Author Topic: What's happening in your game then?  (Read 5545 times)

Offline DanteC

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What's happening in your game then?
« on: July 10, 2014, 08:53:21 PM »
Just that really.  I'm interested in what characters people are running, how they've done their city, and what plots are being woven, but I'm sure there's a lot of people who are interested as well. 

Offline Exkramental

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Re: What's happening in your game then?
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2014, 11:12:07 PM »
Well, we call our city Eden city, Group is a Wizard, pure humen, focused-biomancer/shifter. and a viking-spirit (working for monarch)  a shifter trapped in his mortal ascendens.

they all live in a old abandoned theater owned by 4 white-courts-virgins, doing artzy theater-stuff, and getting fed that way.

Game kicks of by a  invitation to an auction, to the leading superpower in EDEN; a black court vampire, all that is somebody in Eden gets a invitation, and are treated as guests, there is a rumor of a especially powerfull item being sold.  at the auction  they see the local grey wardens, mafia in the know, lesser magic users, a singel frost giant, ect. all kinds of nastys

The auction kicks of, and varies items are sold. after that, the black-court  enters and  he welcomes them, and thanks them for being guests,  he reviels a old dagger and tell them that its the dagger called athama, silance falls over the audience, he then grap the dagger and start on his super-villain speech. (a huge Block is placed on the zone 40ish shifts), and he laughs as he shouts that they are all fools, and he will collect all the serects of Eden now, (the bad guy always tells hes plan and how he did it ect). He goes on and again clap his hands, and the walls go down and reveall 40 renfield  that are ready to eat all the people there alive, the Blackcourt Master laugh, but then stops when he realise that all the refields throtts has been slit, black-court-master eyes widen in shock as the huge magic-block does down, and mayham insue.

 the pcs get away alive, and the blackcourt vamp die, now that there is a power vacum in Eden, and  factions in the city try to grap power, and Athama is lost and the hunt goes on(would be fun for a PC to touch it and all, not saying here for spoilers), so city is all mayham, with over worked wardens, and only the pcs to turn to.

a Evil organisation Khaoz, is getting a foothold, it's a anti-fea cult, kinda like keep mortals pure. One of there biggest moves was the mass-killing of jews, in the 2nd worldwar. according to Khaoz, kabalistic priesthood, was gaining to much power in eastern europe, from the reports thees kabalists had infuced there blood with fea earth magic, making them strong. now remnents of that priesthood, called orpheus(unformed), are hunting Khaoz.   

1 besides that, red-court is planning to do a move on Eden.
2 Spirits are acting up, and no one knows why,
3 a Powerfull drug is hitting the streets called deity forcing humans into the spiritrealm of dreams, and sometimes taking things back with them, unknowingly.

all kinds of fun,

Places, Oak and stone a old auction house run by frost-giants,
a dojo(safehaven) teahouse, (kinda like mac's)
the mines, are a old part of the city that have turned into bars/nigthclubs and feeding grounds, huge place goes really deep,
and all kinds of cults, shops as fronts.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2014, 11:16:00 PM by Exkramental »

Offline Haru

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Re: What's happening in your game then?
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2014, 11:26:47 PM »
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― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Offline blackstaff67

