monsters

The Face: The Chief, giant mutant gator - The Chief's been down there for as long as anyone can remember. No one is sure if he is a single alligator or a family of them but one thing is for sure. Whether through exposure to chemicals or magic, the Chief's much bigger and much meaner than any normal gator.

The Florida Everglades winds up into Orlando here and there. They are the most famous swampland in the United States and, despite their close proximity to civilization they remained an untamed wilderness full of magic.

Aspect: A Lost World Minutes From Civilization

The Face: Sings to the Heart, Skunk Ape (Person of the Forest) romance novelist - Sings to the Heart might be the only published romance novelist Forest Person in the world. She has a dozen books out now telling the story of beautiful, civilized women finding true love with untamed, raw men. She's not a bestseller but her psuedonym, Sandra Heartsong, has many fans. Sings to the Heart writes her novels longhand and then gives them to a human friend who transcribes them onto a computer and emails them to her publisher.
Ray of Sunshine , a Dresden Files RPG Campaign.

Occult Orlando, setting for Ray of Sunshine.

Offline JGray

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Re: Orlando for the DFPG
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2014, 02:58:00 PM »
I hope no one minds me double posting here. I'm finding that typing up my ideas here not only gives me a great chance for feedback from players more experienced in the system than myself but it helps me turn rough draft ideas into second drafts.

Name: Jim Obaya
]Face Of: Addicted to the Dream
High Concept: Frustrated Cop
Motivation: Protect the city and do the badge proud despite the obstacles.
Relationships: Lady Shade (annoyance), Mister Cadaver (suspect he exists), Akshay Patol (worrisome informant).

Jim will be the face of the mortal authorities early in the game. Because of budget cuts he's a "floating detective" which means he gets assigned to crap cases. Jim believes in the power and honor of the law. He'll have some true faith based on that. He's not clued in but he is beginning to suspect.

Name: Lady Shade
Face Of: Addicted to the Dream
High Concept: Modern Day Fagan
Motivation: Money, power and fun. Not neccesarily in that order.
Relationships: Jim Obaya (sparing partner), Juan Bobo (perplexing annoyance), Mister Kadaver (creepy. Don't piss him off).

Lady Shade (not her real name of course) spent many years working as a cast member at the Disney parks. She discovered her talent for sleight of hand translated equally well to a talent for picking pockets. She never got caught. After "retiring" from Disney she realized the potential that could come from organizing the very large wallet lifting and hotel room burglary trade in Orlando. Five years later, if there's a wallet stolen chances are it was done by one of her people. She's clued in enough to know vampires exist and magic is real.

Name: Juan Bobo
Face Of: Addicted to the Dream
High Concept: Winter Court Fool
Motivation: To be the Rube Goldberg device of the fae.
Relationships: Princess (Yang to his Yin), Lady Shade (so much fun to play with), Sings to the Heart (shares tea).

Perhaps the strongest fae in Orlando, Juan Bobo doesn't seem interested in power or prestige. His patterns seem fairly random but the results never are. Juan Bobo gets a job somewhere and then sets into motion a chain of unlikely events that cause something to go spectacularly wrong (or occasionally, amazingly right). As a waiter, for instance, he might serve one shrimp hidden in a plate of pasta to a man allergic to shrimp. The man might start choking and be attended to by a doctor eating dinner nearby. As a result, the doctor might miss the start of his son's wedding. Because of that the wedding might be delayed. During the delay the bride might realize she doesn't want to get married. The jilted groom might then get drunk, drive, and slam his car into a transformer that blows the power out for a block. And during that black out an enterprising thief might take advantage and break into a jewelry store to steal stuff - including a wizard's focus ring which was in for repair. And because the wizard doesn't have his focus ring the next day a spell fails during a pinch and he isn't able to finish a favor he was doing for the local Summer court rep (and he's also eaten by a troll) and summer loses a little power in Florida. All because Juan Bobo put a single piece of shrimp in a man's pasta. It is unclear if Juan Bobo's name and activities were inspired by the Puerto Rican folk tale or if he is the inspiration for that particular legendary figure.

Name: George P. Colby III
Face Of: Magic Always Dies
High Concept: Research Wizard
Motivation: Finishing his grandfather's work.
Relationships: Moondove (friend and ally), Ashkay Patel (what might have been).

George P. Colby III is the only White Council wizard in Orlando (between the large amount of running water and the tourism they tend to find it distasteful). He is the classic academic and devoted to researching the effects of running water on magic (and any possible way to negate those effects). The experiments were started by his grandfather who died in a lab accident. When he was younger, George had an affair with Ashkay Patel, the leader of the Court of Veils. That tapered off as he got older and now as George rounds on a hundred years old, he occasionally wonders if he made the right decision - should he have put work above love?

