Author Topic: Queen City Conquest Sept. 19-21st  (Read 5081 times)

Offline xakko

  • Posty McPostington
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Queen City Conquest Sept. 19-21st
« on: August 20, 2014, 02:35:50 AM »
I got the sense that there may be other posters in the Western New York area.  Some of us aren't lucky enough to make it to a Comic-Con or GenCon, but they're holding a tabletop gaming convention in Buffalo next month and they're running a Dresden Files game on Saturday.  There's only one slot left, just thought I'd throw it out there if someone wanted to give it a try.

there's a lot of D&D and Pathfinder events, and apparently they aren't doing a daily rate this year, so it would be $30 for the whole weekend.