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Re: What's happening in your game then?
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2014, 04:06:54 AM »
After repelling a Denarian-backed Outsider invasion, the group has discovered that there's one last RCV Duke in play and gunning for the party's home in general and the former True Believer in particular.  Said intrepid heroes include: Siberian were-tiger, Daughter of Artemis (Amazon), Son of Ares (Myrmidon), White Council Librarian/Wizard, True Believer-turned-High Queen (courtesy of Excalibur, I think), an independent Wizard playing with Sponsored Magic that involves both Heaven and Hell, and the new Spring Knight.  No worries.
     WC boy just discovered that he's heir to a mansion on an island a couple miles off Michigan City.  His grandfather built it, he's discovered to be the sole survivor...and his grandfather was an unknown Knight Templar.  Good times ahead.
     The Amazon has discovered that 1) +Ulfbert+ swords satisfy the Catch for ALL Amazons and 2) someone's still making them.  She's not at all happy about that.  There's also a rival Son of Ares in the area looking for revenge against the Amazon for a recent unprovoked ambush.  More good times ahead.
     Spring Knight has about six months let to finagle a way out of a deal he made with Baba Yaga, who is Not A Nice Person.
     Morgan's alive in our game; he's prying around the independent wizard because someone tossing around Hellfire makes Morgan concerned. 
     Outsiders are taking advantage of an upswing in Faith to reveal themselves as false angels, false prophets and the like and otherwise shaking up the region. 
     And the independent wizard and the True Believer/High Queen are starting to become an item--yet another reason for Morgan and the White Council to butt in.
     House Raith and Malvora are executing vendettas against each other and are starting to draw in party members with interests. 
     A shoot-out at the Shedd Aquarium led the party to
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from an Outsider attack.  Reports that other paranormals were nearby to play out their own version of the show "Deadliest Warrior" are vague and contradictory (though the Amazon placed 2nd in the archery finals, being beat out by some crossbow-shooting guy named 'Tell').  Said shoot-out with Outsiders forced the indy to either let the woman he loved die...or wield Hellfire to save her.
     At the moment the party is in NYC competing in some tests run by the Dragon Ferrovax. Interesting times.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2014, 04:08:30 AM by blackstaff67 »
My Purity score: 37.2.  Sad.

Offline Sammael

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Re: What's happening in your game then?
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2014, 10:09:09 AM »

The museum of ethnography has discovered that a number of cultural importance has gone missing. Maria Sjöstrand, a private detective often consulted by the museum for item acquisition, investigation and evaluation, is given a call by the director. She accepts and calls her archeologist friend, and oftentimes strong man Will Dorenius. Together with Simas Kope, Will´s anthropology major Simas Kope does also get dragged along for the ride.

Then as they begin their investigation they run in to The Raven, a fallen nephilim wet-works man, who has often crossed paths with Maria before.

Together they are on the trail of three artifacts just as a branch of the Ordo Templi Orientis has set up shop in town.

Offline Ulfgeir

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Re: What's happening in your game then?
« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2014, 01:55:57 PM »
Our campaign is centered on Boston.

The characters include:
* A Focused Practioner (diviation magic). THat is my character. She later became a full wizard
* A Swedish Werewolf
* An emmissary of Power (The son of Ferrovax)
* A Summer court Changeling (Is a heir to a Summer prince)
* A genie. Very clueless.
* A pure human journalist who works for a local newspaper delaing in supernatural stuff. For those in the know it is news, for others it is make-believe stuff like the National Enquirer.. He got later replaced by another emmissary of Power from CHina (Working for an organization controlled by a Chinese Dragon)
* A pure human activist. She later learned magic (became a full wizard), and found out that she had outsider taint as someone in her ancestry had done the nasty with an outsider...

It started with some strange things happening around Boston Unversity, where we all studied. Firt a few persones where found dead in an old sacrificial tree and we learned that something bad was coming. The ones repsonsible for the ritual killings were a couple of enthralled girls who wanted revenge on the wiccan sorority that they had been members of earlier and then had been expelled after being caught in doing things they should not... Then a coven later put Boston in  freeze as they used some kind of ritual to do bad stuff.

My character found out that her girlfirend was not who she appeared to be. She was a 800 year old wizard who switched bodies a la corpsetaker and had been the mastermind behind the previous events, but had now wanted to get out from underneath the thumb of her evil family due to my character. This ended badly for the mercenaries they sent to get her. We found out that some ancient Faerie Queens had awoken (Which was not good at all), and some of us got hit by the repercussions of previous acts. The activist got herself a stalker in the form of a young seventeen old girl, after the activist had drunk a love-potion put into her drink as a prank by the emmissary of power.

Then a strange ghost appeared on campus and killed members of various fraternities. We ended up meeting Carlos, and the previous mentioned seventeen year old girl who had developed powers of fire magic and was now a warden. Was kind of awkward when I met her and the activist. I had been a friend of both of them, and tried help them in their relationship of sort without knowing that they knew each other. I had know that the activist had been affected by some kind of mind-effecting magic. She had talked about her brief encounter with the girl, that caused her to become a stalker, she had however never given a name nor a description, and netiher had the girl in question, whom I had tried to be emotionally supportive and helpful when she spoke fo her unrequited love for an older girl... We found out that all of us, who had been in the old Wiccan sorority house had been affected by some kind of mind-altering effect. Some more than others (The poor changeling had gotten the brunt of it due to having spent the most time in the house. He had been living there and had brief relationships with most of the girls).