Name: Kate Cicero
Face Of: Magic Always Dies
High Concept: Mistress of Transformation
Motivation: Punish men who harm women while hiding from the Council.
Relationships: George P. Colby III (AVOID!), Edwina Spenser (sympathic ally), the Chief (old enemy).

Kate Cicero discovered she had magic at a young age and it was a joyous thing. She invested heavily in the power of the female divine and she obeyed the laws of magic - the Council had no reason to worry about her. Until she got to college and watched the authorities there ignore a serial rapist because it would be bad for the school's image. Since they wouldn't do something about it, Kate did. She turned him into a pig. She's been on the run from the Council since but has refused to give up her calling. When men do bad things to women, Kate uses her magic to turn them into the animals they are. For now she's staying in Orlando because the large amount of running water makes it hard for the Council to find her.

Name: Adam
Face Of: Magic Always Dies
High Concept: Monster Turned Leader
Motivation: Form a society and protect his people.
Relationships: Gary Schwartz (helper), Mary (inspiration)

Adam is THE guy. The original Frankenstein's Monster. After the events chronicled in the book he took to wandering the world and had many adventures. Last year he came to Orlando looking for a purpose to his immortal existence and he became the only person ever to have a conversation with Mary the ghost. She suggested what he sought wasn't purpose but family. Inspired, Adam began looking for others like him - living statues, sentient golems and intelligent constructs - and worked to bring them to Orlando to form a community. He hopes to gain enough power to form a Freehold and become a signatory to the Accords and to buy his people peace. All those lakes and rainstorms makes Orlando the perfect place to hide a small group who are building power.

Name: Niles the Nihlist
Face Of: Summoning the Final Maelstrom
High Concept: Everybody Wants the End the World
Motivation: Destroy everything in order to prove it doesn't really exist.
Relationships: Mister Kadaver (unknown pawn).

Niles is insane. Let's state that outright. He subscribes to a particularly hardcore form of nihilism that postulates that all of reality is a lie. His one true desire in life is to prove that by wiping out a major city thus proving to the world that the city never really existed to begin with. While he's a pretty powerful warlock on his own he doesn't have enough power to take out an entire metropolis. To that end he has been cultivating the growing anger, despair and ennui that festers in Orlando. He hopes if he can stoke the flames high enough the ritual force of thousands wanting the city's destruction will bring it about.

Name: Mary
Face Of: Summoning the Final Maelstrom
High Concept: Cheerful ghost?
Motivation: Make people happy.
Relationships: Everyone (deserves smiles).

Mary is a rather famous ghost in Orlando. Seemingly a young Victorian girl, she can often be seen playing on the street near or peering out from the window of Hamburger Mary's, a burger joint named in her honor. No one knows who she is or where she comes from but no one can deny that he bright, cheerful smiles and waves seem to bring comfort and joy to any who see them.

Name: Mister Kadaver
Face Of: Summoning the Final Maelstrom
High Concept: Suicide Inducing Vampire Assassin
Motivation: Make a comfortable living using his powers as a member of the Skavis family of the White Court.
Relationships: Jim Obaya (a tiny irritation), Akshay Patel (boring), Lady Shade (good for the occasional favor).

Mister Kadaver has no interest in building a power base for the White Court, though he is the most powerful representative of it in Orlando. Rather, he takes pride as a craftsman. He is a professional assassin. Someone pays him to kill a person. That person goes to sleep and then wakes up in a strange maze of rooms, each one a trap designed to eat away at ego and hope. All the while Mister Kadaver, dressed in top hat and tux and corpse-makeup narrates for the poor victim on the old black and white televisions placed in each room. Just like the horror hosts of old. By the end of the night, the victim usually gives into despair and commits suicide rather than face the next room. Mister Kadaver eats well AND gets paid.

Name: Moondove
Face Of: Cassadagia
High Concept: Psychic Hippy Grandma
Motivation: Help the residents of Cassadagia.
Relationships: George P. Colby III (unrequired love), Edwina Spenser (confidant).

Moondove was born in the community of Cassadagia and her family line goes back to the founding. During the 60s she went away to college and got involved in the counter-culture movement. When she returned home she brought with her a whole new consciousness that transformed the island. She's been helping guide the place ever since. These days she serves as unofficial mayor of Cassadagia - everyone's grandma and the person who makes sure people have enough to eat. Moondove continues to pine for the crush of her youth, resident wizard George P. Colby III.

Name: Princess
Face Of: Disney World
High Concept: Disney Loving Summer Court Rep
Motivation: Advance the cause of Summer, all while having fun.
Relationships: Juan Bobo (thorn in her side), Zeebork R9 (occasional pawn).

Princess is a Sidhe and the representative of the Summer Court in Orlando. There is little for Princess to do in Orlando - with the lovely summer temperatures, unbridled vegetation growth and an influx of thousands upon thousands of magic seeking children per year Princess has a fairly easy job. He has come to absolutely adore Disney's Princess line and, each day, he dresses up as a different princess (he is more than pretty enough). Those who wish an audience must figure out which princess he is and find him.

Name: Zeebork R9
Face Of: The Moon Tree
High Concept: "Alien" Pixie
Motivation: Observing these strange humans and occasionally stealing food.
Relationships: Princess (occasional ally).

Zeebork R9 leads a troop of diminuative wild fae who have come to believe that, since their tree was once on the moon THEY must be aliens. They believe they are on Earth to study the strange habits of humanity. They recognize other fae as "fellow aliens" from different planets.

Name: Akshay Patel
Face Of: Dattani
High Concept: Court of Veils Organizer
Motivation: Keep the Court organized and in power.
Relationships: George P. Colby III (old lover), Jim Obaya (pawn), Mister Kadaver (worrisome rival).

Akshay Patel doesn't so much lead the Court of Veils (dream eating vampires) in Orlando as he organizes them. He has superb organization skills, running both his theater and the Court of Veils with the precision of a general or an English butler. In fact, he once was a butler back in the days when India was part of the Empire. Then he was fed on by a Court of Veils vampire and the rest, as they say, is history. Akshay's primary concern these days is in keeping other vampire courts from gaining too much power in Orlando. He believes Mister Kadaver represents a push by the White Court but he doesn't realize the real threat is a hidden Red Court vampire hiding right beneath his nose.

Name: Biff Holloway
Face Of: Skyhouse(tm) Orlando
High Concept: Yuppie Red Court Vampire
Motivation: Carve out his own kingdom and gain power.
Relationships: Akshay Patel (eventual rival), George P. Colby III (eventual target).

How old is Biff? He's young enough to understand the modern world better than many Red Court vampires. He knows, for instance, that segregation is often a matter of choice and that in the United States a disproportionate amount of power is held by white, upper class citizens. To that end he has created an exclusive skyrise apartment complex that is as self-contained as any community can be. Residents can go for weeks without actually leaving. Biff has already enthralled several of them, addicting them to his saliva. He's building a power base and, when he's ready, he plans on controlling this city and gaining a noble title.

Name: Gary Schwartz
Face Of: Kush Hookah Lounge
High Concept: Tobacco Artist
Motivation: To craft a quality product and bask in reflected glory.
Relationships: Many patrons, Adam (helping smuggle in allies).

Gary's a clued-in mortal who happens to create some of the best flavored tobacco blends around. His mail order business supplies many a wizard, vampire, fairy and other appreciative supernatural all over the world. That's earned his hookah lounge Neutral Accorded Ground status. Gary's thrilled to have such exclusive clientelle. If he can't have magic powers himself being the supplier of quality product to people with powers is the next best thing. Recently, Gary has gotten involved with Adam, helping to smuggle other sentient constructs into the country. Gary's great-grandfather was a conductor on the Underground Railround and he feels like this is carrying on a family tradition.

Name: Edwina Spenser
Face Of: The Book Worm
High Concept: Half-Gruff book lover
Motivation: Finding new treasures to read (and eat).
Relationships: Moondove (good friend and customer), Princess (wary but respectful), Kate Cicero (admiration of her cause), Sings to the Heart (fan).

Edwina Spenser's a quiet, unassuming middle-aged woman who runs a book stall in a local flea market. She loves books, both to read and to eat. She keeps a small stock of lore books for those in the know. Edwina is careful to stay out of conflict - the less trouble she finds the less she has to rely on her changeling powers and the more human she stays. Still, Edwina helps out Kate Cicero on the sly. Edwina agrees that if the law isn't going to punish men who prey on women, someone might.

Name: The Chief
Face Of: Orlando Sewers
High Concept: Giant Mutant Gator
Motivation: Eating. Sleeping. Mating.
Relationships: Kate Cicero (old enemy).