In the next adventure, two different mexican gangs had taken over the city. The changeling's sister disappeared. We thought that she had died and become a black court vampire due to some information we had. A group of young wardens showed up, led by the girl who loved the activist. They were after some kind of coven that had kidnapped a lot of children. Things went bad, and some wardens were killed, and almost all were injured. Some of the coven got away. The Genie had managed in the meantime to get herself married to a troll king, and now he was ill. He had been poisoned by iron needles. We learnt that another group of trolls had been working with a black court vampire trying to take over the territory. I learned from vision that there were some mysterious forces manipulating everything from behind.

Next when me and the former activist were visiting Edinburg for the first time, the White Council base were attacked by lots of black court vampires. The senior council were replaced after a coup, and it was full war on the streets of Bsoton. Not just between the gangs and the FBI, but the campus are was also attacked by lots of black court vampires, as were the grounds that the three old Faerie Queens had. We later helped the Seniour Council regain their power, as we could provide lots of evidence against the coupmakers. My girlfriend's family also had been lot more aggressive in targetting her, and time was running out for us. I helped her vanish by getting her a new body (If anyone else would find out it would be very bad for me)...  And yes, she had originally when she was evil been conspiring with the coupmakers, and the vampire that helped the trolls...

The next adventure dealt with the consequences of the Werewolf and his girlfriend having adopted the child of the former Troll king (he had died). Not the child who looked human had lots of things he needed to find out about.  The Son was apparently a vassal to Mab, but also the liege of the older Faerie queens. Something they weren't that happy with. I was asked by the werewolf and Son to join them as the son was to go and meet Mab.

Next there were lots of Dragon-related business as various dragons started going to war between themselves and that spilled over into our lives. The Emissary of power and the Werewolf was targetted by mercenaries that tried to kill them. We did our best to try to find out what was going on and stopping it.

Here's a link to the webpage we used for the campaign (two adventuers left). The campaign is currently on hold
Link  If you hover on the Stories-part, you will se the different adventures (books). Under each of them are the chronicles. The ones labelled Cassandras Lies, are from my characters pov. That and the Genie in Boston is written in English. The other two is in Swedish. The GM made so we who wrote chronicles got an extra fatepoint.

« Last Edit: July 20, 2015, 12:08:13 PM by Ulfgeir »
I have not lost my mind, it is backed up somewhere on disc...

Offline Leeder

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Re: What's happening in your game then?
« Reply #6 on: July 21, 2014, 09:05:11 AM »
We play in Vancouver, in the same time as Harry hunted werewolves and started the Vampire War.

The group:
 - Maory "Mana-eater", major talent with Mimic Abilities at 4. Former headhunter from States, now jobless biker.
 - RCMP sergeant, ex-MI6 assasin. Pure mortal with decent spy skills and martial arts.
 - Homeruled lycanthropesse-student with Superb Might. Living empodyment for Unstoppable Force, as we call her.
 - Homeless wizard, who hate the White Council for killing his loved one as a warlock.

In our first arc the characters confronted several threats at one time. Mad scientist had threatened a Science Convention and bombed it out with hundreds of victims. White Court sold out the lycanthropesse to its guest from Bolivia - obviously Red Court's Duke. A maniac escaped Seattle and started to kill, maim and fry his victims in the south districts of Vancouver. A building company (secretly owned by a local Summer Court Lady) tries to demolish a great scrapyard, where the PC-wizard guards the weak Barrier between our world and the Nevernever. Lycanthrope criminal band acquired a new leader, who agressively began to eliminate the murderers of his predecessor (the PC's, of cource). The local White Council Warden was found dead. And at the top of that mysterious and horrifying Jade Court of Vampires began to devour and embrace the wizards and minor talents of the city.

The party successfully got back its lycanthropesse, and the Red Court Duke sailed home with an oath of vengeance. The maniac turned out as a mortal vampire hunter and died, assisting in that rescue mission. The lycanthropesse negotiated a contract with the new leader of the lycanthropes and earned their help in battle with JVCs, but they failed in planning and preparations, and the vampires killed many minor talents before. Finally, in an epic carnage JCVs (at least, the weakest of them) were torn apart to final death, but the eldest JCVs retreated somewhere. One of them chased the PC-wizard, and the wizard was saved by the local Summer Court Lady, who traded his security for his scrapyard. The mad scientist escaped too. The first arc had ended.

Year have passed, and we have started the second arc. It haven't ended yet, so I would not describe it's plots, but I can assure you that the last year's adventures are a picnic in comparison with the present problems. The main forces now are the Triads (led by a group of supernatural criminals), the Fairy and the Ultra Mega Heavy Rain with the Super Epic Thunderstorm.

Offline CrimsonJoker

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Re: What's happening in your game then?
« Reply #7 on: July 21, 2014, 11:40:45 AM »
Lexington Kentucky, in the middle of the war (around Dead Beat).

The group consists of a nerdy Wizard, a Knight Of The Cross who is bad at the second part, a werebear, and a a WCV who was switched at birth and you had BETTER BELIEVE I plan on compelling to shit.

We haven't gotten our first arc really going yet but I've set up the groundwork for it. They haven't yet met the Red Court Mafia Boss but they HAVE met the WC. The Wizard, who is a PI, gets hired out every so often by KY's Special Investigations goddess Cassandra "The Black Dog" Black. Recently one of their friends got his ass fried by lightning and eaten by wereanimals, but they dealt with that. Now they have to deal with a sniper that puts the DC Sniper to shame after killing a demon that very much resembles a heavily watered down version of The Operator.

Offline Jabberwocky

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Re: What's happening in your game then?
« Reply #8 on: July 21, 2014, 01:48:13 PM »
Prague, Czechia.

The game is not time-specified according to the books as I have made a lot of changes. There may be no Harry Dresden at all...
The PCs:
Minor Wizard
True Believer Nun
We started with Neutral Grounds and than moved on with a local internal RC conflict.

The PCs are currently working for a villainess (I redesigned Bianca for my needs) and will only gradually discover her true face. More bad things are on the way. On the other hand Bianca and her entourage are certainly not the biggest problem Prague and the PCs with it will have to deal with: this is going to be very interesting.

As a whole the most powerful faction is the Summer Court and the Summer fey are going to be the antagonists further in the campaign. The basic idea is that the spires and towers of Prague form a specific magical pattern that allows chronomancy and time travel. And the Summer fey know that.

Currently I am preparing yet another villain but am still unsure how to put him into the story. He and his scourge are based on a West-Bohemian folk tale of a group suicide of a whole noble family at the beginning of the Thirty Years' War. And people are giving me some angelic-diabolic ideas in a neighbouring thread :-)

More info on some of the factions: Red Court, Black Court, Wizards.
A Hundred Towers? – Our Prague campaign.
Dramatis personae – Cast of characters, both PCs and NPCs.

Offline bobjob

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Re: What's happening in your game then?
« Reply #9 on: July 23, 2014, 05:04:03 AM »
The game started modestly enough: a modern Apache Shaman attempted a blood spell to reawaken The Mother (gaia spirit) and reclaim the native lands of Austin, Tx. Aided by a dark version of a Forest Person (before the introduction of the genoskwa), the spell only partly succeeded in creating a new ley node after the PCs stopped the event in the first adventure. This untapped energy became the focal point of a contest to see who would master it, eventually won by the Seelie Sorceress Kaminari the Stormbringer (the Summer equivalent to the Leanansidhe).