The Chief is an urban legend. A giant gator that lives in the sewers big enough to eat a man whole. And the Chief is also very, very real. Once upon a time, the Chief was a man but Kate Cicero decided he needed to be punished. He was one of her early experiments, however, and instead of a snake Kate transformed him into a gator. He's all but forgotten he was once human but once and a while the Chief rises up from the sewers and begins hunting for the warlock who took away his humanity.

Name: Sings to the Heart
Face Of: The Everglades
High Concept: Skunk Ape Romance Novelist
Motivation: Find true love (with sexy results!).

Sings to the Heart is what the locals call a Skunk Ape and most people would call a Bigfoot. In truth, she is a Forest Person and quite gentle. She's also made a name for herself as a romance novelist - using an old friend of her people's to get manuscripts to her publisher. She write as Sandra Heartstrong and makes the bestseller's lists regularly. She has something of a following due to the mystery of her reclusiveness. Sings to the Heart doesn't just write romance. She loves it and longs to find true (and steamy) love. The only problem? Sings to the Heart is attracted to humans and, well, they tend not to be attracted back to big, hairy, bad smelling swamp monsters (there's a reason they are called Skunk Apes).

And that's all 18!
« Last Edit: July 04, 2014, 11:24:37 PM by JGray »
Ray of Sunshine , a Dresden Files RPG Campaign.

Occult Orlando, setting for Ray of Sunshine.

Offline N_Jones

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Re: Orlando for the DFPG
« Reply #5 on: July 23, 2014, 01:37:51 PM »
This is really very cool. I live in Orlando and have toyed with the idea of statting up the city for awhile now. And, ugh, actually playing the DFRPG.

One note, in case you are interested: there is an occult bookstore here. Well, sort of; it's a very New Age/Wiccan store, that has a section for books, but is mostly full of charms, incense, rocks and crystals, that kind of stuff. It's called Avalon, located just outside of Orlando proper, surrounded on all sides various Asian stores and restaurants. Perhaps it's where all the local talent go for their spell supplies?

Also,  have you considered including Walt Disney, himself? I can't remember which novel, but Harry mentions in one that he imagines that the Courts probably had some influence on the kinds of stories produced by the company. And Walt is rumored to be frozen in Cinderella's Castle in the Magic Kingdom. Perhaps he still is kicking after all... as a Sidhe Lord, whose still pulls the strings of his company from his throne in the Nevernever.

Those are just thoughts that I toyed around with and might appeal to you. But yours are so fantastic, I might end up using some if I ever do get around to playing this. Unless that's looked down upon, in which case I totally won't.

Offline JGray

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Re: Orlando for the DFPG
« Reply #6 on: July 23, 2014, 04:45:08 PM »
This is really very cool. I live in Orlando and have toyed with the idea of statting up the city for awhile now. And, ugh, actually playing the DFRPG.

Thank you! I haven't been in Orlando since I was a kid (and even then, it was only to visit the parks) so everything is research. I took some liberties (Cassadagia is based on Cassadaga, FL which is not actually in Orlando and the Kennedy Space Center Visitor's thingy is actually some miles east. I moved those both into the city proper for convenience). Other locations, such as the Kush Hookah Lounge, are real locations that I've repurposed for the game.

One note, in case you are interested: there is an occult bookstore here. Well, sort of; it's a very New Age/Wiccan store, that has a section for books, but is mostly full of charms, incense, rocks and crystals, that kind of stuff. It's called Avalon, located just outside of Orlando proper, surrounded on all sides various Asian stores and restaurants. Perhaps it's where all the local talent go for their spell supplies?

Quite possibly! I'll look into that.

Also,  have you considered including Walt Disney, himself? I can't remember which novel, but Harry mentions in one that he imagines that the Courts probably had some influence on the kinds of stories produced by the company. And Walt is rumored to be frozen in Cinderella's Castle in the Magic Kingdom. Perhaps he still is kicking after all... as a Sidhe Lord, whose still pulls the strings of his company from his throne in the Nevernever.

The Summer Courts certainly influenced Disney - both to spread their own view of reality and to build Disney World in a nice, warm, summer heavy place rather than a colder one somewhere up north. Is he still around? That's an interesting question...

Those are just thoughts that I toyed around with and might appeal to you. But yours are so fantastic, I might end up using some if I ever do get around to playing this. Unless that's looked down upon, in which case I totally won't.

By all means, please use whatever you like. If you look in my signature you'll see a link to the wiki where I've got more information, a map of the area, and NPCs fully filled out.
Ray of Sunshine , a Dresden Files RPG Campaign.

Occult Orlando, setting for Ray of Sunshine.