  • A plot that involved Michael Dell selling his soul to the Devil and everybody who ever bought a computer from him being infernally influenced (caveat emptor!)
  • Serena's very birth fulfilling a prophecy that would have her become the mother of the anti-christ (because of her nephilim heritage)
  • The local Moon Towers being enchanted by the jealous fairy wife of one of the Stormbringer's most loyal retainers to turn a particular pack of lycanthrope bikers into loup garou like monsters
  • We had the Jade Court attempting assassinations on the Stormbringer (using a T-1000 like metal/water demon called the Jiaolong
  • The group also helped free Dracula from his latest "death" as an obligation to Josh Caitson's lady and fought a Black Court Vampire/Former White Council Wizard
  • There was also the event where Kaminari went missing and her brother Kamikaze took over her throne. We played a lot more with Chinese/Japanese mythology for that and I turned the Shen into an oriental inspired Fae Court that existed before The Sidhe Wars that saw the destruction of other Fairy Courts (notably Spring and Autumn). Kaminari and Kamikaze turned coat and were allowed asylum in Summer. When Lea was imprisoned by Mab, Kaminari was also imprisoned by Titania (the ley node was her equivalent to the athame). Bloodlines played particularly strong in Shen culture and the Shen Sidhe could only transfer mantles to very specific bloodlines. The players had to locate Kaminari's next vessel before Kamikaze had her killed so he could retain the power.
  • A war with the avatar of the dragon Yin, Shen Lo's mortal enemy

All in all, it was a fun campaign. Sadly, like most things that go on for too long (this campaign went on for 2+ years of weekly play at my dining room table), people's schedules changed and we never could get everybody back together. It lost momentum and I called it to an end.

The Players:
Shen Lo - Han Dynasty Sorcerer/Avatar of the Phoenix Yang and great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather of Ancient Mai
Charlie Cane - Demon-touched Private Eye
Serena Keres - Nephilim
"Lucky" - Homeless Holy Man/Knight of the Cross (wielder of the mysterious Fourth Sword)
Joshua Caitson - Seelie Knight of the Stormbringer/Malk Changeling
The entire Red Court was taken down by the new Winter Knight? From the lowliest pawn all the way up to the King? *puts on sunglasses* Knight to G7. Check mate.

Shale Buckby

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Re: What's happening in your game then?
« Reply #10 on: July 23, 2014, 08:35:56 AM »
  • A plot that involved Michael Dell selling his soul to the Devil and everybody who ever bought a computer from him being infernally influenced (caveat emptor!)

I really really like this!
A Hundred Towers? – Our Prague campaign.
Dramatis personae – Cast of characters, both PCs and NPCs.

Offline bobjob

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Re: What's happening in your game then?
« Reply #11 on: July 23, 2014, 01:39:08 PM »
I really really like this!

It was quite a bit of fun. The actual deal was that he would be given the innovation and ability to build his empire in return for any children he fathered. I wrote it in there that Michael had found out he was completely sterile after some medical procedure and the demon "fixed" that without telling him. There was a clause in the contract that said if Michael didn't turn over his children when the bill came due that any person the empire touched would instead be open to the influence by the Fallen (since they now owned the empire). Always read those User Agreements!

I let the players work through the implications. Most of the US govt ran on Dell computers at the time. Several fortune 500 companies, millions of personal PCs. Not only that, but his computer business had funded hospitals and other charities which could fall under the demon's sway. One of my players worked for one of his charities (in real life) that helped with a Jewish Community Center, so I created a secret group of Kabbalist Wizards funded by Dell that would help combat the demons.

We had a Demon lawyer working for the law firm of Boccanegra and DeGuello (translation: Black Mouth and Slit Throat, my own version of Wolfram and Hart), demonic possession in all kinds of forms (including one massive possession that I'm going to keep secret because I plan to use it in another game on these boards) culminating with some back stabbing and eventually weaseling out of the deal.

All in all, one of my better case files.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2014, 01:42:19 PM by bobjob »
The entire Red Court was taken down by the new Winter Knight? From the lowliest pawn all the way up to the King? *puts on sunglasses* Knight to G7. Check mate.

Shale Buckby

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Re: What's happening in your game then?
« Reply #12 on: July 23, 2014, 01:52:05 PM »
Brilliant, my dear Sir!

A Hundred Towers? – Our Prague campaign.
Dramatis personae – Cast of characters, both PCs and NPCs.

Offline Asleif

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Re: What's happening in your game then?
« Reply #13 on: July 28, 2014, 01:34:22 PM »
The City of Boston
Main Aspect:"Only the Shots of Sarajevo are missing..."

White Council Wizard (Blue Collar Student at Harvard and an oldtimer mechanic, trained and "adopted" by Donald Morgan)
Knight of the Cross (Keeper of an Orphanage - best friends with the Wizard because they grew up in said orphanage)
Winter Knight (Annoyingly british Assassin with enough money and power to make solomon blush...)
Emissary of Power (Chosen by a Shadow Deity of the local native American Indians - stupid rich kid who has no idea what he has gotten himself into)

The Main Conflicts are:
- Italian Mafia vs. Irish Mafia (both secretly backed by supernatural creatures - the italians by Minerva and the Irish maybe by the Denarians)

- The Order of St. Ignatius (radical military protestant inquisition based in Salem) vs. A witches only Sorority (biggest sorority in our Boston) by using things like the Purity Pledge Movement to fight the evil influence of the sexual deviant witches. My Wizards Girlfriend turned out to be a 100+ year old witch...
The big catch here is, that the White Council is not allowed to intervene in Boston for another 66 years due to a contract made with The Order of St. Ignatius a couple of hundred of years back. So my Wizard is all on his own.

- Harvard vs. MIT (Harvard is controlled by the White Court, but a variant that feeds of knowledge and we have no idea yet who is pulling the strings at MIT)

- Irish Druids vs. Indian Shadow Lodge - Really no idea whats going on there. You have to ask the Shadowy kid about that one xD

Then you also have a Task Force of actual non crooked Cops who try to break the almost overpowering hold of the organized crime, the North Irish Forces and lots of other small time players

And above all that we have the Spring Court who has gotten Dominion over Boston from the Summer Court.

The general feeling is one of a bubbling conflict between all major factions and there is an increasing amount of pro-war attitude not unlike the political situation before the WWI.

Last Session we had the Irish Mob fly in troops from the IRA to arm up for going to war against the Italians, eventhough both parties know its somebody else killing their guys they refuse to look weak before their opponents. So we had to prepare everything for a temporary stand-still between the factions while we are looking for the actual killers.
So the next Session will begin the peace talks in the main church of the Knight of the Cross. Because both the italians and the irish are hardcore Catholics...

So a massive Sandbox Setting that could get out of hand easily!

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Re: What's happening in your game then?
« Reply #14 on: July 30, 2014, 12:48:17 AM »
Our group is based in El Paso.

We have been doing a character rotational game, there are three main protagonists and several secondary protagonists (some have not been introduced in the game yet so they are not listed). This allows us to bring in players who cannot play all the time and change the line up. When new characters are introduced, they start at our original starting level. However, characters that are "on the bench" receive two minor milestones automatically. The player then creates a scenario that they were involved in to determine if they get a significant milestone or not. <--Players vote on these (GM is usually using this session to build the next scenario).

El Paso is a major crossroads of the NeverNever, the Wyld Fae love this area because Summer has little presence here (reason currently unknown) and Winter is mainly concerned about the bridge across Rio Grande.

Wizard: Lawbreaker(1st) Ranch hand running from the Wardens. Lives off the grid away, only comes into town for supplies. (GM PC character)
Were-Coyote: He is a Coyote (human smuggler). Uses his abilities to patrol his smuggling routes ensuring they are clear. Hunts down Cartel members for the local authorities.
RCI: Fellowship of St. Giles, thug from New York that was sent by the Fellowship to handle problems
Champion of God: Crusader with a claymore, here to protect the pass. Striving to become a Knight of the Cross. A little slash happy.
True Believer: Vampire hunter, excommunicated from the church. Came to El Paso for one mission.
Focused Practioner: Ectomancer. Hipster College student from Marquette University (Milwaukee is known for hauntings). Hosts a cable show called "World of the Psychic." Generally considered annoying by the rest of group, but they tolerate him because of his abilities and the fact that he always buys them a round.

Main Conflicts:

Red Court Vanguard- Teamed up with local cartel to distribute Three Eye. Laced the drug with saliva and is turning out RC from the local blood center and illegals crossing the border. {Main operation smashed in first campaign, but it is known that they are still in the area}

Winter Court- Not a major power here, but taking advantage of the absence of Summer. They seem to have focused what strength they have to secure the bridge.

Drug Cartels- varied, always fighting over turf. A few are aware of the supernatural powers and get hired out occasionally.

Unknown Syndicate- magic organization that kidnapped our wizard.


There is a massive population of Wyld Fae in the desert surrounding El Paso these days. Disappearances of people in the desert have made the local news. Vanilla mortals no longer venture outside of El Paso for fear of getting taken.